Quote Originally Posted by r.e. View Post
Sounds like you're talking about using a camera in video mode to capture a large format shutter opening and closing. In theory, it's an interesting idea. As a practical matter, I don't think that there are a lot of hybrid cameras that record at more than 240 frames per second. At a Copal 0 shutter speed of 1/500 of a second (although in practice it won't be that fast), you're talking about the shutter opening and closing in 0.48 of a frame. On a DSLR, you'd need a close-up lens, but the more recent iPhones, and probably some others, will record at 240fps.

For practical purposes, I think that an audio recording, with the waveform displayed on a full computer screen, works fine.
Yeah . . .the frame rate would have to be around 1,000 fps or higher. Higher frame rates would give better temporal resolution.

I am not sure that a close up lens is necessary. An in focus image is not required I think. DSLARs don't go much above 240fps? I actually have no idea. Maybe it is a technique that could be used to check slower shutter speeds.