View Full Version : 12 to 14 Photographers Wanted For "Folio Exchange."

Jim Becia
2-Mar-2011, 11:35
First of all, this is not meant to take anything away from the print exchange. I am participating in the exchange.

What I would like to do is to get 12 to 14 photographers to participate in a variation of the print exchange. I would like to put together 13 to 15 folios depending on the number of participants. Each participant would receive a completed folio. I would "donate" the folios and put them together. It would require that all photographs be on 11x14 or 8x10 paper. We would have to determine the paper size before moving forward. I personally like the 11x14 size, but I am certainly open to hearing from those who would be interested in participating. In addition to the photos, I would like a bit of info on the photo and I would incorporate that into the folio also. I would set up a "title" page along with the added info. I'll put everything together and mail them out in a completed folio once they are completed. All I ask is payment for shipping. (I'm guessing this might be about $10 to $12.)

So, anyone out there willing to do this with me? Thought this might be a nice way to have a group of work in a nice finished presentation. Hope to get some interest.
Jim Becia

Richard M. Coda
2-Mar-2011, 11:40
Folio, meaning what? Inkjets (a la LensWork)? Silver prints are hard to keep that flat.

If it's inkjets, I'm interested. Any theme? BW? Color? Both?

Jim Noel
2-Mar-2011, 11:49
If ink splatter prints are included, forget it as far as I am concerned.

Jim Becia
2-Mar-2011, 11:55

You raise some good questions and I'm trying to get some ideas how to do this. If we go with 11x14 size, I guess it would make sense it they were from a digital output. That's how I print, but I don't want to leave the analog group out of this should they want to participate. These are the Lenswork style folios that I produced and I would put them together. As for color or black and white, I would like to hear from others what they would be interested in doing. I do mostly color work, but also do some black and white inkjet printing. If I hear that most want to do color, we'll go with color, or maybe we pick a theme like landscape for the first one and then they could be color or black and white. I am open to suggestions at this time. Thanks. Jim

Jim Becia
2-Mar-2011, 11:56
If ink splatter prints are included, forget it as far as I am concerned.


Not a problem. No one it twisting anyone's arm. Jim

Brian C. Miller
2-Mar-2011, 17:34
Instead of worrying about paper curling, why not print on RC? These folios are for fun, right? And why stick with a theme?

I'm all for using one paper size. I'll just center the 8x10 contact print in the middle. :)

Richard M. Coda
2-Mar-2011, 17:56
I would print inkjet over RC any day of the week. RC is NOT archival.

Brian C. Miller
2-Mar-2011, 18:34
From the back of my Epson paper:

Since all dyes, pigments and papers chage over time, Epson does not warrant this product against color changes and fading.

So: is this for fun?

Richard M. Coda
2-Mar-2011, 19:00
I understand that no process is as archival as carbon (substrate-dependent), and platinum and silver are pretty darned near archival (again, substrate-dependent), but RC paper was meant for proofs and I have never seen an RC print that lasted more than a few years "in storage". Besides, I don't like the super glossy surface on BW prints. I don't recall ANY galleries showing, or museums collecting RC prints.

Andrew O'Neill
2-Mar-2011, 20:33
Ink splatter??

Kirk Gittings
2-Mar-2011, 21:01
don't recall ANY galleries showing, or museums collecting RC prints.

Photo myths. It is a total myth that galleries and museums only show and collect archival art. Look at Gursky's C prints. How do you explain that? Or Heinecken's Xeroxs. What contemporary photographer has been shown and collected more by museums and serious contemporary galleries than Gursky (http://www.theartnewspaper.com/articles/C-prints-fade-into-the-light/20892).

Its like the issue about dry mounting. People on this forum have stated that museums won't buy a dry mounted print. Yet, with over 200 prints in museum collections, I have never even been asked about dry mounting and 99% of all my sales to museums have been dry mounted.

Oren Grad
2-Mar-2011, 21:53
I have never seen an RC print that lasted more than a few years "in storage".

How many is "a few"? Within reach of where I'm sitting here at my computer I've got plenty of RC prints in good condition, in boxes and albums, going back to 1993. If I get up and dig a little deeper elsewhere around the house, I can go back at least another ten years before that.

Besides, I don't like the super glossy surface on BW prints. I don't recall ANY galleries showing, or museums collecting RC prints.

I've seen B&W RC in gallery shows. Pearl surface, too. ;)

Merg Ross
2-Mar-2011, 22:06
Its like the issue about dry mounting. People on this forum have stated that museums won't buy a dry mounted print. Yet, with over 200 prints, in museum collections, I have never even been asked about dry mounting and 99% of all my sales to museums have been dry mounted.

Nor have I. The issue of dry mounting prints is interesting. Edward Weston dry mounted his Pepper #30 prints, on acid board; they are valued close to $1,000,000 today. I think the whole concept of "archival" needs to be revisited.

K. Praslowicz
2-Mar-2011, 23:05
but RC paper was meant for proofs and I have never seen an RC print that lasted more than a few years "in storage".

I have plenty of RC prints proofs from ~ten years ago in storage which still look fine.

Darren Kruger
3-Mar-2011, 00:32
So, anyone out there willing to do this with me? Thought this might be a nice way to have a group of work in a nice finished presentation. Hope to get some interest.

I am interested in participating in this.


Jim Becia
3-Mar-2011, 06:10
Hey Guys,

I don't want to see this derailed into a debate. I'm trying to put together something along the lines of a print exchange, only everything will be put into one of the folios and then sent back to the participants. Of course this if for fun, but I would like to do it right so that we have a nicely finished folio of the group of photographs.

I'm offering to supply the folio covers and put everything together and then ship back to the participants. You supply your group of prints. And you pay for return shipping and I do the rest.

So, with all that being said. The size of the folio will be the 11x14 size. I don't care if the image is inkjet or any other photo other than the finished size has to be 11x14. I would like it to be a landscape theme. How's that?

If you would like to participate, please chime in here or email me at jimbecia at aol.com, but please don't let this get off track.

Richard A Johnson
3-Mar-2011, 07:35
Hi Jim, I am interested, but I have a question.How many prints do you want from each of us? my folios are theme projects with up to 12 images. do you want 1,2,3,or more from each of us? i'm not sure of how to proceed.

Richard Johnson

Jim Becia
3-Mar-2011, 07:46
Hi Jim, I am interested, but I have a question.How many prints do you want from each of us? my folios are theme projects with up to 12 images. do you want 1,2,3,or more from each of us? i'm not sure of how to proceed.

Richard Johnson


This is very much like a print exchange. I was hoping for a minimum of 12 photographers and I am one of the 12. Let's keep it at the number. So every photographer would send in 12 photos. I put together the 12 folios of 12 different images and then send one folio back to each photographer. I hope that clarifies the issue. Thanks. Jim

Thad Gerheim
3-Mar-2011, 08:43
Jim, thanks for doing this. You can count me in. I like landscapes! Color or black & white?

Jim Becia
3-Mar-2011, 09:24
Images can be either color or black and white. Makes no difference to me. Jim

Jim Becia
3-Mar-2011, 09:31
OK, here is the start of the list:

1. Jim Becia
2. Richard Coda
3. Darren Kruger
4. Thad Gerheim
5. Richard A Johnson

Looking for 12 photographers total. Thanks.

Ron McElroy
3-Mar-2011, 11:42
This sound interesting Jim. I would like to participate.

Erik Larsen
3-Mar-2011, 11:43
Hi Jim,

Does it matter if it is fiber paper? I would love to join in if I can send fiber silver gelatin prints? I do not really know what the folios you have are like and if they can accommodate fiber prints with their inherit curl. The curl can be somewhat solved with putting them in a dry mount press, but loose mine always have a little bow in them. Is it a problem?

Jim Becia
3-Mar-2011, 12:07
Hi Jim,

Does it matter if it is fiber paper? I would love to join in if I can send fiber silver gelatin prints? I do not really know what the folios you have are like and if they can accommodate fiber prints with their inherit curl. The curl can be somewhat solved with putting them in a dry mount press, but loose mine always have a little bow in them. Is it a problem?


I'm willing to go with fiber based prints as long as the paper is 11x14. I'm sure it will not hurt anything is there is a slight bow. Please let me know if you want to do it. Thanks. Jim

Jim Becia
3-Mar-2011, 12:10
Ok, updated list:

1. Jim Becia
2. Darren Kruger
3. Thad Gerheim
4. Richard A Johnson
5. Ron McElroy

Erik Larsen
3-Mar-2011, 12:30
Great jim, count me in then!

D. Bryant
3-Mar-2011, 12:38
Hi Jim,

Don Bryant is raising his hand, however he requests a short simple list of the requirementss for each participant. :)

Most likely my offering will be ink jet but would a 4x5,5x7, or 8x10 alternative process contact print on a larger piece of paper be acceptable?

If I understand correctly I would produce 12 prints and receive back one of my own with 11 others in a folio.

Best regards,

Don Bryant

3-Mar-2011, 13:00
Do you send in a 12 print portfolio and recieve someone elses 12 print portfolio. If so, it is completely pointless sending them to you first. Why dont you just exchange them directly with whoever you want.

Jim Becia
3-Mar-2011, 14:16
Hi Jim,

Don Bryant is raising his hand, however he requests a short simple list of the requirementss for each participant. :)

Most likely my offering will be ink jet but would a 4x5,5x7, or 8x10 alternative process contact print on a larger piece of paper be acceptable?

If I understand correctly I would produce 12 prints and receive back one of my own with 11 others in a folio.

Best regards,

Don Bryant


As long as your print is on 11x14, you can send an inkjet or anything else. I just request that final paper size be 11x14. It can be an alternative process, not a problem. And yes, you would produce 12 prints and would receive one back in the folio. The folios will consist of 12 total images of which one is yours. I just figure it easier for me to put them all together. I will also be including some type of information page with all the titles, photographer's names, info about the photo, etc. I want this to be fun, but I am also going to make it look as classy as I can.

Basically, I need 12 prints from each participant. The final size of the paper has to be 11x14. While not a requirement, it would be nice if the image has a title or at least the photographer's name on it so that when I put them all together and print out a info sheet that it is easy for the info to match up with the photo. (Hope that makes sense.)

The only other requirement is that you ship the pieces to me. I'm guessing postage will be around $10, but I can wait and "bill" the postage amount. Hope this clarifies everything. Jim

Jim Becia
3-Mar-2011, 14:20
Do you send in a 12 print portfolio and recieve someone elses 12 print portfolio. If so, it is completely pointless sending them to you first. Why dont you just exchange them directly with whoever you want.


You would be sending 12 of the same image to me and then you would receive a folio of 12 images of which one photo in the set is yours. I will put the pieces together in the 11x14 inch folios that I had produced. (If you are not familiar with this, search "Lenswork style folios." I think that will explain the folio. Jim

Jim Becia
3-Mar-2011, 14:22
Ok, updated list:

1. Jim Becia
2. Darren Kruger
3. Thad Gerheim
4. Richard A Johnson
5. Ron McElroy
6. Erik Larsen

We are half way there. Jim

D. Bryant
3-Mar-2011, 18:43
Okay put me down I can't resist the temptation.

Don Bryant

Scott Walker
3-Mar-2011, 19:17
If you are good with fiber based paper count me in

3-Mar-2011, 22:49
If you are good with fiber based paper count me in

Is there a deadline on this?

Steve Gledhill
4-Mar-2011, 02:07
Hello again Jim. I'm in if there's space and you're ok with a transatlantic shipment.

4-Mar-2011, 02:22
I'm in, is any kind of subject matter ok? Should it be vert, or horizontal?

David Silva
Modesto Ca

Jim Becia
4-Mar-2011, 06:44
If you are good with fiber based paper count me in


Not a problem. I've put you down. Jim

Jim Becia
4-Mar-2011, 06:45
Is there a deadline on this?


I haven't set one yet, but once I get 12 participants, I'll try to set some type of time so it gets done in a reasonable amount of time. Jim

Jim Becia
4-Mar-2011, 06:46
Hello again Jim. I'm in if there's space and you're ok with a transatlantic shipment.


More than happy to a transalantic shipment. I've put you down. And thanks. Jim

Jim Becia
4-Mar-2011, 06:49
I'm in, is any kind of subject matter ok? Should it be vert, or horizontal?

David Silva
Modesto Ca


On this project, I've posted that it be some type of landscape which is a pretty broad subject. As to color or b&w, makes no difference. Also makes no difference if it's horizontal or vertical. Jim

Jim Becia
4-Mar-2011, 06:54

Here is an updated list: (Please let me know if I have erred in putting your name down.)

1. Jim Becia
2. Darren Kruger
3. Thad Gerheim
4. Richard A Johnson
5. Ron McElroy
6. Erik Larsen
7. D. Bryant
8. Scott Walker
9. Steve Gledhill
10. David Silva

Two more spaces to fill and we can make this work. Thanks. Jim

Roger Thoms
4-Mar-2011, 07:55
As long as fiber silver gelatin is ok I'd like to participate. As far as paper size just let me know.


Jim Becia
4-Mar-2011, 08:13
As long as fiber silver gelatin is ok I'd like to participate. As far as paper size just let me know.



Finished paper size has to be 11x14 and subject matter for this "folio" is landscape. Thanks for signing on. Jim

Jim Becia
4-Mar-2011, 08:15
Updated list:

1. Jim Becia
2. Darren Kruger
3. Thad Gerheim
4. Richard A Johnson
5. Ron McElroy
6. Erik Larsen
7. D. Bryant
8. Scott Walker
9. Steve Gledhill
10. David Silva
11. Roger (rtbadman)

One last space to fill. Thanks. Jim

MIke Sherck
4-Mar-2011, 12:27
I'm up for it: I'm already living in the darkroom anyway... :)


Jim Becia
4-Mar-2011, 13:30
I'm up for it: I'm already living in the darkroom anyway... :)



Thanks for signing up. That makes 12. I think this is going to be both fun and interesting. Jim

Jim Becia
4-Mar-2011, 13:36
Well, looks like we are set to proceed. I am going to pm everyone with my address, phone number, etc. I will set a tentative date so we don't drag this out. If the date I choose causes any problem, just let me know. I am flexible on this. I know that Steve has to send his work across the pond. I am really looking forward to the finished result. Will contact everyone by this weekend. Thanks. Jim Becia

Updated list:

1. Jim Becia
2. Darren Kruger
3. Thad Gerheim
4. Richard A Johnson
5. Ron McElroy
6. Erik Larsen
7. D. Bryant
8. Scott Walker
9. Steve Gledhill
10. David Silva
11. Roger (rtbadman)
12. Mike Sherck

4-Mar-2011, 20:34
Great idea Jim. Sorry I missed out on this one.....I need to check in here more frequently.

I'd like to be on a "waiting list", if anyone needs to drop out for some reason.

Gary Benson

Jim Becia
5-Mar-2011, 07:31
Great idea Jim. Sorry I missed out on this one.....I need to check in here more frequently.

I'd like to be on a "waiting list", if anyone needs to drop out for some reason.

Gary Benson


Thanks, will let you know if an opening happens. Jim

Roger Thoms
5-Mar-2011, 12:13
Jim, got the guidelines, thanks.

What are your recommendations on borders for the 11x14 prints?

Roger Thoms

Scott Walker
5-Mar-2011, 12:53
Jim, got the guidelines, thanks.

What are your recommendations on borders for the 11x14 prints?

Roger Thoms

Good point, that could determine if it is an 8x10 contact print or an enlargement from 4x5 since I still do not have an 8x10 enlarger

5-Mar-2011, 13:13
I would also like to be on the waiting list as well, Noah McLaurine. Thanks

Jim Becia
5-Mar-2011, 13:27
Jim, got the guidelines, thanks.

What are your recommendations on borders for the 11x14 prints?

Roger Thoms

Roger and Scott,

I will only speak for myself here. I plan on an 8x10 image on the 11x14 piece of paper. So if my "higher math" skills are correct, there would be a 1.5 inch margin on the 11 inch side and a 2 inch margin on the 14 inch side. I've attached a sample of how I am approaching this, but it basically shows an 11x14 piece with 8x10 image centered and then in my case, I'll probably add a title.

I want to provide a certain amount of flexibility here. I trust everyone will want to make the best presentation they can. Hope this helps. Jim

Jim Becia
5-Mar-2011, 13:30
I would also like to be on the waiting list as well, Noah McLaurine. Thanks


I have you down on the waiting list. Thanks. Jim

Gary Samson
5-Mar-2011, 14:17
Hi Jim,

Please add me to the waiting list.

Gary Samson

Jim Becia
5-Mar-2011, 15:14

You have been added. Thanks. Jim

Scott Walker
7-Mar-2011, 23:08
Started printing negs from the last trip into the hills for this. Snowpack was about 6 to 15 feet in the areas I was in and the temp ranged between -17 & -25. It's amazing how many things can go wrong in extreme conditions. So far Mother Nature 6, Scott 1 :(
But lots of images left to print

Jim Becia
10-Mar-2011, 06:57
Steve Gledhill emailed with a "info" sheet that he put together. I have asked him to post it here so everyone can see the info he's sending. I hope that I can get something similar from everyone. I think I am most interested in how the shot came together first, technical info secondly. Thanks. Jim

Steve Gledhill
10-Mar-2011, 07:40
This is what I've put together ...

Telephone Box ~ Grwyne Fawr Valley

I’d planned a visit to this lovely area of the Brecon Beacons in South Wales and had arrived well before sunrise. After driving in the area for maybe 30 minutes I passed this phone box which I had seen before but not realised it’s potential. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw the sun would soon be up and had the idea that there might be a picture here. I set the camera tripod on a mound of earth and then realised something special might happen as the sun approached the horizon. I’ve taken many images with the sun in full frame so I knew not to be concerned about flare etc. I exposed for the deepest of the shadows in the woods and moments after the sun breached the horizon and the trees and its rays fell directly on the phone box - but for no more than a minute before moving behind the trees. The early morning frost on the glass windows of the phone box glowed and gave me such a thrill. I shot two sheets of film then it was all over. Images like this can only be captured by those who are dead lucky – or those who spend a long time out with their cameras just looking and waiting. I’m not the former!

Image Details

Location: Brecon Beacons National Park, Wales
Date: 3rd February 2007
Film: 100Tmax Readyload @ ISO 100
Camera: Zone VI 5x4 Field Camera
Lens: 90mm SW Nikkor
Filter: None
Meter: Pentax Spot Meter (Zone VI Modified)
Exposure: 3 seconds @ f32
Development: XTOL @ 1+2 : 9 minutes @ 24°C : continuous agitation
Scanner: Epson V700 using VueScan scanning software at 2400dpi 16bit greyscale TIF
File Editing: Photoshop
Master File Size: 190MB 16 bit Greyscale.
Printer: Epson 4800
Inks: Ultrachrome K3 – PhotoBlack (PK)
Driver Settings: Advanced B&W mode (ABW) with a warm tint : H=6, V=6.
I use my own ICC profile created for the paper and ink combination with my i1 spectrophotometer and Roy Harrington’s QTR Create ICC.
Paper: Ilford Galerie Gold Fibre Silk

Steve Gledhill
Address: ...
Home Tel: ...
Mobile Tel: ...
Website: ...
Email: ...

By the way - this is the picture (http://www.virtuallygrey.co.uk/photo3203134.html).

Jim Becia
11-Mar-2011, 06:28

Thanks for posting your info sheet. Jim

Steve Gledhill
12-Mar-2011, 11:02
I posted mine this morning. Please notify on receipt. Thanks.

Jim Becia
13-Mar-2011, 12:33

Seeing that Steve's work is on it's way, I thought I would start posting a list of the names of those participants whose work I have received. And I thought I'd better get mine completed. So last night I finished off the 12 prints. So here is the start of our list:

1. Jim Becia

Will update as prints arrive. Thanks. Jim

Erik Larsen
13-Mar-2011, 17:26
I would have shipped Monday, but after spending the day making the prints I discovered that the amidol I was using left little black marks all over the front and back of the prints rendering them useless. i was hoping they would wash out in the washer but no joy there either:( I'll get them out this week if possible.

Ron McElroy
13-Mar-2011, 20:13
I finished printing my prints today and barring an unpleasant surprise when they dry I should get them out sometime this week.

A question to anyone else printing fiber prints. Are you going to have a title on the border of the print? I'm not set up to double burn type anymore. I'm considering using a pen to wright on the title on the border.

Jim Becia
14-Mar-2011, 05:41
I finished printing my prints today and barring an unpleasant surprise when they dry I should get them out sometime this week.

A question to anyone else printing fiber prints. Are you going to have a title on the border of the print? I'm not set up to double burn type anymore. I'm considering using a pen to wright on the title on the border.


A quick note on signing with a pen, please make sure it is NOT a ball point type pen. Some type of black pigmented pen would be advisable or even pencil. Also, if you don't want to place a title on the image that is certainly not a problem. It certainly is not mandatory. Feel free to do what makes you comfortable in your presentation. Jim

Scott Walker
14-Mar-2011, 06:52
I am going to start printing this weekend if my paper shows up as it should.

14-Mar-2011, 11:19
If this idea comes around again...
I would be interested in participating. How does one know if their work is worthy?

Erik Larsen
15-Mar-2011, 17:38
This is what I've put together ...

Telephone Box ~ Grwyne Fawr Valley

I’d planned a visit to this lovely area of the Brecon Beacons in South Wales and had arrived well before sunrise. After driving in the area for maybe 30 minutes I passed this phone box which I had seen before but not realised it’s potential. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw the sun would soon be up and had the idea that there might be a picture here. I set the camera tripod on a mound of earth and then realised something special might happen as the sun approached the horizon. I’ve taken many images with the sun in full frame so I knew not to be concerned about flare etc. I exposed for the deepest of the shadows in the woods and moments after the sun breached the horizon and the trees and its rays fell directly on the phone box - but for no more than a minute before moving behind the trees. The early morning frost on the glass windows of the phone box glowed and gave me such a thrill. I shot two sheets of film then it was all over. Images like this can only be captured by those who are dead lucky – or those who spend a long time out with their cameras just looking and waiting. I’m not the former!

Image Details

Location: Brecon Beacons National Park, Wales
Date: 3rd February 2007
Film: 100Tmax Readyload @ ISO 100
Camera: Zone VI 5x4 Field Camera
Lens: 90mm SW Nikkor
Filter: None
Meter: Pentax Spot Meter (Zone VI Modified)
Exposure: 3 seconds @ f32
Development: XTOL @ 1+2 : 9 minutes @ 24°C : continuous agitation
Scanner: Epson V700 using VueScan scanning software at 2400dpi 16bit greyscale TIF
File Editing: Photoshop
Master File Size: 190MB 16 bit Greyscale.
Printer: Epson 4800
Inks: Ultrachrome K3 – PhotoBlack (PK)
Driver Settings: Advanced B&W mode (ABW) with a warm tint : H=6, V=6.
I use my own ICC profile created for the paper and ink combination with my i1 spectrophotometer and Roy Harrington’s QTR Create ICC.
Paper: Ilford Galerie Gold Fibre Silk

Steve Gledhill
Address: ...
Home Tel: ...
Mobile Tel: ...
Website: ...
Email: ...

By the way - this is the picture (http://www.virtuallygrey.co.uk/photo3203134.html).

Hey Jim, Do you need us to do 12 descriptions as Steve has done (one for each print) or do you have a master plan to make the presentation more uniform since I'm sure
each of us will have wildly varying fonts, type sizes etc. What are your thoughts?

Steve Gledhill
16-Mar-2011, 01:35
Hey Jim, Do you need us to do 12 descriptions as Steve has done (one for each print) or do you have a master plan to make the presentation more uniform since I'm sure
each of us will have wildly varying fonts, type sizes etc. What are your thoughts?

Erik, Jim - and all,
I've simply provided this as a pdf file for Jim - and as a text here. He can either print 12 copies of it or use the text as he sees fit. I haven't sent 12 paper copies of the information to Jim. So Jim, as Erik asks - how do you plan to use this in the folio presentation? I'm easy with anything but it might help to let us know. Thanks.

Jim Becia
16-Mar-2011, 06:54
Erik, Jim - and all,
I've simply provided this as a pdf file for Jim - and as a text here. He can either print 12 copies of it or use the text as he sees fit. I haven't sent 12 paper copies of the information to Jim. So Jim, as Erik asks - how do you plan to use this in the folio presentation? I'm easy with anything but it might help to let us know. Thanks.

Steve and Erik

My idea was to try and put together pertinent info on each image. I would be doing the "editing" as to what might get used. I only need one sheet of info. What I will do after all the images and info arrives is to figure how much of the info will "fit" into the folio. I doubt I could fit an extra 12 sheets in but I probably can fit another 4 or 5 sheets of info into it.

I"ll try to "recap" what I plan on doing inside the folio. Firstly, I will print up and insert some type of title to fit in the opening along with a "backing board" to give the folio some stiffness. Then I will have some type of title page. Then maybe an "introduction" style page explaining how this particular folio came together by having 12 large format participants. Then an "index" page listing the title and photographer. Then would follow the 12 images, and lastly will be the pages explaining the actual images. This is where that info will go. I'm hoping to include the circumstances of the image and will include as much info as can be worked into the remaining pages that will fit into the folio. When finished, I'm hoping to have a very classy folio for this group of photographs. I hope this makes sense. Jim

Jim Becia
16-Mar-2011, 06:59
If this idea comes around again...
I would be interested in participating. How does one know if their work is worthy?


Keep an eye out for a "next" time. It's just a group of 12 LF participants trying to put something together. If I try this again, it will probably be in the same vein, but maybe with a slightly different theme. This one was "landscapes" which is a very broad subject. Maybe the next one could be "trees" or some other subject. Jim

Steve Gledhill
16-Mar-2011, 13:56
Steve and Erik

My idea was to try and put together pertinent info on each image. I would be doing the "editing" as to what might get used. I only need one sheet of info. What I will do after all the images and info arrives is to figure how much of the info will "fit" into the folio. I doubt I could fit an extra 12 sheets in but I probably can fit another 4 or 5 sheets of info into it.

I"ll try to "recap" what I plan on doing inside the folio. Firstly, I will print up and insert some type of title to fit in the opening along with a "backing board" to give the folio some stiffness. Then I will have some type of title page. Then maybe an "introduction" style page explaining how this particular folio came together by having 12 large format participants. Then an "index" page listing the title and photographer. Then would follow the 12 images, and lastly will be the pages explaining the actual images. This is where that info will go. I'm hoping to include the circumstances of the image and will include as much info as can be worked into the remaining pages that will fit into the folio. When finished, I'm hoping to have a very classy folio for this group of photographs. I hope this makes sense. Jim

This is the sort of thing I hoped you'd being doing. It will bring the whole project together so well. You've got the lions share of the work - and its much appreciated. Thanks again.

17-Mar-2011, 13:07

Keep an eye out for a "next" time. It's just a group of 12 LF participants trying to put something together. If I try this again, it will probably be in the same vein, but maybe with a slightly different theme. This one was "landscapes" which is a very broad subject. Maybe the next one could be "trees" or some other subject. Jim

Thanks Jim. I will keep looking.

Scott Walker
18-Mar-2011, 12:05
I am going to start printing this weekend if my paper shows up as it should.

Paper just arrived :D

Jim Becia
19-Mar-2011, 09:07
Just a quick note on shipping the prints to me. Please make sure that the prints are protected with an inch or two of packaging materials all the way around.

Ok, here's an updated list:
1. Jim Becia
2. Thad Gerheim

MIke Sherck
20-Mar-2011, 13:25
Mine are washing as I type. Likely flatten Tuesday and mail Wed.


Roger Thoms
20-Mar-2011, 14:22
Jim, just wondering since I didn't get anything of interest on my recent trip it Tuscon, is there any problem with printing one of my older images? I have a shot from Death Valley in mind from around 02.


Roger Thoms
20-Mar-2011, 21:09
Well I'm forging ahead and have another question. How will an image cropped square and printed vertically on 11x14 work with the folios? Right now I have 1.5" borders on the sides and 3" borders top and bottom.


Jim Becia
21-Mar-2011, 07:12
Well I'm forging ahead and have another question. How will an image cropped square and printed vertically on 11x14 work with the folios? Right now I have 1.5" borders on the sides and 3" borders top and bottom.



First, not a problem with something from 2002. Doesn't make any difference as far as I am concerned. As for a square image printed vertically on the paper, again I don't see it as a problem. Jim

Roger Thoms
21-Mar-2011, 07:59

First, not a problem with something from 2002. Doesn't make any difference as far as I am concerned. As for a square image printed vertically on the paper, again I don't see it as a problem. Jim

Thanks Jim. Should have the prints off by the end of the week.


Ron McElroy
22-Mar-2011, 10:04
My prints are now in the hands of the USPS. Tenative arrival on Friday the 25th.

D. Bryant
22-Mar-2011, 12:59
My prints are completed and I will ship in the next day or two.

Don Bryant

Jim Becia
24-Mar-2011, 10:03
Ok, here's an updated list of prints received:
1. Jim Becia
2. Thad Gerheim
3. Ron McElroy
4. Richard Johnson

Jim Becia
24-Mar-2011, 13:43
Ok, here's an updated list of prints received:

1. Jim Becia
2. Thad Gerheim
3. Ron McElroy
4. Richard Johnson
5. Erik Larsen

Steve Gledhill
24-Mar-2011, 13:54
Ok, here's an updated list of prints received:

1. Jim Becia
2. Thad Gerheim
3. Ron McElroy
4. Richard Johnson
5. Erik Larsen

Almost 13 days since I posted mine from the UK :(
So far I've never had a postal loss across the pond - but there's always a first time :(

Brian Ellis
24-Mar-2011, 16:23
Ink splatter??

My guess is that it's a term used for ink jet printing by people with closed minds.

MIke Sherck
26-Mar-2011, 11:42
The prints went out USPS Priority Mail today. Now I'm eager to see what everyone else has been busy with!


Roger Thoms
26-Mar-2011, 11:50
My prints are going to go out USPS Priority today. I'm also looking forward to seeing everyone's prints.


Roger Thoms
26-Mar-2011, 18:21
My prints are going to go out USPS Priority today. I'm also looking forward to seeing everyone's prints.


OK just got back from the post office, my print are on there way.


Scott Walker
27-Mar-2011, 18:04
Just finished printing. Should have the prints in the mail by Wednesday :)

D. Bryant
28-Mar-2011, 10:32
My prints were shipped this morning.


Jim Becia
28-Mar-2011, 10:49

Ok, here's an updated list of prints received:

1. Jim Becia
2. Thad Gerheim
3. Ron McElroy
4. Richard Johnson
5. Erik Larsen
6. Mike Sherck
7. Roger Thoms

Scott Walker
29-Mar-2011, 10:07
Prints are on their way, you should have them this Friday :D

Jim Becia
1-Apr-2011, 10:14
Ok, here's an updated list of prints received:
1. Jim Becia
2. Thad Gerheim
3. Ron McElroy
4. Richard Johnson
5. Erik Larsen
6. Mike Sherck
7. Roger Thoms
8. Don Bryant

Scott Walker
4-Apr-2011, 19:51
So Dar got the prints today that I sent 2 weeks ago that should have arrived in 3 days. Using that logic I guess the prints that should have arrived for this exchange last Friday should show up next Thursday:confused:

Scott Walker
4-Apr-2011, 19:54
Forgot to say Stupid Canada Post:mad:

Jim Becia
5-Apr-2011, 05:38

Not a problem. I check the mail every day. Jim

Steve Gledhill
5-Apr-2011, 11:29
Mine still haven't arrived from the UK after about 24 days. If they're not with Jim a week from now I'll reprint and reship. That's when I get back home from France. :( :( :(

I sent them as a regular Royal Mail airmail packet which normally delivers in a week or so to addresses in the US. Never a problem until now. As I didn't ship them tracked who knows whose hole they've fallen through.

Jim Becia
5-Apr-2011, 12:09
Mine still haven't arrived from the UK after about 24 days. If they're not with Jim a week from now I'll reprint and reship. That's when I get back home from France. :( :( :(

I sent them as a regular Royal Mail airmail packet which normally delivers in a week or so to addresses in the US. Never a problem until now. As I didn't ship them tracked who knows whose hole they've fallen through.


Every day I open the door and expect to see your package, but so far, to no avail. I have my fingers crossed that they will still show up. Jim

Jim Becia
6-Apr-2011, 09:26
Ok, here's an updated list of prints received:
1. Jim Becia
2. Thad Gerheim
3. Ron McElroy
4. Richard Johnson
5. Erik Larsen
6. Mike Sherck
7. Roger Thoms
8. Don Bryant
9. Scott Walker

Scott Walker
6-Apr-2011, 10:01
Ok, here's an updated list of prints received:
1. Jim Becia
2. Thad Gerheim
3. Ron McElroy
4. Richard Johnson
5. Erik Larsen
6. Mike Sherck
7. Roger Thoms
8. Don Bryant
9. Scott Walker


7-Apr-2011, 23:00
I just emerged from the darkroom, prints in hand!
They will be on the way Friday or Sat.
David Silva

Jim Becia
13-Apr-2011, 05:05
Almost there!

Ok, here's an updated list of prints received:
1. Jim Becia
2. Thad Gerheim
3. Ron McElroy
4. Richard Johnson
5. Erik Larsen
6. Mike Sherck
7. Roger Thoms
8. Don Bryant
9. Scott Walker
10. Steve Gledhill (It finally made it here!)
11. Darren Kruger

Steve Gledhill
13-Apr-2011, 05:45
What a relief they've arrived. I was beginning to doubt I'd sent them :)
I wonder where they spent most of the last of the 33 days? At least I won't have to reprint and reship.

Jim Becia
13-Apr-2011, 05:45

Here is the look of the opening. Hope it is acceptable to everyone. (Had I known I was going to have the only color image, I would have changed it. Let me know any questions and concerns. Jim

PS: Richard, I was unable to send you the pm.

MIke Sherck
13-Apr-2011, 05:48
It's a lovely image, Jim. Don't apologize for good work! LF isn't a synonym for B&W! :)


Scott Walker
13-Apr-2011, 06:37
Looks great to me Jim, can't wait to see the finished folios

Richard A Johnson
13-Apr-2011, 07:15
Hi Jim, I'am at work,but I will give you a call and check my e-mail when I get home tonight. By the way what is a pm? the cover image looks great. My image is not color it is a B&W with a tone applied.


Erik Larsen
13-Apr-2011, 19:59
Looks great Jim! Another solution is to organize a color only folio:)

D. Bryant
14-Apr-2011, 07:51

Here is the look of the opening. Hope it is acceptable to everyone. (Had I known I was going to have the only color image, I would have changed it. Let me know any questions and concerns. Jim

PS: Richard, I was unable to send you the pm.

I think it looks great Jim.

Don Bryant

Jim Becia
15-Apr-2011, 06:43

Just going through my info for everyone and I noticed that I need addresses from the following people (please include a phone number also as I will be shipping all US addresses via Fedex ground and they like to have the number:

Roger Thoms (still waiting on a little info about the image.)
Scott Walker
Darren Kruger (please send more info on your image also.)
Don Bryant.

You can pm me with this info. Thanks. Jim Becia

Jim Becia
21-Apr-2011, 09:46

All images are here. Will work on putting everything together over the weekend and I plan on shipping on Monday (at least that is the plan for the moment.) Will keep you updated. Thanks. Jim

Scott Walker
21-Apr-2011, 09:54

All images are here. Will work on putting everything together over the weekend and I plan on shipping on Monday (at least that is the plan for the moment.) Will keep you updated. Thanks. Jim

:D :D

Jim Becia
23-Apr-2011, 19:26
Well Guys,

Everything is put together and everything is in packages ready to go out on Monday. Most packages will be sent via Fedex Ground. Steve's and Scott's will be going via the USPS.

If for some reason, you would like your package sent via USPS instead of Fedex Ground, please let me know.

Everything is well packaged, so I don't expect any problems with shipping. Once I get final costs on shipping, I'll email or pm each participant with their amount owed.

I hope everyone enjoys their folio. I think they look good and I hope you like the way they are put together. Please let me know what you think when you receive yours.

Thanks. Jim Becia

Jim Becia
24-Apr-2011, 07:21

I have packaged up everything put them in the Fedex system (except for Steve and Scott), and contacted everyone via pm. Will drop off the packages tomorrow morning. You will have them shortly. Thanks. Jim

Scott Walker
24-Apr-2011, 18:56

I have packaged up everything put them in the Fedex system (except for Steve and Scott)

Dogsled for mine? :p

Steve Gledhill
25-Apr-2011, 05:53

I have packaged up everything put them in the Fedex system (except for Steve and Scott)

And a personal courier for mine!

Roger Thoms
25-Apr-2011, 14:43
I'm leaving to go out of town a couple days before mine is due to arrive, well guess I'll have to wait till I return after Memorial Day. This is typical of my timing. :D

Thanks Jim for all your hard work on this project.


MIke Sherck
26-Apr-2011, 09:05
I was home for lunch and the dogs started barking their fool heads off. A large white truck was parked in the driveway. Who do you suppose that could be? 8)

Ok, I may be late coming back from lunch. There is a portfolio here of excellent landscapes that I just can't seem to put down... ;)


D. Bryant
26-Apr-2011, 21:54
I was home for lunch and the dogs started barking their fool heads off. A large white truck was parked in the driveway. Who do you suppose that could be? 8)

Ok, I may be late coming back from lunch. There is a portfolio here of excellent landscapes that I just can't seem to put down... ;)


I'm hoping to get my package tomorrow.

Don Bryant

MIke Sherck
27-Apr-2011, 08:28
Hmm... they're fighting over the pictures. "I like this one! This one's the best!" "No, this one!" "This one's cool!"

I need a smaller family -- or larger walls! :) Thanks everyone, for great prints!


D. Bryant
27-Apr-2011, 12:13
I'm hoping to get my package tomorrow.

Don Bryant
My portfolio landed this afternoon! :)

Everything looks great. Thanks to all who submitted and I hope my offering is considered worthy.

And most of all thanks to our Fearless Leader, Jim Becia whose LF color landscapes are sublime. I'm very impressed with his submission.

If everyone is in agreement, perhaps after everyone receives their copy of the portfolio we can post our shots so others can participate vicariously.

Best to all,

Don Bryant

Scott Walker
27-Apr-2011, 12:32
If everyone is in agreement, perhaps after everyone receives their copy of the portfolio we can post our shots so others can participate vicariously.
Don Bryant

I like that idea but you may be in for a bit of a wait, mine is being delivered via dogsled and Steves is making it's way across the Atlantic in a kayak ;)

Roger Thoms
27-Apr-2011, 12:51
My portfolio landed this afternoon! :)

If everyone is in agreement, perhaps after everyone receives their copy of the portfolio we can post our shots so others can participate vicariously.

Best to all,

Don Bryant

Sounds good to me. I'm traveling so I wouldn't be able to post mine till after Memorial Day.


D. Bryant
28-Apr-2011, 06:00
I like that idea but you may be in for a bit of a wait, mine is being delivered via dogsled and Steves is making it's way across the Atlantic in a kayak ;)

I'm in no hurry.

Jim Becia
28-Apr-2011, 06:54
My portfolio landed this afternoon! :)

Everything looks great. Thanks to all who submitted and I hope my offering is considered worthy.

And most of all thanks to our Fearless Leader, Jim Becia whose LF color landscapes are sublime. I'm very impressed with his submission.

If everyone is in agreement, perhaps after everyone receives their copy of the portfolio we can post our shots so others can participate vicariously.

Best to all,

Don Bryant


Thanks for the kind words. While it took some time to put everything together, I had a great time doing it. I enjoyed both the images and the information. I hope I produced a "professional" looking product. Both Steve's and Scott's folios are on their way. Seeing that they are going via Priority International Mail, I'm hoping that it will not take too long for them to arrive.

I do hope to do something like this again in the near future. Now that I have the first one under my belt, I do have a few ideas for the next one. I'm starting to think of other potential subjects like trees, rocks, water, etc.

In any event, please let me know what you think. Thanks again. Jim Becia

Scott Walker
28-Apr-2011, 07:43
Both Steve's and Scott's folios are on their way. Seeing that they are going via Priority International Mail, I'm hoping that it will not take too long for them to arrive.

I do hope to do something like this again in the near future. Now that I have the first one under my belt, I do have a few ideas for the next one. I'm starting to think of other potential subjects like trees, rocks, water, etc.

I think the timing for Priority International Mail is only 5 days to here so I should see the portfolio by Friday or early next week. :)

If my work fits the category for the next one & you will have me again you can certainly count me in.

Roger Thoms
29-Apr-2011, 14:41
Turns out that had to postpone my departure for my trip so I was here when the Fedex truck came with my folio. Wow, it is fantastic. Great images everyone. I wanted to thank everyone for all their effort and I especially want to thank Jim for putting this together. I sat down and really took my time looking at the images and reading the descriptions. Besides the nice photographs it is great to have the background info. It is also nice to see the different papers and techniques that everyone uses.


Thad Gerheim
29-Apr-2011, 16:27
Impressive! My portfolio arrived today and they are all superb photos with amazing printing. Job well done in Jim putting it all together, thanks! But, I'd like to frame them all. Sorry, about mine having so much human content to it.

Roger Thoms
29-Apr-2011, 17:29
Impressive! My portfolio arrived today and they are all superb photos with amazing printing. Job well done in Jim putting it all together, thanks! But, I'd like to frame them all. Sorry, about mine having so much human content to it.

Thad, I think your image is great and I really like the guy sitting there, tells a much better story.


Erik Larsen
29-Apr-2011, 18:45
Finally had a chance to study the portfolio today - Beautiful printing everyone. I've got my favorite picked out and it might get a frame and it isn't my print needless to say. I hate to break up the grouping because I love the way the portfolio works with the descriptions etc. Jim, I didn't know what to expect, but you did a fantastic job for all of us, it really is professional looking and I thank you for letting me participate. I enjoy getting a look at what other people are doing with paper choice, printing style and the way they chose to compose. It really is a treat for me, because I rarely get to see quality printing because of my geographic location and it's lack of galleries, museums etc but this portfolio exposes me to the different eye and technique of each of the participants. A big thanks everyone!

29-Apr-2011, 20:38
Mine arrived this afternoon.
Thanks to all the participants for the superb prints.
Of course we owe it all to Jim for his vision, and hard work bringing it all together!

David silva
Modesto Ca

Richard A Johnson
30-Apr-2011, 16:12
Hi everybody, I got my folio the other day, and nice work everyone. It was great to see, as well as nice to have in your hands work done by other photographers using Large Format. You can count me in if and when we do this again. I think that we're onto something here.

Jim you did a fantastic job with this hole project, THANKS for all of your hard work and dedication in bring this idea together. And to everyone else thanks for participating.


Ron McElroy
3-May-2011, 21:22
Hello to everyone involved in the Folio Exchange.
First to Jim. The folios look Great! I like the sequencing and the presentation. I'm honored to be part of this project.
Many thanks for the hard work facilitating the exchange.

To everyone else contributing, thanks for your work! I will enjoy viewing these image for a long time.

Scott Walker
11-May-2011, 08:49
Just got back from a short trip and the folio was waiting for me......WOW! :D

Excelent job Jim, the presentation is absolutely fantastic. Truly a collection of images I would love to have hanging on my walls.

Well done everyone, and thank you.
A big thank you to Jim for puting this togather, bravo!

Steve Gledhill
11-May-2011, 11:57
Hello to my fellow ‘Folioers’. My copy of our folio arrived a week ago, seven days after Jim posted it. Compared with 33 days to get mine to Jim, that’s impressive!

I too would like to thank Jim for having the idea for this folio and doing all of the work and organising to make it happen. Jim – thank you.

And thank you all for your lovely prints.

I thoroughly enjoyed looking at all of the prints. And for me it’s interesting to see a set of work collated into a folio where each photograph is from a different photographer compared with a folio where all the work is from just one person, and which is likely to be the norm for a folio. The one person folio is (usually) consistent in its style, presentation, methods used, printing materials, etc. Our folio in contrast clearly demonstrates in one set of prints the diversity of approaches available to us to print our work. There are matte papers, glossy papers, various tones from silver gelatin and from inks (including split tone), styles of presentation, and ... I’m sure to have missed some other points of difference – oh yes, colour. All add together to make for an interesting cross section of the wide choices we have as printers.

I’m now in possession of an excellent work of reference to look back on in future years as materials and methods move onwards (or backwards!).

Thank you.

Scott Walker
11-May-2011, 12:33
If everyone is in agreement, perhaps after everyone receives their copy of the portfolio we can post our shots so others can participate vicariously.

Best to all,

Don Bryant

Have all the folios now arrived?

Darren Kruger
11-May-2011, 22:50
I received my Folio a while ago and have only had a few moments to look at them. I'm very impressed with what I saw and hope to have more time in the near future to take a longer look. Thanks everybody!


Jim Becia
12-May-2011, 12:04
All the folios have now been delivered. I also would like to thank everyone for their participation. It was very enjoyable putting everything together, and I would love to do it again in the future. Will try to come up with an appropriate topic, and I will probably bump the number of images/participants up to 14. The main reason for this is to expand the number of participants. I hope the extra two images will not cause an undo hardship and I figure putting two more together and shipping two more is pretty simple.

A few questions for everyone. I really like the 11x14 size folios, did everyone else? I know for Steve and Scott, shipping tends to be high for this size. Whereas, I know I can ship (out of the US) the 8x10 size in one of the priority flat rate envelopes for a flat $14.95. Something to think about.

Back to subject matter for the next one. As a landscape guy myself, most of my work centers around the outdoors, so, rocks, trees, water, anybody have a preference? I would guess that any of those three topics would be pretty easy. Also would like to do one maybe with old buildings, cars etc. Just throwing a few things out there. Thanks. Jim Becia

MIke Sherck
12-May-2011, 14:03
Either the 11x14 or 8x10 size works for me; I learned more than a few things from this exercise. For example, I usually dry-mount my photos and so have no qualms about printing out close to the edge of the paper. I didn't like that presentation as much as those of you who left a larger margin around your photos, and I'll remember that for the next time.

I like the idea of themed portfolios; to my simple brain that makes sense with the idea of a portfolio as a coherent body of work somehow unified. Rocks, water, abandoned places -- there are a multitude of ideas to explore. It was a fun experience and I look forward to future efforts. Many thanks to Jim for undergoing the effort of keeping everything on track (herding cats!) assembling and mailing everything in addition to making his own contributions.


Scott Walker
12-May-2011, 14:38
I kind of prefer the 11x14 size over 8x10 mostly because I am a fan of having a sizable white border and on an 8x10 I would end up with an image size of about 6x8 which seems sort of small.

I don't have any problem with the added cost of shipping, it really is not that much especially considering what you are getting in return.

I am going to be on my boat cruising the Gulf Islands the last 2 weeks of May with my 8x10 so rocks, trees, or water would definitely get my vote. :)

Erik Larsen
12-May-2011, 15:10
Well guys, I kind of like the 11x14 as well because most of my photos are exposed on 11x14 film that I can crop a little usually but probably not to 8x10 size. I like the idea of a theme also, but I also like this folio as well so I am easy. Jim, I don't know how you feel about spreading the work load around, but I would be willing to put everything together and ship things, but I don't have the skill to layout the descriptions very well or attach and arrange the cover with text and all - just a thought to take some of the work load off your shoulders.

D. Bryant
12-May-2011, 18:52
Well I'm willing to participate again, though I would suggest an open theme or no theme.

Don Bryant

12-May-2011, 22:12
My portfolio landed this afternoon! :)
If everyone is in agreement, perhaps after everyone receives their copy of the portfolio we can post our shots so others can participate vicariously.

Best to all,

Don Bryant

likes this

Richard A Johnson
13-May-2011, 06:12
Scott Walker wrote:

I kind of prefer the 11x14 size over 8x10 mostly because I am a fan of having a sizable white border and on an 8x10 I would end up with an image size of about 6x8 which seems sort of small.

I don't have any problem with the added cost of shipping, it really is not that much especially considering what you are getting in return.

I agree with Scott. about the size, and shipping. I would to do this again I think this idea is great. I also think that the presentation looks better with a nice white border around the prints. I am very theme oriented so the theme idea fits the way I photograph just fine. I'm ready to do this again


Scott Walker
6-Jun-2011, 12:37
Back from my west coast trip with what I hope are at least a few good images for the next exchange. :)

I recall some interest in putting the images up here to show what the finalized portfolios looked like. I am all for that but I think it would be nice to have the images arranged in a fashion that does justice to the product that Jim put together for us. In order to do that we would need to have an agreement on how to size our image files so that we could at least have the images presented in the same size as they were in the folios and pick a day we could all upload them so they would more or less be all together within the thread. Another method would be to send the image file to one person to arrange and upload them along with the verbiage from the folios. I would be happy to volunteer for the latter.

Any thoughts?

D. Bryant
7-Jun-2011, 02:26
Back from my west coast trip with what I hope are at least a few good images for the next exchange. :)

I recall some interest in putting the images up here to show what the finalized portfolios looked like. I am all for that but I think it would be nice to have the images arranged in a fashion that does justice to the product that Jim put together for us. In order to do that we would need to have an agreement on how to size our image files so that we could at least have the images presented in the same size as they were in the folios and pick a day we could all upload them so they would more or less be all together within the thread. Another method would be to send the image file to one person to arrange and upload them along with the verbiage from the folios. I would be happy to volunteer for the latter.

Any thoughts?
Sounds fine by me!

Don Bryant

Jim Becia
7-Jun-2011, 06:45
Back from my west coast trip with what I hope are at least a few good images for the next exchange. :)

I recall some interest in putting the images up here to show what the finalized portfolios looked like. I am all for that but I think it would be nice to have the images arranged in a fashion that does justice to the product that Jim put together for us. In order to do that we would need to have an agreement on how to size our image files so that we could at least have the images presented in the same size as they were in the folios and pick a day we could all upload them so they would more or less be all together within the thread. Another method would be to send the image file to one person to arrange and upload them along with the verbiage from the folios. I would be happy to volunteer for the latter.

Any thoughts?


This sounds good with me also. If you can determine the size file that is needed, everyone would hopefully email you with the photo. I'll let someone else do this part of it. Thanks for the offer. Jim

Roger Thoms
7-Jun-2011, 07:37
Back from my west coast trip with what I hope are at least a few good images for the next exchange. :)

I recall some interest in putting the images up here to show what the finalized portfolios looked like. I am all for that but I think it would be nice to have the images arranged in a fashion that does justice to the product that Jim put together for us. In order to do that we would need to have an agreement on how to size our image files so that we could at least have the images presented in the same size as they were in the folios and pick a day we could all upload them so they would more or less be all together within the thread. Another method would be to send the image file to one person to arrange and upload them along with the verbiage from the folios. I would be happy to volunteer for the latter.

Any thoughts?

Sounds good. I am going to be out of town from June 16th through July 7th so if the file size requirements were determined before I leave that would be great. Otherwise I can send my image file when I return.


Scott Walker
7-Jun-2011, 12:56
I browsed images here and formed the opinion that 900 pixels at the widest (or tallest) seems to be a good size.

Send your image to beecool1@hotmail.com and in the subject line put "folio image" so I can pluck them from the spam filter if they get caught.

I have had one request to scan the print that came in my folio, I can do this but my scanner and scanning skills are not the best, but, I will do my very best to match the print to the scanned image and send a proof for approval before uploading.

Jim Becia
7-Jun-2011, 13:03

Well, my image has been sent via email. Thanks. Jim

Steve Gledhill
7-Jun-2011, 14:16
Mine's sent too. Thanks for picking up on this.

Erik Larsen
7-Jun-2011, 19:39
Scott, be on the lookout for mine as well.

Richard A Johnson
8-Jun-2011, 04:47
Hi Scott, I just read about this. do you want this image saved as a jpg? I'll send my image to you this evening.


Scott Walker
8-Jun-2011, 07:02
Hi Scott, I just read about this. do you want this image saved as a jpg? I'll send my image to you this evening.


Yes, jpg

Scott Walker
8-Jun-2011, 11:36
So far I have images from the following:
Jim Becia
Steve Gledhill
Erik Larsen
David Silva

MIke Sherck
8-Jun-2011, 16:58
I just e-mailed mine, and thanks! As I explained in the e-mail, I have no way of scanning an 11x14 image so I photographed it with my wife's old Olympus 2MP digital snapshot camera. I wish I could do better; sorry about that! Every time I think about getting a newer digital camera for her I end up spending the money on film or paper or something. ;) I hope that it will serve.


Scott Walker
9-Jun-2011, 07:11
The list grows

Jim Becia
Steve Gledhill
Erik Larsen
David Silva
Thad Gerheim
Michael Sherck
Richard A Johnson
Ron McElroy

As mentioned before I can scan your image for you if required

D. Bryant
13-Jun-2011, 10:14
The list grows

Jim Becia
Steve Gledhill
Erik Larsen
David Silva
Thad Gerheim
Michael Sherck
Richard A Johnson
Ron McElroy

As mentioned before I can scan your image for you if required

I'm a bit behind schedule but I'll try to get mine uploaded this week. Please, no matter what, DO NOT scan my print.


Don Bryant

Scott Walker
13-Jun-2011, 10:50
I'm a bit behind schedule but I'll try to get mine uploaded this week. Please, no matter what, DO NOT scan my print.


Don Bryant

No worries Don, and I have no intention of scanning your print, the service was really only offered for anyone without a digital copy of their image and no access to a scanner.

Scott Walker
15-Jun-2011, 08:42
Just about there

Jim Becia
Steve Gledhill
Erik Larsen
David Silva
Thad Gerheim
Michael Sherck
Richard A Johnson
Ron McElroy
Scott Walker
Roger Thoms

D. Bryant
17-Jun-2011, 09:22
Just about there

Jim Becia
Steve Gledhill
Erik Larsen
David Silva
Thad Gerheim
Michael Sherck
Richard A Johnson
Ron McElroy
Scott Walker
Roger Thoms

Finally! I've e-mailed my file to Scott. Sorry about dragging my feet but I had a major computer crash. Restoring a large system just takes time and I'm still not quite there.



Scott Walker
19-Jun-2011, 11:33
Everyones images have arrived and I will be uploading shortly. :)

Scott Walker
19-Jun-2011, 12:37
Images have been uploaded to the image sharing section.


MIke Sherck
20-Jun-2011, 08:21
Thanks for all of your hard work, Scott: it looks great!
