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25-May-2009, 17:32
The best print 30x40 print I have from this subject was done with a LeicaM8 and 28mm lens. Beats 8x10, beats me.

With how many stitched images? If you don't mind me asking, what stitching software do you prefer? Also, what format/process would you say had the best value in terms of overall time spent compared to print quality?

Thanks again for posting your findings, it really shows that there are often many different paths to the same destination, it is just a matter of what works for you and doing it well.


28-May-2009, 10:47

The Leica shot I posted here is a straight, bracketed, 3-shot, Tone-mapped HDR done with Photomatix. Plenty of fun, no fuss and almost instant gratification. I cannot find a way to squeeze that sort of toned-down mood out of sheet film.

You asked about stitching. I've been stitching most days for four years. A lot of watches, some institutionals and editorials. A good client does large panels which people walk close to - different from billboards - so I need resolution. I would prefer sheet film and no post-production responsibility but nowadays that's not possible. So stitching has been paying the rent.

I usually stitch 3 verticals from a slightly longer than normal lens. It's fast and simple. For extra resolution, I do 6 verticals with a lens about twice the length of the sensor. That's a 40 minute process on my old G5 Mac. The idea is that the longer the lens the more resolution you get (obvious, that's why we shoot LF, the film has to cover the scene somehow). The payoff between lens length and patches gets decided by the final media.

I use RealViz Stitcher (now Adobe Stitcher-Unlimited for Intel Macs - I've tried everything else). Perspective and lens distortion is under my control and moving objects can be masked out. I made some minimalist alu brackets with tripod holes corresponding to Nikon and Leica lens nodal points. The watches are shot with a 65mm macro on a full frame DCS. Landscapes with an 80mm. I'm using both lenses really close in, as if they were wide-angles. Still-life with a 50mm or 35mm on the 3/4 Leica sensor (ok, leica lenses are superior).

However, since October last, my best 'value' in time and in quality, comes from a multi-shot digital back on Hasselblad. It is the biggest PIA to set up and more of a PIA than any LF camera, but once it's running and as long as nobody trips over the cables, you are able to shoot and adjust for hours. Single shot quality is about the same as stitching smaller formats but multiple-shot is way superior - and beats any 4x5 scan. This gear is far too delicate and itsy-bitsy and I don't enjoy the PIA but turnover is exceptional.

So for gratification but not for profit, I do contact prints from 8x10 LF and shoot 3-shot tone-maps with a Leica. Some stitch/HDR/LF comparisons are at http://picasaweb.google.com/cjbroadbent/Formats#

30-May-2009, 03:25
Rolleiflex, 3.5 Zeiss Tessar.

Brian K
30-May-2009, 09:50
The best print 30x40 print I have from this subject was done with a LeicaM8 and 28mm lens. Beats 8x10, beats me.

Christopher, nice image. I'm really digging the tonalities. It has a nice muted quality that looks more like a painting than a photograph, but also doesn't look digital either.

Brian K
30-May-2009, 09:55
This is one of the first from my new used Panasonic G1 and its kit lens, which is really impressing me as probably the best value in a decent digital camera to date.


Frank I have the G1 also. I use it for geo tagging locations and as a meter/polaroid. I did notice one thing though, you need to keep the front element of the lens really clean.

As I use it as a meter I set it to apertures to match my Linhof, that is f22. It seems that any dirt on the lens actually comes into fuzzy focus on the image. I guess with the small sensor, as compared to LF film, the DOF is extreme.

It is a great little camera.

31-May-2009, 02:03
..... It has a nice muted quality that looks more like a painting than a photograph, but also doesn't look digital either.
Thanks Brian. Actually, I probably want my 8x10s to look more digital. The subdued effect come from heavily accentuated mid-tones. I can't do that in the darkroom, so I am being pushed into the arms of digital photography.
Pyro is a controlled substance over here (requires a dark-room license and an eco-disposal contractor) so that is out. Anchell and Troop are my bedside companions but I still can't manage anything better for mid-tones than a long dilute HC110 bath for under-exposed film. Any suggestions?
Here is a sad 8x10 and his better-looking digital twin:

Frank Petronio
31-May-2009, 19:15
Not to sound like an ad, but I never thought I'd like a plastic consumer camera with a zoom lens and too tiny buttons... but this Panasonic G1 just works well. I wish their RAW format was easier to use and it was a little more professional build/interface... but geez for $450 used how can you beat it?

Steve M Hostetter
7-Jun-2009, 17:33
self portrait, your turn, bicep 19.5" just another broken down greatful recovering alcoholic (22 yrs. sober) not bad for a 49 yr old saw bitch:D ain't she purdy, what a ham

kev curry
8-Jun-2009, 10:22
Hey Steve that's one impressive piece of machinery you've sculpted there! Well at lest for an old guy!
Oh and btw see all those insults that were flying around, I never meant a single word, and I take every one of them back, everyone, honest:D
22 years with Bill...that's fantastic Steve, my old dads looking at his 36 or 37th year.

One day at a time.

I need to get a scanner. I'm such a techno phob

Kerik Kouklis
8-Jun-2009, 13:30
I didn't know running a monkey grinder was such a good workout.

Steve M Hostetter
8-Jun-2009, 15:54
Hey Steve that's one impressive piece of machinery you've sculpted there! Well at lest for an old guy!
Oh and btw see all those insults that were flying around, I never meant a single word, and I take every one of them back, everyone, honest:D
22 years with Bill...that's fantastic Steve, my old dads looking at his 36 or 37th year.

One day at a time.

I need to get a scanner. I'm such a techno phob

Bill is a good man 37 yrs sober is nothing to sneeze at.. Yes,still after so long it is still only accomplished one day at a time.. and sometimes hour to hour and minute to minute

We have this thing that lay dormant in our "alcoholic" subconscious mind called stinkin thinkin and ever so often it will find a way to the surface.. This stinkin thinkin as it's refered to is all the personality we had as an active drinker( is also called dry drunk behavior)which is almost impossible to control because you can't recognize it till it's to late.. No excuse for bad behavior non the less

Thank you for the kind words Pete.. and thank you for being a bigger man then myself and offering to forgive and forget.. that is a powerful thing
Your quite a good person and a heck of a lot smarter then I tried to give you credit for
You told me straight like it was and although it was quite harsh it was something I needed to hear.!
regards Steve

Steve M Hostetter
8-Jun-2009, 17:05
I didn't know running a monkey grinder was such a good workout.

lol Kerik,, actually the monkey does the grinding while I build a house:D

10-Jun-2009, 23:21

Scanned carbon print
Diana camera (double exposure)

Greg Lockrey
11-Jun-2009, 01:34

Scanned carbon print
Diana camera (double exposure)

What fun! ;) ;)

Donald Miller
11-Jun-2009, 04:28
5d/85 1.2 L @ F4

12-Jun-2009, 16:57

Nikon D70

Steve M Hostetter
12-Jun-2009, 20:24
D200 , Nikkor 50mm 1.2

Steve M Hostetter
19-Jun-2009, 13:31
My cousin Bruce Doyle w/ my 17' kayak ,, Salt creek around 1996,, "future plans involve kayaking the length of Wabash river, 475 miles"
Deer in velvet w/ Nikkor 400mm 3.5 EDIF 1989 35mm (film of course) K64?

Frank Petronio
19-Jun-2009, 14:30

19-Jun-2009, 15:36
self portrait, your turn, bicep 19.5" just another broken down greatful recovering alcoholic (22 yrs. sober) not bad for a 49 yr old saw bitch:D ain't she purdy, what a ham

Little light on the flys there eh'. ;)

Just kidding. Impressive. I hoist a few heavy objects but I did not start till I was 57. I'm 63 now, nothing in your class but OK for a vegetarian old man.

I'm doing people today, unusual, but the girls are just irresistible and I need some kind of scam to pay for my film. Portraits sell it seems. I gotta practice up. I'll do me soon.

19-Jun-2009, 19:06
Why not? Not sure what to make of this one. 35mm Efke 100 in an F6, beautifully processed by Dr5 except that there are no numbers on the slide mounts so I can't figure out the lens or settings. Oh well, such is the small format life.

Eric James
19-Jun-2009, 19:36
camera toss

19-Jun-2009, 19:42
Washington Memorial Chapel, Valley Forge, PA in Lith

19-Jun-2009, 19:58
Another one, Zeiss Ikon rangefinder with a Leitz 50/2.0 Summar probably wide open (or nearly so) shot on 35mm Tri-X. Different mood, nice old lens.

19-Jun-2009, 22:03
Some very inspiring stuff in here! here are some of mine (Generally 30D + Sigma 12-24mm EX DG (a FF lens I wish I could get a FF body for hehe) or a Olympus G.Zuiko 50mm f/1.4 adapted).

Sorry about the matting on some, hotlinking from my webpage


Stitched colour infrared, nearly 360 degrees



19-Jun-2009, 22:04
135mm E.Zuiko

Eta Carina Nebula, 135mm E.Zuiko @ f/3.5, ISO 1600, 8 seconds I think, fixed tripod, from my back yard.

Wizard Casting A Spell

A Studio Portrait using continuous lights for film

19-Jun-2009, 22:05

School Uniform hehe (dont worry its actually a 40 year old!)

Ekholmnas in Sweden, shot in summer last year just past 1m, on Fuji Reala 100, used the 12-24, dont know what focal length.

Looks like the illusion of a giant tree due imo, but the tree is in front of the river hehe in my home town


19-Jun-2009, 22:06
And finally... I love landscapes hehe

At Brunswick Heads Beach (my hometown) (HDR)

Not A Crop, Kenko 420-800mm f/8.3-16

Midnight view of the bridge in my town (full moon), 12mm f/8 3min ISO 400, tripod fully extended in the water

19-Jun-2009, 22:34
I've never done any dry mounting, and I am also interested in trying printing Pd on vellum. Can you describe the process of dry mounting vellum onto the watercolor paper?


4"x6" platinum / palladium print on vellum subsequently dry mounted to watercolor paper and waxed.

Canon 1Ds Mk2n with Nikon AiS 50mm f/1.2

20-Jun-2009, 09:05
I like this thread. :)

The E-units zip up the Coast Sub near Gilroy, California with a directors special in April of 2001.


Canon A-1, Canon FD 100-200mm ƒ5.6, Agfachrome RSX 100.

20-Jun-2009, 18:22
Fuji GW690, Neopan 400.

20-Jun-2009, 18:46
Rollieflex, Zeiss Tessar 3.5, 20 year old Plus X.

21-Jun-2009, 02:01
Doing a bit of retouching for skin tones on this first one.


Some more misc



Steve M Hostetter
21-Jun-2009, 08:38
Doing a bit of retouching for skin tones on this first one.


Some more misc


the first one is unreal... film used?

21-Jun-2009, 09:08
It's Kodak 160NC and then retouching to remove facial blemishes

Sylvester Graham
21-Jun-2009, 10:17
35mm. myanmar

HOLY CRAP. That photo of the woman smoking... I'm young, very young compared to most on this forum. For a long time, if you searched, "fatty" (referring to a large "special cigar") on google images, that was one of the first images to come up! I think from flickr. I still have it saved on my hard drive somewhere.

22-Jun-2009, 15:12
CV Heliar 50/3.5 on an R2S, Efke 100 35mm. Things just seemed to line up for me that day.

24-Jun-2009, 12:38
The reason Easter was late this year...

24-Jun-2009, 12:40
Hassleblad, Fuji Neopan 400.

kev curry
24-Jun-2009, 13:16
A little alleyway close to the Basilica of St. Francis. Assisi, Italy.

24-Jun-2009, 13:54
CV40mm, Ektar


24-Jun-2009, 14:49



kev curry
24-Jun-2009, 15:00
Beautiful Birch photograph.

Friend on a toothed bolder Glen Nevis.

Frank Petronio
24-Jun-2009, 16:48
I love yours Kev, perfect.

This one? you have no idea.

kev curry
24-Jun-2009, 23:43
Cheers Frank. Thats nuts!

Caption....When life hands you lemons pucker up and enjoy it!

25-Jun-2009, 12:06
Thanks Kev. That climbing shot is sweet too.

And Frank, that's just weird.

kev curry
25-Jun-2009, 13:52
On the banks of the Gare Loch, home of Trident...the UK's nuclear submarine fleet!

Dont all report me at once....!

kev curry
25-Jun-2009, 14:46
Brave Heart still shops and chops on the streets of Edinburgh!
That dude hated shopping anyhow!

29-Jun-2009, 10:23
Weeping Angel, Glenwood Cemetery, Houston. One of 3 in Texas.
Pentax 6x7, 150mm lens, Tri-X Pro 320, Xtol 1:3.



Thanks for looking.

30-Jun-2009, 11:35
Hayman Burn - 2009

30-Jun-2009, 13:12
an old experiment of mine, using flash behind the flower petals and firing towards the lens.

kev curry
30-Jun-2009, 14:56
Very cool Paul.

From the first roll that went through the 'new' Blad.

kev curry
30-Jun-2009, 15:00
On the banks of Loch Lomond. F5

kev curry
30-Jun-2009, 15:07
Somewhere in Umbria. Italy. F5
I loved the way folks in parts of Italy just left there bikes lying around with seemingly no fear of them disappearing. This was a good example...the bike's parked up and the locks left in the basket.

kev curry
30-Jun-2009, 15:38
Climbing buddy.... sorry to overdose you dudes on the mediocre, its the new scanner see!

F5 while dangling from a rope.

kev curry
30-Jun-2009, 15:55
Erin, friends bairn.

kev curry
30-Jun-2009, 16:11
Last one promise...Climbing buddy sitting on a massive buttress on The Big Buachaille Glen Coe. We just topped out after climbing a 750ft wall, while being devoured on every move by the ferocious Scottish midge, we were close to insanity, hence the serious look in his eyes....totally epic experience. The famous Kings House Hotel is visible in the middle ground .

Steve M Hostetter
30-Jun-2009, 20:58
taken many years ago , say 1985/camera was 35mm nikon but which I don't know. Lens maybe 200mm f2? film yes

3-Jul-2009, 21:52
from thursday:

from friday:

4-Jul-2009, 16:06
Independence day visitor


4-Jul-2009, 16:07
Lake Saiko and Mt. Fuji, 6x6:

Fishing huts at Djupvik, Norway. 6x6:

Rainbow Bridge, Tokyo, 6x6:

4-Jul-2009, 19:11
Here are a couple Infrared photos shot with my Sigma SD14:


The full size image is here: SD14 IR Landscape 1 (http://image74.webshots.com/174/9/50/20/2439950200102019776cZMWBH_fs.jpg)


The full size image is here: SD14 IR Landscape 2 (http://image74.webshots.com/174/7/83/97/2487783970102019776YxnmRS_fs.jpg)

5-Jul-2009, 06:08
That is beautiful work. I like the way your images capture the light as it differs through the frame. If I may ask, what film are you using?

5-Jul-2009, 22:36
It's taken about a zillion attempts. Hugin finally managed to stich 3 frames together correctly.

Greune Hall, Greune, TX. Oldest dance hall in Texas. 3 frames. Hugin stitched. Pentax 6x7, 45mm lens, HP5+.

I'm not pleased with the post processing of the indiviual photos. However, Hugin refuses to process the corrected files. Software. Go figure.


You can follow this link and click the Full Size icon for a larger view.


6-Jul-2009, 01:33
That is beautiful work. I like the way your images capture the light as it differs through the frame. If I may ask, what film are you using?

The first and last are Ilford Delta 100 and second is APX-100. I really miss APX-25 and APX-100.
Delta 100 and APX-25 + APX-100 were my long time favourites. Now I am still struggling with good film choice for APX-films, especially APX-25.

6-Jul-2009, 09:26
A little Tioga Pass, California on the digi from a couple of years ago…



6-Jul-2009, 10:56
Here are a couple that have been seen elsewhere but that reflect at least a little of the ethos of cameras with movements. Both were made using a Canon 5D and a 24mm TS/E tilt/shift lens.



The first one reveals the limitations of that lens in terms both of coverage and chromatic aberration. I should have used a red filter on the lens instead of attempting the filtration using software. The red filter would have filtered out the fringes resulting from lateral chromatic aberration. Software fixes for that fault don't work with shifted lenses.

Rick "who can tell these are small format even at these reduced sizes" Denney

Eric James
6-Jul-2009, 19:01
John Bachar has died.

6-Jul-2009, 22:35

After I saw your shot of John on White Lightning I did a search and found this on the SF Examiner site...

"Legendary free-soloist John Bachar(1957-2009) died on Sunday (July 5) after falling while climbing Dike Wall near his hometown of Mammoth Lakes, CA. No one witnessed the fall, but nearby climbers responded to the accident followed by Mono County search and rescue. His death comes as a shock to the climbing community and his legacy will live on with those he has inspired."

This very sad. I used to climb quite often with Dave Yerian who was a close friend of John's. Dave introduced me to John and we later did some climbs and bouldering in Tuolumne Meadows together. He was a good man.

Rest in Peace, JB.


kev curry
7-Jul-2009, 01:31
That was a life lead to the absolute max, I'ts sad to hear of his passing.

Brian Bullen
7-Jul-2009, 11:12
Testing a home made 6x14 camera.
90mm Fuji f8
NPH 400 dev in D76 1:1

14-Jul-2009, 19:34
From a recent trip to the Columbia Gorge area. All are scans from prints.

Steve M Hostetter
15-Jul-2009, 13:16
some color

15-Jul-2009, 13:21
A similar color scheme.



15-Jul-2009, 15:06
A few digi shots playing round with multiple flash...




Steve M Hostetter
16-Jul-2009, 11:36
where are all the foxes:eek:

Steve M Hostetter
19-Jul-2009, 10:29
the Jim tree, 105mm f2
please enlarge

Steve M Hostetter
19-Jul-2009, 17:57
105mm f2 raw

19-Jul-2009, 19:08
Nikon D3 with 105mm Micro

22-Jul-2009, 09:23

Frank Petronio
22-Jul-2009, 21:06

22-Jul-2009, 22:51
Trip to the Maroon Bells with the Hasselblad

22-Jul-2009, 22:55
Some night exposures north of Boulder. For the second shot of the satellite dish I ran around lighting things with my headlamp, hence the bluish light from the LEDs.

23-Jul-2009, 09:46
where are all the foxes:eek:

Ha! I bet that critter was more surprised than you were. ;)

Steve M Hostetter
23-Jul-2009, 11:13
Ha! I bet that critter was more surprised than you were. ;)

Hello Sam,,

this is a youngster I spotted at the old abandoned channel 4 TV broadcast station ..

he was more then likely born and living in the near by bushes that surround the complex..

I just parked the truck and observed this fox for several minutes before he bolted back into the bushes
I've been back several times w/ a longer lens and no fox..


23-Jul-2009, 13:25
"I've been back several times w/ a longer lens and no fox.."

Outfoxed you, did he, Steve?


Robert A. Zeichner
24-Jul-2009, 18:54
Restaurant in NJ - Pentax 110 SLR, Verichrome Pan

Frank Petronio
24-Jul-2009, 20:59
It was a boring movie.

Jan Pedersen
24-Jul-2009, 21:22
1987 in the CA Desert. M6 35mm

Jan Pedersen
24-Jul-2009, 21:36
Still crying. Build her and sold her.
Color film and a cheap point and shoot Nikon.

Steve M Hostetter
25-Jul-2009, 10:24
"I've been back several times w/ a longer lens and no fox.."

Outfoxed you, did he, Steve?


I'll get him Preston ! maybe:rolleyes:

25-Jul-2009, 19:41
Took my d300 out in the rain; stood under a tree at the edge of the lake. I'm not quite smart enough to have an umbrella.


Steve M Hostetter
30-Jul-2009, 12:32
My grandmother would walk to her mailbox every morning to this spot back in the 60's

It sits here still, rusting away.. 105mm f2 nikkor

30-Jul-2009, 13:33
Blad shot


Frank Petronio
30-Jul-2009, 17:48
point and shoot

J.B. Books
31-Jul-2009, 00:11
APX 400 in 120 size

Jeremy Moore
31-Jul-2009, 08:19


J.B. Books
31-Jul-2009, 09:15
Canon 30d

1-Aug-2009, 17:21
Playing with Fuji HR2 minicopy film (Nikon 35mm camera):

Couple of Efke IR820 shots with Bronica:


Sylvester Graham
2-Aug-2009, 18:46
Martha's Vineyard. Tiny digicam. Not sure which one. Heavily modified, of course.


PS. How do you get the image to appear in the thread? It's been a while.

Don Hutton
2-Aug-2009, 18:49
point and shoot
Keep it clean Frank...

3-Aug-2009, 09:30
Santa Cruz & Big Trees Pacific rolling down Chestnut Street in Santa Cruz, California. Canon EOS D60, EF 17-40mm ƒ4L, ASA 100:



3-Aug-2009, 19:27
I dig that first shot Sam, thanks for sharing!

3-Aug-2009, 19:34
Here are a couple of shots from a bit of stuff I was out doing with some friends...



David R Munson
4-Aug-2009, 00:24

Canon 400D, 35mm f/2

Patrick Dixon
4-Aug-2009, 04:52
Rolleiflex 2.8C Xenotar Velvia 100F


brian mcweeney
4-Aug-2009, 05:48
Aledo Texas backyard. Nikon D300.

5-Aug-2009, 05:31
I recently bought a pinhole bodycap for my Pentax 6x7 from Brian Ellis on this Forum. Here is an example from the "system." Thanks Brian!


5-Aug-2009, 14:29
Canon 400D




9-Aug-2009, 14:19



Lifepixel infrared converted D100, 18-55 kit lens.

Steve M Hostetter
9-Aug-2009, 18:32
mixture of different things I shot with a D200 105mm f2.0

the Indian needed his upper section , but I needed a 4x10"(point & shoot) w/ a 90mm 5.6 XL hangin off it.. hint HINT :D

Steve M Hostetter
9-Aug-2009, 20:55
in the park, D200 105mm f2.0

Bob McCarthy
10-Aug-2009, 05:46
Leica M2
Nikon 5000 scan

Steve M Hostetter
10-Aug-2009, 21:16
D200 105mm 2.0,, I had just became aware of Joel Witkin's work and went out and shot these.. I know, I'm twisted

Steve M Hostetter
10-Aug-2009, 21:19
done a little shootin tonight, colors, D200 105mm f2.0

10-Aug-2009, 22:01
First to last, Mesquite Dunes, Death Valley, Valley of Fire state park, Nevada, and a patio shot. All on Nikon D100

10-Aug-2009, 22:52
done a little shootin tonight, colors, D200 105mm f2.0

The Storm is very cool.

10-Aug-2009, 23:35
5D, Tamron 90/2.5 Macro.


Rick "wishing he'd made this on large format" Denney

Steve M Hostetter
11-Aug-2009, 07:39
The Storm is very cool.

thx Pen,,

I had fun

11-Aug-2009, 09:12
Rick, very nice, I like that.

11-Aug-2009, 10:05
Rick, very nice, I like that.

Thanks, Marko.

Rick "appreciative" Denney

Steve M Hostetter
11-Aug-2009, 10:53

Steve M Hostetter
11-Aug-2009, 10:55

Brian Bullen
11-Aug-2009, 11:06
Steve, I like this last one, how the water brings my eye back to the rock. Nice movement.

Hasselblad/80mm +2 elements on the front.

14-Aug-2009, 03:48
I have developed a new found love for classic 120 folders. This one was taken with a pre-war Voigtlander Bessa Rangefinder ("E" model) equipped with a Voitlander f/3.5 10.5cm Heliar and loaded with Portra 160NC with me as the weak link trying to hold it all together. I also lucked into a very early Zeiss Super Ikonta C, pre-war and pre-body shutter release modification with a f/4.5 10.5cm Tessar, both cameras in remarkably good condition, although the Bessa rangefinder could stand some vertical alignment (I lack the necessaries to try it myself, but it still seems to focus accurately at a full range of distances, better evidenced by other shots). I am quite smitten.

Frank Petronio
14-Aug-2009, 14:42
Leica M2 w 35mm and TXP, pretty classic

Steve M Hostetter
15-Aug-2009, 12:09
into the forest,w/ D200 105mm f2.0 @f2.0 defocused background iso 100 raw file color corrected

Steve M Hostetter
15-Aug-2009, 12:10
into the forest 2 first shot lit by twilight sky

15-Aug-2009, 14:45
Two identical Pacific class locomotives together, under steam! Southern Pacific 2472 and Southern Pacific 2467 in San Francisco, California in January of 2003.


Bronica S, Nikkor 80mm ƒ2.8 lens, Kodak Portra 160VC.

David Hedley
16-Aug-2009, 22:43
Hasselblad H2, 80mm, Neopan 400 / Xtol 1+3

Steve M Hostetter
21-Aug-2009, 10:05
Reelfoot Lake Tennessee
Carl Perkins boyhood home
, D200

brian mcweeney
21-Aug-2009, 15:31
More urban sprawl in Aledo Texas:

21-Aug-2009, 17:34
David...Marble/cement statues? Or just wonderful use of the power of light?!


31-Aug-2009, 20:14
Here we are, in the 21st century. Vehicle performance being optimized by computer control systems, design engineers pressured to extract every bit of energy from the fuel, and where does that fuel come from - oil wells with pump jacks powered by 100 year old stationary engines.

Here, in North Central Texas, many oil well pump jacks are powered by electric motors, while a few demonstrate the engineering of times long past. Stationary hit and miss engines, like the one pictured here, reliably run, day or night, hot or cold, year round just as they have been for over a life time.

http://thumbs.imagekind.com/member/352651d3-74da-46b2-b4cb-8f3234a0f7ce/uploadedartwork/450X450/4c9cea97-c90f-438f-a92b-6c5084780536.jpg (http://www.imagekind.com/showartwork.aspx?IMID=4c9cea97-c90f-438f-a92b-6c5084780536)

Since I do not know the land owner of this field, I could not go out to learn the make, model, and year of this particular engine.

This photo was taken with my Sigma SD14 through my Sigma 18-50mm f/2.8 EX DC Macro lens at 50mm, f/20, 1/80th, ISO 100.

I just got done processing the following image. Photographed with my Sigma SD14 through my Orion 1250mm f/13.9 ( 90mm Ø ) Maksutov Cassegrain, the angle of view was too small, 0.95°x0.63°, to capture the whole engine in one exposure. This is the result of a mosaic comprising 9 exposures. It took a bit to make sure the motion blur of the running engine didn't ruin the final image.

http://thumbs.imagekind.com/member/352651d3-74da-46b2-b4cb-8f3234a0f7ce/uploadedartwork/450X450/3ee77669-6273-4326-8ba4-a965b22ce0bd.jpg (http://www.imagekind.com/showartwork.aspx?IMID=3ee77669-6273-4326-8ba4-a965b22ce0bd)

Even with the vibration sensitivity, contrast issues, and vignetting inherent with a Maksutov Cassegrain, this turned out well.

1-Sep-2009, 05:15
I live on the Upper East side of Texas as well. I see pump jacks all the time. Why don't I slow down and photograph them?

Wonderful work. Thanks for sharing.

3-Sep-2009, 06:51
Hasselblad 501cm/80-2.8 Planar. Roll 1.


3-Sep-2009, 15:37
Resurrected my little Olympus XA2 recently and was carrying it along on a walk along the Lake Superior shoreline.

T-Max 100 and D-76

3-Sep-2009, 17:22

6-Sep-2009, 16:09
With the results that I had with the Hit & Miss engine photo, I went looking for displays or running antique railroad locomotives. I found one on display, not running, in a museum just an hour away from my ranch:

http://thumbs.imagekind.com/member/352651d3-74da-46b2-b4cb-8f3234a0f7ce/uploadedartwork/450X450/edbe3023-3245-43c0-9ad3-aa9f703bbd83.jpg (http://www.imagekind.com/showartwork.aspx?IMID=edbe3023-3245-43c0-9ad3-aa9f703bbd83)

Photographed at the Wichita Falls Railroad Museum, 500 9th Street, Wichita Falls, Texas, 76308, (940) 723-2661, www.wfrrm.com, on September 5, 2009.

The Fort Worth & Denver #304 Steam Locomotive (Class B-4-R) was built at the Brooks Works of the American Locomotive Co. in July 1906.

This is the oldest piece of equipment in the Wichita Falls Railroad Museum's collection. Originally built as a coal burner, it was converted to oil in July, 1929.

It served as a mainline freight locomotive in its early years. For most of it's service life, the 304 worked on branch lines, including the Wichita Valley locals, and as a yard switcher until it's retirement and donation to the Wichita Falls' Rotary Club on May 24, 1955.

It was moved to the Wichita Falls Railroad Museum, from its long time display in Wichita Falls' Rotary Park, on April 12, 1997 through the efforts of the citizens of Wichita Falls and the T.C. White Foundation.

This is one of three FW&D steam locomotives still in existence, the other two are in Childress Texas (#501) and Marshall Texas (#410 painted and lettered as Texas & Pacific #400).

This photo was taken with my Sigma SD14 through my Sigma 18-50mm f/2.8 EX DC Macro lens at 18mm, f/6.3, 1/200th, ISO 100.

David Hedley
14-Sep-2009, 10:43
Basel, Switzerland

20-Sep-2009, 05:00
I would have posted this in the 'doorways/entrances' thread, but it is not LF. I have had absolutely no time to even set up my Shen Hao!



20-Sep-2009, 13:04
Cool shot, I really like this one! Thanks for sharing!


http://thumbs.imagekind.com/member/352651d3-74da-46b2-b4cb-8f3234a0f7ce/uploadedartwork/450X450/4c9cea97-c90f-438f-a92b-6c5084780536.jpg (http://www.imagekind.com/showartwork.aspx?IMID=4c9cea97-c90f-438f-a92b-6c5084780536)

pablo batt
21-Sep-2009, 11:00

a very unusual day, amsterdam + pentax me super and f1.7 50mm.

21-Sep-2009, 15:15

a very unusual day, amsterdam + pentax me super and f1.7 50mm.

Isn't it a bit early for that stuff?

Kerik Kouklis
21-Sep-2009, 15:22
Hasselblad 201F, 150mm Sonnar.

San Francisco
September 2009

Jeremy Moore
21-Sep-2009, 17:55

gum over pt/pd

21-Sep-2009, 20:08
501cm | Zeiss 80mm/2.8 CFE T* Planar | TMX | Xtol 1:3 | Epson 1680 | Lightroom

River birch


22-Sep-2009, 09:17
09-05-09 Winnsboro, Texas


Jim Noel
22-Sep-2009, 09:53
Reelfoot Lake Tennessee
Carl Perkins boyhood home
, D200

Thanks for these photos. They bring back many boyhood memories of camping by the lake and fishing in those special little boats which were rowed facing forward in order to avoid the tree roots. Are those boats still there?

22-Sep-2009, 10:03
M3, 90mm, HP5+

22-Sep-2009, 12:03
From the Wayback Machine.

Somewhere around Holmesville, Mississippi. November, 1973. Rapid Omega 100, 90mm lens, Tri-X Professional, D-76 1:1. Little or no clue about correct exposure. ;)



Rodney Polden
25-Sep-2009, 01:15
Basel, Switzerland

Great portrait, David - beautifully executed

Donald Miller
30-Sep-2009, 20:26
Recent print.

30-Sep-2009, 21:26
Cool shot Donald. I'd hang it on my wall.

Donald Miller
30-Sep-2009, 23:00
Thanks Brian

Donald Miller
1-Oct-2009, 17:19
Recent print...2008 exposure.

Donald Miller
1-Oct-2009, 17:33
Another recent print...2008 exposure

1-Oct-2009, 17:37
Two more I wish I had the money to spend on... I like the second one a bit more, though. Great stuff!

1-Oct-2009, 21:09
An ordinary small church in an ordinary small town.

First Presbyterian Church, Giddings, Texas.


1-Oct-2009, 21:59
A couple from the Pentax 6x7.

Potts Mill, Loudoun County, Virginia, 2008. 45mm SMC Takumar, f/22, Velvia, scanned in Nikon 8000ED. Potts Mill burned on December 1, 1864, on order of the Union General Sheridan, as part of burning out all the farmers in Loudoun County who were (mostly unwillingly) supplying the Confederate General Mosby. In addition to burning every mill, store, and crop, they arrested all farming-age men. In the case of Potts Mill, they enjoyed a meal prepared by Mrs. Neer, the mill owner, which she offered in return for sparing the mill. But they burned it anyway, and her house for good measure. I think this part of Loudoun County changed hands about six or eight times, sitting halfway between Antietam and Manassas.

Tombstones, Floyd, Virginia, 2009. 55mm SMC Pentax, f/22, Velvia, scanned in Nikon 8000ED. No history with these--I could hardly read a word on them. Floyd is near the Blue Ridge, east of Blacksburg in southern Virginia. It's the home of weekly bluegrass and the site of the annual Floydfest Bluegrass Festival. Lotsa bluegrass in these parts. Not much for a tuba player to do.

Rick "wishing that camera had movements" Denney

Donald Miller
1-Oct-2009, 23:51
Two more I wish I had the money to spend on... I like the second one a bit more, though. Great stuff!

Thanks again Brian

2-Oct-2009, 05:29
Consecutive posts. Same camera. Same lens. What are the odds?

Rick, am I prejudiced? Or is the Pentax 6x7 & 45mm lens a fabulous combination?

Still harboring Hasselblad Lust after all these years in Texas.

Donald Miller
2-Oct-2009, 12:09
Bergamo 2009

Donald Miller
2-Oct-2009, 12:49
Bergamo 2009

2-Oct-2009, 13:32
The second is really lovely Donald.

I was out shooting my favorite season today.




Donald Miller
2-Oct-2009, 16:17
Beautiful color...I enjoyed Colorado in the autumn. Brings back many memories. Thanks for posting these.
Donald Miller

Tony Karnezis
2-Oct-2009, 17:53
Two more I wish I had the money to spend on... I like the second one a bit more, though. Great stuff!

Ditto to that. The second one is especially good, Don. Stunning in its beauty and simplicity.

2-Oct-2009, 19:28
Red car. Ektar 100.


Donald Miller
2-Oct-2009, 20:45
Ditto to that. The second one is especially good, Don. Stunning in its beauty and simplicity.

Thank you Tony

Roger Thoms
3-Oct-2009, 00:00
Shot hand held from a boat in Sausalito, CA. Provia 100F

Jeremy Moore
3-Oct-2009, 15:54

fishyface. Made some self-portraits while working on another project and the lights were already out. Sometimes you just have to be a little silly :)

3-Oct-2009, 16:13
Rick, am I prejudiced? Or is the Pentax 6x7 & 45mm lens a fabulous combination?

I've heard a lot of complaining about the 6x7 over the years. Mirror slap undermines sharpness, the film isn't held flat, the lenses are so-so, etc. It's a lot of claptrap as far as I'm concerned. 16x20 prints (biggest I can make) are just stunning. The only problem with it is that it doesn't have movements. And that's a big problem for many images. The vertical convergence was useful in the first image, but I was unable to get the background gravestones really sharp in the second one without being able to tilt the lens a bit.

I don't lust for a Hasselblad. There are a couple of lenses worthy of the lust, perhaps, but I just don't have a need for what the complexity of that camera buys.

Rick "for whom the 6x7 is a landscape camera, and uses digital or a Pentax 645 for rare commercial-type work" Denney

3-Oct-2009, 16:44
I've had one 16x20 print made from a 45mm negative. It looked good to me and my customer. I hand hold my 6x7. I also use the MLU hand held. I believe nothing negative that I read on the internet.

I have a 501cm+80mm Planar sitting on the table next to me. Comparing negatives from the Hasselblad and the big Pentax. The jury is still out.


Tony Karnezis
3-Oct-2009, 16:59
I'm with Rick and Wayne. I used a Pentax 67 and a 55/4 for years. I always used MLU whether hand held or tripod mounted. On several occasions, people who developed my film and printed my work at Duggal or other labs asked if I shot with a Hasselblad.

It's a great photo kit with a price and ease of use that's hard to beat. If I had to do it over, I'd consider a Rollei SL66 for the movements. Rick, what Hasselblad lenses do you consider lust-worthy?

3-Oct-2009, 20:33
... Rick, what Hasselblad lenses do you consider lust-worthy?

Not fair. I'm not sure that I can afford one Zeiss lens for the Hasselblad. OK, I'm interested too.

3-Oct-2009, 23:29
Panasonic Lumix P&S

Frank Petronio
4-Oct-2009, 07:53
Various cheap little cameras

Frank Petronio
4-Oct-2009, 07:56
and some more cheap shots from my recent adventures....

Robert Hughes
5-Oct-2009, 06:39
Oh, Frank, I am in awe of your model work! They are so comfortable with you. And I love that super high key lighting one in #427.

5-Oct-2009, 10:03
Though it might not necessarily be viewed by some as a work of art, I like the one with the two girls playing coy and and the two guys with cigarettes in their mouth. From a journalistic viewpoint, their stances are very telling...

Jan C.

Donald Miller
5-Oct-2009, 12:33
A couple from yesterday. 5D II 16-35 L lens.

5-Oct-2009, 15:32
Rick, what Hasselblad lenses do you consider lust-worthy?

I'll leave it to those who own them to speak up.

Rick "who doesn't really lust after any of them" Denney

Greg Lockrey
5-Oct-2009, 15:59
I'll leave it to those who own them to speak up.

Rick "who doesn't really lust after any of them" Denney

Yeah, if I had my druthers I would tend to go the RB-RZ 67 route.

6-Oct-2009, 15:45
Couple more from the local canyons. Both shot on a Rebel XT with 17-40L. LF from the day is off to the lab.



Jim Bradley
8-Oct-2009, 22:14
Annette Bay, Prevost Island, Gulf Islands, BC

Kodak HIE @ ASA400 Nikon F3HP, 35mm f2 ai'd, R25 filter


Michael Wainfeld
10-Oct-2009, 13:53
A couple from the subway and Penn Station-Velvia-Nikon F4

11-Oct-2009, 06:46


dave wagstaff
14-Oct-2009, 18:18
From the weekend..



Roger Thoms
17-Oct-2009, 11:13
One from a recent ride on Caltrain and one from a some where on highway 43 in Idaho on a recent trip to Montana. Nikon 6006, 24mm, Provia 100F

Scott Schroeder
22-Oct-2009, 12:18
Recent Big Bend trip with my son. Awesome storm rolled in at sunset.


26-Oct-2009, 11:42
Miscellaneous stuff from June through September.

'32 Deuce Coupe, Winnsboro, TX


Balcony, Winnsboro, TX


Building, Winnsboro, TX


Nancy Gay, Montgomery, TX


26-Oct-2009, 13:30
Sunrise at Mulholland Highway a few days ago:


Canon DRebel XT

8-Nov-2009, 02:58
Three new interpretations. First two are from Alaska, both made using a Canon 10D micro-format. The last was from two weeks ago in western Maryland, using a Canon 5D. Wish I'd had the big camera on that little trip, but had too many relatives to entertain.

Mount St. Elias, I think, 2007.

On the road to Denali, 2007.

Near Oakland, MD, 2009.

Rick "equivalent 4x5 focal lengths: 360, 65, and 90, respectively" Denney

8-Nov-2009, 07:25
Rick, I like the Denali one very much. Great atmosphere.

8-Nov-2009, 07:59
35mm with Voigtlander Vitessa and F2.0 Ultron.


8-Nov-2009, 10:24
Mount St. Elias, I think, 2007.


Nice one! It looks like it's about ready to dump on you. :D

Here's an old Kodachrome from my hometown rails, the Monterey Branch. The Southern Pacific local still went down in the afternoon to the sand plant to exchange cars as seen in August of 1996. It's currently a rusting hulk cut off from the main line. Sigh.


8-Nov-2009, 16:04
here are a couple from me i shot a couple of days ago at henry cowell park in felton, ca.

zorki4 w/jupiter 8 lens and tweaked in photoshop.

Tony Karnezis
8-Nov-2009, 21:20
I was at the Legion of Honor today for the John Baldessari exhibit (yawn). The museum is a common site for wedding ceremonies and shoots. Here are a couple of the bride playing to the camera. It was hard to hold the highlights in her dress, but I like her movement.

Tony Karnezis
8-Nov-2009, 21:33
35mm with Voigtlander Vitessa and F2.0 Ultron.


A very sweet portrait

Tony Karnezis
8-Nov-2009, 21:36
Sunrise at Mulholland Highway a few days ago:


Mount St. Elias, I think, 2007.

On the road to Denali, 2007.

Rick "equivalent 4x5 focal lengths: 360, 65, and 90, respectively" Denney

Great landscapes guys

9-Nov-2009, 08:35
Thanks Tony! :)

9-Nov-2009, 09:44
Thank you, guys.

Rick "appreciative" Denney

9-Nov-2009, 13:19
Doing my thing on a Kodak DCS full-frame with 35mm PC Nikkor.

Jeremy Moore
9-Nov-2009, 21:04

brother & sister.

Tony Karnezis
9-Nov-2009, 23:36
Beautiful, Jeremy

Jeremy Moore
10-Nov-2009, 06:48
Beautiful, Jeremy

Thanks, Tony. Made it last night and now the wife is saying "print it for the wall!" You know, she never says that about any of my other pictures :D

MIke Sherck
10-Nov-2009, 08:38
Thanks, Tony. Made it last night and now the wife is saying "print it for the wall!" You know, she never says that about any of my other pictures :D

My daughter says, maybe you ought to photograph the Dachshund more often! :)


Jeremy Moore
10-Nov-2009, 09:35
My daughter says, maybe you ought to photograph the Dachshund more often! :)




Tell her I'm on it!

Don Hutton
10-Nov-2009, 12:09

brother & sister.Fantastic!

10-Nov-2009, 13:24
Doing my thing on a Kodak DCS full-frame with 35mm PC Nikkor.

Your 'thing' is very good! :)

10-Nov-2009, 13:26

brother & sister.

Wow! What a wonderful shot!

10-Nov-2009, 15:34

brother & sister.

Wonderful shot ineeded. I keep coming back to it. :)

12-Nov-2009, 07:14
Jeremy, you have reminded us of what photography is all about: Tone. Thanks.

13-Nov-2009, 10:19
A first post on this wonderful site..... I don't use LF anymore and my MPP Mk VII has not been out of the cupboard for many years. I only came here to follow the posts of Mr Broadbent. I DO feel inspired by you all to sort out my dark slides, spit on the Angulon, and check if my bellows is still pliable......

However, I am going to post two shots that i'm reasonably pleased with,..they were taken with a Casio 'shirt pocket camera' having a truly tiny sensor. Also, they were both shot against the clock in seconds rather than minutes.........both by use of the 'poor mans tripod', namely, foot on chair, camera on knee......



13-Nov-2009, 13:44
Vineyards in Gilroy, California this past Monday with the ol' point and shoot. I had the smudged lens filter on, and I like the effect. :D


13-Nov-2009, 16:44
http://lh3.ggpht.com/_OR3U2BmIDuk/Shu_5ZLWDRI/AAAAAAAABhs/cyYTWcOkoZA/s800/L28dngtm.jpgAn M8 shot. I posted it on a Leica forum and it cut no ice. Forums are good places to try things out. If it sinks, move on.

13-Nov-2009, 16:49
......It 'cut' ice with me thats why I'm here and not there.......

13-Nov-2009, 17:11
I really like it. I don't know what "their" problem was.

Keith Pitman
13-Nov-2009, 17:23
Holga - Multiple exposure.

Keith Pitman
13-Nov-2009, 17:30
35mm cropped.

Tony Karnezis
13-Nov-2009, 23:57
35mm cropped.

Nice composition.

14-Nov-2009, 06:46
http://lh3.ggpht.com/_OR3U2BmIDuk/Shu_5ZLWDRI/AAAAAAAABhs/cyYTWcOkoZA/s800/L28dngtm.jpgAn M8 shot. I posted it on a Leica forum and it cut no ice. Forums are good places to try things out. If it sinks, move on.

Not only do the cameras have to fit the "mold" (witness the Leica M5), but the photos as well.

I enjoy your still life photos. Keep them coming. Something may rub off on me. I may try again.

David Hedley
14-Nov-2009, 11:30
An M8 shot. I posted it on a Leica forum and it cut no ice. Forums are good places to try things out. If it sinks, move on.

Christopher - I like that very much!

While the negs are drying, here's one from this afternoon;

Vierwaldstättersee, Switzerland

14-Nov-2009, 14:06
Nice one David!

18-Nov-2009, 13:43
David, that dark centre with a gentle echo in the water teaches me a thing or two.
Here is a 3x digital stitch from a Kodak DCS (hoping I didn't post it last year).

21-Nov-2009, 05:56
Our local art association is having a "dog and pony show," for which participants are to submit images of either dogs or horses. I dug out an old 35 mm color transparency and converted to B&W. I think I'm going to call it "Ready To Go Home". That's my dog (who died this August at a ripe old 14 1/2 adventure-filled years) near the end of a 7 hour day of backcountry skiing at the base of Mount Shasta.

21-Nov-2009, 08:14
i love the dog image. sorry for your loss :(

i found a few dog images when i was walking around the french quarter last week

21-Nov-2009, 22:07
That's my dog (who died this August at a ripe old 14 1/2 adventure-filled years) near the end of a 7 hour day of backcountry skiing at the base of Mount Shasta.

That photo really tells a story, doesn't it?

Rick "well seen" Denney

Oren Grad
22-Nov-2009, 01:52
Y'all must be getting hungry by now...



22-Nov-2009, 10:33
Deep fried candy bars? I've never seen that before. And you've gotta love the guy with the big plate of whatever it is...

Thanks for looking, Rick. Heres another one - same dog, different story. Before all of you report me to PETA, let me tell you that as soon as we got moving she was up and at it, eyes twinkling. Just another day in the mountains!

al olson
22-Nov-2009, 16:06
Haven't looked into the Lounge for a couple of years. Decided to take a look this morning and I was wowed by all of the stunning work in alternative formats. I thought I would offer a few monochromes to share.

The first is Anasazi Ruins made with a Bronica SQ-Ai, Zenzenon 85mm lens on EFKE 820c with infrared filter.

The second is Summitville Storm, Bronica SQ-Ai, Zenzenon 200mm lens on Ilford SFX with infrared filter.

The third is Great Falls of the Potomac, Bronica SQ-Ai, Zenzenon 85mm on MACO 820c with Wratten A filter.

al olson
22-Nov-2009, 16:14
And here are a few made with Nikon F100 and Tamron 28-300mm lens.

The first two were made on Kodak HIE. One is of the Lovettsville Cemetary and the other is the Viet Nam Memorial.

The third was made on Fujicolor NPH and converted to monochrome.

The last one was made on Fujicolor Superia X-tra, converted to monochrome.

David Hedley
23-Nov-2009, 03:04
Excellent work, Al.

23-Nov-2009, 08:48
35mm digital with a vintage helios 44-2 58mm f/2 @ f/16 (a carl zeiss biotar copy)
While I have only shot digital (never have shot film), I find myself inspired by all the great large format film work on this forum. I really love the smooth tonality and detailed highlights and shadows that a lot of the photographs on this forum show. I guess I'm a digital guy trying to emulate the look of film, haha.


al olson
24-Nov-2009, 07:15
Thank you for the kind words, David. Like many here I photograph things that suit my personal tastes. It is good to hear when my style strikes a chord with other viewers.

26-Nov-2009, 12:41
iPhone, at lunch hour:




30-Nov-2009, 20:55
Sort of before and after. Same scene, summer shot with a 6x9 Bessa Rangefinder folding camera (ca 1936) with an 80mm Heliar lens, late autumn shot on 35mm (both cameras loaded with Portra) Bessa R2S rangefinder with the Nikkor 50/1.4 Millennium lens (borrowed from a S3 2000 set).

4-Dec-2009, 21:06
Himalayan Poppies
Pentax 6x7 with 90mm lens, Tmax 100

Jim collum
4-Dec-2009, 21:18
aptus 75s, zeiss planar 110/2


aptus 75s, zeiss distagon 50/2.8


aptus 75s, zeiss distagon 50/2.8


aptus 75s, zeiss distagon 50/2.8


5-Dec-2009, 04:47

Very nice! I particularly like the third image.

Jim collum
5-Dec-2009, 08:59
35mm digital with a vintage helios 44-2 58mm f/2 @ f/16 (a carl zeiss biotar copy)
While I have only shot digital (never have shot film), I find myself inspired by all the great large format film work on this forum. I really love the smooth tonality and detailed highlights and shadows that a lot of the photographs on this forum show. I guess I'm a digital guy trying to emulate the look of film, haha.

Very well seen, and great tones!

5-Dec-2009, 13:11
Jim. Amazing trees! Number three for me too.

5-Dec-2009, 14:29
no 2 for me

David Hedley
6-Dec-2009, 05:39
A blast from the past - a sequence of photographs from Kowloon City in Hong Kong when the old Kai Tak airport was still in operation;
Nikon F, 24mm, Ektachrome

6-Dec-2009, 19:58
Kickass shots David!

8-Dec-2009, 17:53
Very well seen, and great tones!
Thank you, Jim. It means a lot; especially coming from you. Your work is part of the reason I now love to look at LFPG for inspiration. Those trees are amazing. The "look" goes perfectly with the composition and subject to give a really timeless feel that takes the viewer away from the constraints of reality. I actually saw your large format better light work on Jack/Guy's forum a while ago too. I really loved the Angkor Wat images.
I have to confess though, I'm a college student who has never shot film :eek: and is only on his third camera/second DSLR and I love learning Photoshop :p . But I really appreciate and enjoy viewing the work done on film gear and in the darkroom and ultimately learning from those works.
So, thank you LF photographers for the amazing and inspirational work :)

and here's another "wannabe-LF" photograph from the same, amazing helios 44-2 58mm f/2 lens

dave wagstaff
11-Dec-2009, 11:55
A couple shots in 35mm



11-Dec-2009, 12:23

15-Dec-2009, 05:05
Lovely, jon.oman. Striking color and classic composition make for a very nice photo. Format, camera, lens, film, if you feel like divulging secrets? The detail makes me think 6x9 rather than 35mm, but who knows? Got some more?

15-Dec-2009, 08:06
With Canon IVSB and F1.8 50mm.
