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Thread: New product tease: Smartflex 4x5

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    New product tease: Smartflex 4x5

    A modern Graflex clone? I don't know anything about this project or the individual responsible for it beyond what is presented on the website:

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    West Coast

    Re: New product tease: Smartflex 4x5

    If the camera is to be measured by their confidence alone, it must be a remarkable camera indeed. But it seems they can't decide what their "Smartnon" lens is - is it an f2.0 or f2.5? They state both values on the lens page.

  3. #3
    Corran's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    North GA Mountains

    Re: New product tease: Smartflex 4x5

    I've been watching their Instagram:

    They've got a lot of different ideas they are putting into this camera, such as a way to use it as a 4x5 film projector (weird, but okay!). Paul, they've apparently just "upgraded" their design to hit f/2.

    A Kickstarter is apparently in the works. Depending on price, I may be interested. I just got an RB Series D and I like the 190mm Ektar - I'm curious what the weight will be on the Smartflex with that huge f/2 lens. 3 stops faster than the Ektar, gotta be a lot of glass!

    Results look impressive IMO:

    Except they seem to have some light leaks on many of the photos at the bottom. I would hope this is due to early design samples.
    Bryan | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | Portfolio
    All comments and thoughtful critique welcome

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Re: New product tease: Smartflex 4x5

    Thanks, Bryan. They really should come up with a different name for that lens, though: "Smart? Non..."

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    Re: New product tease: Smartflex 4x5

    what a great looking modern GSLR... I remember Ron Wisner was selling a SLR but it didn't have the integrated roller blind shutter, it's shutter was on the lens like a regular 4x5 ..
    if I didn't already have a GSLR and a beater to harvest parts off of ... , this looks like the perfect modern camera, there's nothing like using a graflex slr ! easy peasy ... their 8x10 looks amazing ( on their IG feed ) .. hope it's affordable !

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