View Full Version : Epson 7900/Ink consumption

9-Mar-2010, 17:09
In B&H page of Epson 7900 I've read a User Review telling that he has "an average of 0.4ml of total ink consumption for an 8x10".
I am in the way of buying this printer, so, : Can I expect this performance of ink consumption printing a file at this size : Print Quality = Fine/Super photo 1440 dpi/no advance option with Epson Exhibition Fiber Paper ?
Can't find in the web clear information of ink usage of the 7900 in an easy way to understand.

Thanks a lot


17-Mar-2010, 14:29
First off, different papers direct Epson's drivers to lay down ink at different rates. So an average of .4ml per 8X10 would only apply to that paper combination. In addition, this number can be significantly impacted by the type of image printed. High key/Snow = low ink/unit area. Dense shadowy image = more ink/unit area.

I think the only way to really know is to test it yourself or work with someone who would be willing to give you those numbers over a sufficient sample size. But that ink usage per unit area seems reasonable to me. I think I'm usually seeing about 1.6mL/16X20 print in my 3800 with Ilford Golf Fibre Silk, which indicate roughly the same rate for an 8X10.