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Thread: Problem with New Fujinon W 135mm f5.6

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Problem with New Fujinon W 135mm f5.6

    Beauty rating like "mint", "Excellent", "Ugly" and such often do not describe the functional condition of a Foto item unless the seller states then backs up their claim with a warranty or right of return, or why making a purchase on beauty ratings is not wise. Beyond stocky B_T, unless the shutter speeds have been accurately tested, they could be a problem waiting to spring a surprise.

    This is a sticky shutter, it will need to be cleaned-serviced-adjusted-calibrated.

    Given how common these Fujinon lenses remain, seriously consider returning it for defective shutter. Find another in proven good condition with assurance-warranty from the seller. Then move on.

    Sticky-iffy shutters are going to be a problem when least expected as the iffy shutter can ruin your entire photo creating endeavor. Consider the following:

    ~Purchase sheet film.
    ~Load sheet film into film holders.
    ~Get all that Foto gear ready to make images. This could be around the house to a long journey out to _ .
    ~Set up, then make exposures and such.
    ~Pack up, put the Foto stuff away.
    ~Process the film.

    ... only to discover all the above is down the sewer due to the shutter-mal-function....

    What all that worth your time, resources, effort and lost opportunity for images? If one is just beginning the LF view camera journey what happened above will be discouraging and draining in surprising ways.

    Much about the Much bigger picture.

    Quote Originally Posted by brahntril View Post
    So I recently got a "Near Mint" Fujinon W 135mm off of the auction site for my first foray into large format. Then an issue came up while I was testing the lens; the shutter seems to treat the 'B' and 'T' settings as the same, once I cock the shutter after setting it the only way to close the shutter is to move the shutter speed ring. After that happens, all the slow speeds go out of whack and I have to fire the lens at 1/30th or 1/60th to get those speeds to act normally.

    I know I can just return the lens and get another version of the same lens, but I wanted to know if this is a regular problem or if I did anything wrong.

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Re: Problem with New Fujinon W 135mm f5.6

    Quote Originally Posted by brahntril View Post
    When I do that, the bulb setting works once and then goes back to sticking when I try it again. It might be an issue of exercising the shutter like other people are saying.
    Yes, try exercising both the shutter and the viewing lever to see if bulb starts working more consistently. It definitely seems like a light sticking issue.

    If the exercising doesn't cure it, then I'd personally use a little lighter fluid to see if that will clear things up. To do that, remove both the front and rear lens groups, so that you don't risk getting anything on the lenses. Once the lens groups are removed, put a few drops of lighter fluid into the gap where the shutter release lever works. Exercise the shutter and the viewing lever to see if it frees things up enough to get bulb working consistently.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Pine Junction, CO

    Re: Problem with New Fujinon W 135mm f5.6

    Quote Originally Posted by sharktooth View Post
    Yes, try exercising both the shutter and the viewing lever to see if bulb starts working more consistently. It definitely seems like a light sticking issue.

    If the exercising doesn't cure it, then I'd personally use a little lighter fluid to see if that will clear things up. To do that, remove both the front and rear lens groups, so that you don't risk getting anything on the lenses. Once the lens groups are removed, put a few drops of lighter fluid into the gap where the shutter release lever works. Exercise the shutter and the viewing lever to see if it frees things up enough to get bulb working consistently.
    I’ve done this several times with gummy shutters and it frequently works. The main caution is to remove the glass before squirting lighter fluid into the shutter.
    Keith Pitman

  4. #14

    Re: Problem with New Fujinon W 135mm f5.6

    Quote Originally Posted by sharktooth View Post
    Yes, try exercising both the shutter and the viewing lever to see if bulb starts working more consistently. It definitely seems like a light sticking issue.

    If the exercising doesn't cure it, then I'd personally use a little lighter fluid to see if that will clear things up. To do that, remove both the front and rear lens groups, so that you don't risk getting anything on the lenses. Once the lens groups are removed, put a few drops of lighter fluid into the gap where the shutter release lever works. Exercise the shutter and the viewing lever to see if it frees things up enough to get bulb working consistently.
    After doing this for like 10 minutes, it seems like the Bulb setting has stopped sticking. Not to look a gifthorse in the mouth, I'm still going to try and have it sent off for a CLA but it's not a lost cause after all.

    The trials and tribulations of large format, I guess.

  5. #15
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Problem with New Fujinon W 135mm f5.6

    It could be the cable release itself getting stuck due to a kink or tight lock. Have you tried it with a different cable release, or not at all?

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