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Thread: Looking for feedback on my new darkroom build.

  1. #21

    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Iowa City, Iowa

    Re: Looking for feedback on my new darkroom build.

    Ventilation and humidity control is extremely important. I have AC and a dehumidifier in my darkroom. After a session I squeegee the sinks to try and get as much of the water to go down the drain. This helps to reduce humidity in the darkroom, I then crank up the dehumidifier over night to wring out the air.

    If it's convenient put print drying setup outside of the darkroom (that much less humidity) . Don't overdue the vent exhaust, you need makeup air to equal exhaust.

    You have a great start! Keep us posted! Best Regards Mike

  2. #22
    wclark5179's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Minnetonka, Minnesota

    Re: Looking for feedback on my new darkroom build.

    Just a thought,

    Any way you could move the entrance/exit door where the white board is located?

    Then you could have more room for counter and cabinets.

    Nice job.

    Thanks for showing us your plans.

  3. #23

    Join Date
    Dec 2022

    Re: Looking for feedback on my new darkroom build.

    How big is the room? That's a lot of walking from Enlarger to sink. I wouldn't work (myself) without an exhaust fan and a filtered intake across the room (I use 500 cfm in my 12x15 darkroom) I use a sheet of plexiglas sy wash off fixed prints before hypoclear and use that same sheet to squeeze after washing. My drying screen folds down from the wall and is 4x8 feet. If you mix chemicals a special area for that would be nice. safellite and white lite switches on both walls. I use a flat sink for trays and a deep sink for my s=washer and for developing film. A place to HANG dry film is important too. I put my darkroom build on my YouTube channel. Look through the videos.

  4. #24

    Join Date
    Dec 2022

    Re: Looking for feedback on my new darkroom build.

    My darkroom is around 2mx2,5m. A dry side and a wet side. I do not go above 16x20in prints. In my opinion an exhaust fan is a must. Both in order to control the air quality and humidity. At least in my setup it is easier to move air out by a fan (passive air intake) than vise versa. On you drawing it seems like you have a safe light strip covering 3 walls. After performing a safe light test with the paper I use (Foma and Ilford) I had to reduce the amount of safe lights form 3 to 2 lamps (using Fotoimpex LED bulbs).
    Happy building

  5. #25

    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Tacoma, WA

    Re: Looking for feedback on my new darkroom build.

    Think about where you want to put the switches for white lights and safe lights. Where will you be and what will you be doing when you want to use them?

    Chemistry storage?

    Paper storage. My favorite is three or four drawers, in a vertical alignment, where you pull out the drawer and lift a lid to reach the paper. Quick, easy, simple and light-tight.

    Also, maybe indicators OUTSIDE the door to tell people which lights are on inside, if any.

  6. #26
    New Orleans, LA
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Re: Looking for feedback on my new darkroom build.

    You may want to think about switching the wet and dry sides. Putting the wet side on the longest wall and building a sink to fit the entire length would provide ample room to do any and all sizes of prints, processing, toning, etc. The dry side really only needs to have room for the enlarger, a paper safe and a little counter space and all that could easily fit on the wall with the door. All of the darkrooms i've ever worked in did not have adequate ventilation. The current one does and it is a welcome addition.

  7. #27
    M.A. Wikstrom
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: Looking for feedback on my new darkroom build.

    Just finished renovating my darkroom. Now to put it to use!
    pano by Marco Wikstrom, on Flickr
    dry by Marco Wikstrom, on Flickrenlargers by Marco Wikstrom, on Flickrshelf by Marco Wikstrom, on Flickrsink by Marco Wikstrom, on Vent2 by Marco Wikstrom, on Flickr

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