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Thread: Use of X-ray film: technical discussion with example images

  1. #1171
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Re: Images shot on X-ray film

    Sergei, you are driving me crazy! That is wonderful even on a computer, WOW!

    and I just learned Novosibirsk is the third largest city in Russia. I learned something today!

    Thanks and keep posting, your data is also appreciated.
    Tin Can

  2. #1172
    Peter De Smidt's Avatar
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    Fond du Lac, WI, USA

    Re: Images shot on X-ray film

    Quote Originally Posted by Randy Moe View Post
    Sergei, you are driving me crazy! That is wonderful even on a computer, WOW!
    I'm with Randy. Sergei, you do outstanding work!
    “You often feel tired, not because you've done too much, but because you've done too little of what sparks a light in you.”
    ― Alexander Den Heijer, Nothing You Don't Already Know

  3. #1173
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: Images shot on X-ray film

    OK, I just ordered Kodak Green Ortho 7x17 100 sheets for $61.29 delivered from Since I am currently shooting 5x7 Ilford DPP, I will cut this down to 5x7 and have plenty to make 7x11 for

    This is getting interesting,

    now back to shooting DPP with studio flash
    Tin Can

  4. #1174

    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Images shot on X-ray film

    Thanks, Peter and Randy.

    I finally pushed myself today to do some of development in my usual rodinal 1+100, for stuff that was shot on different ratings (literally going from iso 5 to 100) , just for the hell of it. Wanted to see if i can use process lens with hand shutter, plus some other ideas. Then got brave enough to try studio shots i did yesterday, rating from usual meter around iso 50-60.

    Lower ones went completely overexposed, no surprise there, even with 3 minutes development (still gave me some weird imagery though. can use it for textures and abstracts overlays with digital), but doing 7.30 with iso 50 in 1+100 turns out to be very very close to what i like to see in skin tones. Didnt even have to wiggle much those bars in vuescan. And right now about to see what print will look like

  5. #1175

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    Re: Images shot on X-ray film

    8x10 kodak xray cgs, gundlach radar, rodinal 1+50, 5 minutes.

    Scan-130330-0001www by Sergei Rodionov, on Flickr

  6. #1176
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: Images shot on X-ray film

    Very nice Sergei. I really like your artistic style, the very dark atmospheric condition is so expressive. Moody! Excellent. I have much to do. X-Ray may be precisely where I want to go.

    Thank you.
    Tin Can

  7. #1177

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    Re: Images shot on X-ray film


  8. #1178
    ghostcount's Avatar
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    Condado de la Naranja, CA

    Re: Images shot on X-ray film

    Quote Originally Posted by SergeiR View Post
    8x10 kodak xray cgs, gundlach radar, rodinal 1+50, 5 minutes.

    Scan-130330-0001www by Sergei Rodionov, on Flickr
    Two light setup? One above and one to the right? Strobes?

    Wonderful light/shadow comp and control.
    "Sex is like maths, add the bed, subtract the clothes, divide the whoo hoo and hope you don't multiply." - Leather jacket guy

  9. #1179

    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Images shot on X-ray film

    Thanks guys.

    Randy - thats the oddest thing with Xray probably. People find it too contrasty or weak ranged.. But it works for my light/preferences in studio shooting just fine. I can get about any digital on market - from 35mm to dMF cry like a baby, with noise b/c of way how i light things.. That was another reason why i so wanted to go back to film - its just working (ok, having cameras quitting in middle of shoot did help decision a bit too ). And i know what will happen next.. i will keep looking at Jim's work and then you will post yours too.. and i will start scraping for 14x17 back like maniac

    ghostcount - single light. But angles very carefully to desired poi Since i got my modeling lights working properly and track setup - my shooting pace increased dramatically and i also no longer have need for polaroid/digichimping tests, which is brilliant

  10. #1180
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: Images shot on X-ray film

    Well, it will take me a while to get up to speed. I have been doing half digital, half wet, but my D800 so pissed me off I sold it at a huge loss. I want images, not electronic marvels that don't work. Too expensive playing digital one up-man-ship games that is just getting worse. Now we need 4K video cameras and next week 8K video.

    I like your 'look'. To print like that with my Canon Pro 1 printer, I need a lot of black ink. I hope to finish my darkroom and move to all wet.

    My shooting studio is small, but I have strobes and led's on wall booms. I'm kinda old and beat up to compete, but I will give it a try.

    Big cameras here we come, since big film IS available and affordable.

    Thanks for all the inspiration!

    Quote Originally Posted by SergeiR View Post
    Thanks guys.

    Randy - thats the oddest thing with Xray probably. People find it too contrasty or weak ranged.. But it works for my light/preferences in studio shooting just fine. I can get about any digital on market - from 35mm to dMF cry like a baby, with noise b/c of way how i light things.. That was another reason why i so wanted to go back to film - its just working (ok, having cameras quitting in middle of shoot did help decision a bit too ). And i know what will happen next.. i will keep looking at Jim's work and then you will post yours too.. and i will start scraping for 14x17 back like maniac

    ghostcount - single light. But angles very carefully to desired poi Since i got my modeling lights working properly and track setup - my shooting pace increased dramatically and i also no longer have need for polaroid/digichimping tests, which is brilliant
    Tin Can

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