I have done a lot of color printing "C prints" . I did custom color printing for quite a few years. My 20 inch Colenta was converted from EP-2 to RA-4. The negatives that I was trying to balance in Photoshop, I have printed on RC paper with great results years ago. In C printing a 1-2 unit change is hard to distinguish but my problem negative went from slightly too much magenta to too much green in a slight increment. Usually there is a neutral value between them as in color printing. I was trying to find a universal color pack (combination of filtered light) to yield the best neutral starting point. It seems that the later versions of Lightroom with a filter add on called NLP seems to be the solution. I was wondering if my steps of operation in Photoshop may be improved. A 3 unit change in C printing is "very slight" where as on my negatives it is considerable. The 115c+60m was determined from a lot of back and forth testing.
It works quite well with most negatives. I was hoping that someone may have tried a different approach in Photoshop. It seems that a lot of people prefer Lightroom. Why?