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Tom J McDonald
22-Feb-2012, 18:05
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7161/6741829131_87f1586a57_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/68285466@N02/6741829131/)
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7019/6732669273_d18023e08f_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/68285466@N02/6732669273/)

Both Olympus OM2, printed on Agfa RA4 paper.

23-Feb-2012, 18:51

And some forced swirls, because there was some discussion about them today. Tiny (and I mean tiny) Dallmeyer petzval on m4/3 G1.

26-Feb-2012, 14:52
Hanging out in the orchards with Alyssa Ferguson this past Thursday. She's a real live cowgirl, having competed in many rodeos. :D

Canon EOS D60, Canon EF 50mm ƒ1.8 lens, ASA 100.


Greg Y
26-Feb-2012, 15:08
Grabshot in Austin Tx with the Iphone while standing in line to get a coffee. The Rolleiflex negative that followed isn't as good an image...

26-Feb-2012, 21:39
First try running 35mm through my Holga. I must not have taped off the film counter window well enough because all the shots have a little spot of red right in the middle. The film has scratches, too, since there is no pressure plate in the camera. But at least it works.



26-Feb-2012, 21:39
And another:



austin granger
26-Feb-2012, 23:03
Clouds, Louisiana, Summer, 2001


27-Feb-2012, 03:15

Beautiful clouds. The telephone poles look like little crosses. Was that with the Yashica?


EDIT: I just realized that the Holga photo of the recyclers above was posted earlier in this thread. Imbecile! I've got to get a file going of images that have been posted already. My memory is not a reliable resource anymore.

27-Feb-2012, 12:00
Inside Looking Out, Arches National Park



27-Feb-2012, 12:49
That reminds me of one of mine, making use of a fisheye lens:

(But be forgiving. I scanned this from color negative film at least a decade ago on a $100 Acer flatbed. I would do things differently now!)

Double Arch from Within, Arches NP, Utah, 2001. Kiev 60, 30mm Arsat fisheye. Fuji Reala.

Rick "it's dark inside there" Denney

27-Feb-2012, 15:41
Shot yesterday with Pentax 67ii and 220 Tri-X. Lens was 165mm f2.8, wide open. I'm having a lot of trouble focusing, probably because of eye disease. Getting old sucks.


David Schaller
27-Feb-2012, 15:57
Still nice though! Well within the ballpark, and the spontaneity is great.

Brian C. Miller
27-Feb-2012, 16:12
I'm having a lot of trouble focusing, ...

That's a really good picture! Would you like to borrow my Fuji GA645zi and see how it works for you?

27-Feb-2012, 16:19
Shot yesterday with Pentax 67ii and 220 Tri-X. Lens was 165mm f2.8, wide open. I'm having a lot of trouble focusing, probably because of eye disease. Getting old sucks.

Get the P67 magnifier Leland.


Roger Cole
27-Feb-2012, 18:02
Where did you get 220 Tri-X? I presume you've had it for a while, not scored a stash of frozen 220. ;)

austin granger
27-Feb-2012, 18:24
Thanks Jonathan. Yeah, I'm a sucker for telephone pole crosses. This was made way back in 2001 with a Pentax 67, my first 'serious' camera. I remember at the time thinking that 6x7 negatives were enormous-ha! Anyway, I miss that old tank.

27-Feb-2012, 18:27
Where did you get 220 Tri-X? I presume you've had it for a while, not scored a stash of frozen 220. ;)

I got it out of my freezer, and you're right, there's not a bunch of it in there. I think as of yesterday I'm down to seven rolls. If I had any 220 Plus X I'd be in hog heaven, but I shot the last of that several years ago.

Heck, I'd like to have just about any good B&W film in 220; the Pentax works a lot better when I don't have to reload it every five minutes. The VH-R has interchangeable backs, so shooting 120 isn't as big a pain in the backside.

27-Feb-2012, 18:35
Thanks Jonathan. Yeah, I'm a sucker for telephone pole crosses. This was made way back in 2001 with a Pentax 67, my first 'serious' camera. I remember at the time thinking that 6x7 negatives were enormous-ha! Anyway, I miss that old tank.

I'd sell my old 67 MLU, but I'd be concerned that it would go into an eBay store and the buyer wouldn't actually use it. I prefer to use the things in my "collections," and it torques me off when something gets collected and stored, stuck away to satisfy some guy's desire to hoard things he might make a buck on.

27-Feb-2012, 20:26

28-Feb-2012, 09:50
^ Wow, she's very cute. :D

Greg Y
28-Feb-2012, 10:06
Great photos Leland. What a wonderful & very expressive model. Especially like the 2nd photo, but both really capture the moment....a nice change from the sometimes 'moody' approach.

28-Feb-2012, 13:02
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7177/6936901265_8902e93c06_z.jpg (http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7177/6936901265_8902e93c06_z.jpg
Lindsay's Best Friend by Jeffery D Ross, on Flickr)
Lindsay's Best Friend (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jefferydavidross/6936901265/) on Flickr

Yashica Mat 124
Kodak T400

28-Feb-2012, 13:21
I'm having a lot of trouble focusing, probably because of eye disease. Getting old sucks.


The WLF for the Pentax 67 solves that problem.

28-Feb-2012, 16:46
Did you say moody? Kodak TMZ rated at 1600 in Nikon F3, 19mm lens.



Pentax 67II, Plus X, 165mm.


28-Feb-2012, 16:47
The WLF for the Pentax 67 solves that problem.

That's fine when shooting landscape orientation, but not so good when I try to shoot portrait.

28-Feb-2012, 17:13
Just picked up a visoflex III and had some fun with it. This is with the 90/2.8 Tele-elmarit "fat" directly attached to the visoflex, which works, but I have no clue what the magnification is, since the old instruction manuals only mention what you get when you put a 35mm or 50mm on the visoflex. I think I'm in the 1:2 neighborhood, probably a bit more.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7054/6914076081_0286558709_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/drew_saunders/6914076081/)

austin granger
28-Feb-2012, 21:07
From Seat 12J, over Midwestern United States


Peter De Smidt
28-Feb-2012, 21:09
37 Ford Truck

28-Feb-2012, 22:09
Lately I am just working like a dog 6 days a week with no time nor energy to shoot.
the only positive thing is that I ahve receiveda Piezo K7 carbon kit and doing some printing.
This one is one that printed very nicely.

P67 75/4.5 SHift




29-Feb-2012, 02:18
Versailles, 1999
Rollei 35
Velvia 50



29-Feb-2012, 02:21
Another from my series taken at night in the fog in urban Portland.

Expired Tri-X 120
Argus Argoflex TLR
5 sec. exposure @ f/4.5



29-Feb-2012, 05:39
my speed graphic is being serviced, so I'm toying with smaller formats - the minolta xd-7 loaded with polypan f 50 film and the bronica sq-a (fitted with the zenzanon s 150mm/f3.5) loaded with ilford fp4:




you can see the whole set in my blog: http://thodorismarkou.com/blog/2012/02/alight/

Jay DeFehr
29-Feb-2012, 07:36
Very nice work, guys. Love the night stuff, Jonathan.

29-Feb-2012, 10:33
That's fine when shooting landscape orientation, but not so good when I try to shoot portrait.

Only with handheld. But on a tripod, it is just as easy to look through the WLF with the camera rotated 90 deg as it is horizontal unless you have the camera close to the ground. And if things are that bad, you don't even need to shoot in portrait orientation. You can just compose and crop the the final results. With my Hasselblad, I create 6:7 and 5:7 aspect landscape orientations by cropping all the time. And with my Pentax 6x7 with WLF, I just keep it in landscape orientation and crop if I want portrait orientation when I handhold.

For the Pentax 6x7, the benefits outweigh the loss of area for me. You get 100% view, a smaller and much lighter camera and better critical focus with the WLF with its magnifying glass.

29-Feb-2012, 13:53
Thanks, Jay. What continues to amaze me is how much light there is in the city at night. Sounds silly, I know, but to my eye it seems dark whereas the film, with a long enough exposure, sees a fully illuminated scene.


29-Feb-2012, 14:32
Another from my series taken at night in the fog in urban Portland.

Expired Tri-X 120
Argus Argoflex TLR
5 sec. exposure @ f/4.5


Nice night shot. With expired Tri-X, that could be TXT, 400TX , 320TXP and more and all different. ;)

29-Feb-2012, 14:53
I'll have to go back and look at the film edge code to see which it was. I had some that expired in the 1960s, but I'm not sure if that was this roll or not.


EDIT: I lied! It was expired TMY. Sorry about that. I have so many cameras loaded at one time I can't keep them all straight.

29-Feb-2012, 15:13
From Seat 12J, over Midwestern United States


Very nice.

Whipping out (and using) an old camera while flying is certain to start an interesting conversation with the person next to you.

Roger Cole
29-Feb-2012, 15:29
Apalachicola Beach, shot at Apalachicola FL, October, 2011. Yashicamat 124, Ilford Pan F+, EI 64 in Diafine, exposure unrecorded but metered with Luna Pro SBC. Print is on Arista Private Reserve RC paper, pearl surface (AKA Adox MCP 312) paper, developed in LDP developer and lightly selenium toned, 3.5 minutes in KRST 1+19. This is a straight scan of the print.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7194/6796097224_1bcce92207_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rogercole/6796097224/)
Apalachicola Beach 1 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/rogercole/6796097224/) by Roger Cole (http://www.flickr.com/people/rogercole/), on Flickr

austin granger
29-Feb-2012, 18:12
Thanks jp. This was some years back so I don't remember if I had any interesting conversations, but as it was my old Pentax 67 (with its tremendously loud 'clunk'), I imagine that my neighbors were wondering just what I was doing!

austin granger
29-Feb-2012, 18:14
That has a really nice feel Roger, especially today on a freezing, rainy day in Portland.

Roger Cole
29-Feb-2012, 19:06
Thanks Austin. I normally make final prints on fiber base, but I had to get one knocked out quickly for a print exchange elsewhere and didn't have time for the washing routine, so I made this on the Arista/Adox RC.

It was 70 degrees (but also rainy) here in Atlanta today.

29-Feb-2012, 19:42
Zeiss Super Ikonta 531
Delta 3200 @ 1600



Peter De Smidt
29-Feb-2012, 20:00
That's a neat abstract, Jonathan.

29-Feb-2012, 20:45
Thanks, Peter. When I first processed the roll a couple of weeks ago I had no idea what it was. Using the other pictures on the roll as a guide (the roll was a few years old so my memory was no help!) I realized it is a window at the art museum downtown. I was happy with this shot. The best on the roll, it turns out.


austin granger
29-Feb-2012, 21:27
Another one from the plane:



1-Mar-2012, 01:34
Nikon D700, Nikon 200mm Micro f/4.
Handheld because that's all I could do. Sure more DOF would be nice but oh well!


1-Mar-2012, 15:04
And sometimes I even shoot digital...


austin granger
1-Mar-2012, 18:10


1-Mar-2012, 18:14

Yashica D

I'm confused about posting pics since the forum upgrade. I used to be able to click the "insert image" icon and paste the link and the pics would show up as sized, not thumb-nails that must be clicked on. Am I doing something wrong? Also, I can't get the spell-check to work...or I have suddenly became a genious...?

Tom J McDonald
1-Mar-2012, 18:16
They throw those basketballs hard over there, Austin.

1-Mar-2012, 20:13
Montana de Oro State Park, CA
Fuji GSW690II (slight crop)
Vericolor III 220



Roger Cole
1-Mar-2012, 20:21

Yashica D

I'm confused about posting pics since the forum upgrade. I used to be able to click the "insert image" icon and paste the link and the pics would show up as sized, not thumb-nails that must be clicked on. Am I doing something wrong? Also, I can't get the spell-check to work...or I have suddenly became a genious...?

What's different is that the "insert image" has a tab for from your computer (which adds an attachment) and a tab for "from URL." If you don't uncheck the box that says "Retrieve remote file and reference locally" it just fetches the image and makes it an attachment with a thumbnail. Uncheck that and it embeds the image as it always has, though it still seems to add a thumbnail as an attachment.

Can't help you with the spell check and, in fact, I don't even see the button for it. I use Firefox which has built in spell checking. So do most later versions of IE.

austin granger
1-Mar-2012, 20:56
Geese, Sauvie Island

My plan was that as I walked toward them, the birds would take off and the picture would be the field with a white band above and then above that, the geese. Obviously, I was a little too quick on the draw. I still kind of like it though. Maybe a Yashica Mat was not the best tool for the job here...


Jan Pedersen
1-Mar-2012, 21:08
That is a great image Austin. the Yashica Mat did the job well. (In the hands of a good photographer)

Kirk Gittings
1-Mar-2012, 21:11


Really like that image Austin.

Peter De Smidt
1-Mar-2012, 21:30

Austin's is better. Here's one taken a few minutes later:


austin granger
2-Mar-2012, 09:22
Really like that image Austin.

Thanks Kirk. I seem to be accumulating pictures of basketball hoops. Maybe I should start doing them 'properly' with the big camera on a tripod. As far as this one though, I'm not much of a basketball player, but doesn't having a cement wall right behind the basket seem kind of dangerous? I mean, imagine driving in for a layup...

austin granger
2-Mar-2012, 09:25
Thanks Peter, Jan. Peter, I like yours better. And that second one is really strange and good. I'd love to know the story.

2-Mar-2012, 09:35

Yashica D

I'm confused about posting pics since the forum upgrade. I used to be able to click the "insert image" icon and paste the link and the pics would show up as sized, not thumb-nails that must be clicked on. Am I doing something wrong? Also, I can't get the spell-check to work...or I have suddenly became a genious...?

The first one of the old VW is really cool. Screams abandonia.

Geese, Sauvie Island

My plan was that as I walked toward them, the birds would take off and the picture would be the field with a white band above and then above that, the geese. Obviously, I was a little too quick on the draw. I still kind of like it though. Maybe a Yashica Mat was not the best tool for the job here...


I hope you brought an umbrella, you could should have been a white mess! Fun photo!

2-Mar-2012, 09:46
Digital collage, 9 November 2010 in the ballroom of a late Victorian hotel.


Peter De Smidt
2-Mar-2012, 11:04
Good series, Leland!

2-Mar-2012, 14:18
I'm not much of a basketball player, but doesn't having a cement wall right behind the basket seem kind of dangerous? I mean, imagine driving in for a layup...

I think you photographed the answer to your own question. Any teeth at the bottom of those "splats"? :)

2-Mar-2012, 15:27
This guy lives in a belt loader at one of the jet parking spots at Long Beach Airport and loves watching all the aviation activity:

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7176/6801179958_2513ba5224_z.jpg ("[url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/jefferydavidross/6801179958/)
Airport Owl (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jefferydavidross/6801179958/)

Cannon G11

Peter De Smidt
2-Mar-2012, 17:20
... And that second one is really strange and good. I'd love to know the story.

My friend and I decided to do a photo series together, and he came over the night before so that we could get an early start. Well, numbnuts didn't get up until 3:30pm! At that time of year, light was fading fast, and so I used TMZ, which is the only time I've used that film. He's a big fan of Monty Pyton, and so we did some Silly Walks. I used a 20mm on my Fm2n.



austin granger
2-Mar-2012, 17:31
I think you photographed the answer to your own question. Any teeth at the bottom of those "splats"? :)

I'm never going to be able to look at my picture the same way again. Thanks Tuco. :)

2-Mar-2012, 17:32
My friend and I decided to do a photo series together, and he came over the night before so that we could get an early start. Well, numbnuts didn't get up until 3:30pm! At that time of year, light was fading fast, and so I used TMZ, which is the only time I've used that film. He's a big fan of Monty Pyton, and so we did some Silly Walks. I used a 20mm on my Fm2n.

Cool shots.

austin granger
2-Mar-2012, 17:33
This guy lives in a belt loader at one of the jet parking spots at Long Beach Airport and loves watching all the aviation activity:

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7176/6801179958_2513ba5224_z.jpg ("[url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/jefferydavidross/6801179958/)
Airport Owl (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jefferydavidross/6801179958/)

Cannon G11
Wow, that's amazing Jeff! Both him and your picture.

Peter De Smidt
2-Mar-2012, 17:36
Wow, that's amazing Jeff! Both him and your picture.

+1! It's a very cool shot.

2-Mar-2012, 18:09
This guy lives in a belt loader at one of the jet parking spots at Long Beach Airport and loves watching all the aviation activity:

Cannon G11

Strange indeed. I guess he couldn't afford the more expensive housing in the countryside. Let's hope he has learned to stay out of the flight paths.

2-Mar-2012, 19:51
Good series, Leland!

Thanks, Peter, it's appreciated. This is one of those things that actually looked exactly the way I planned from the beginning, though initially I had considered four or even five images. When Keira actually did the move I'd requested, I found that in order to shoot it, I'd have to do it fast, and thus, only three images. We shot in the hotel for an entire day, using the ballroom, two hallways on two floors, and three of the guest rooms, as well as various alcoves, nooks and crannies. Here's another shot in the same location with Nettie Harris, an art model from New Orleans.


And two more from Keira's set:



3-Mar-2012, 09:33
My friend and I decided to do a photo series together, and he came over the night before so that we could get an early start. Well, numbnuts didn't get up until 3:30pm! At that time of year, light was fading fast, and so I used TMZ, which is the only time I've used that film. He's a big fan of Monty Pyton, and so we did some Silly Walks. I used a 20mm on my Fm2n.



LOL, those are great. Twits for win!


3-Mar-2012, 09:51
My friend and I decided to do a photo series together, and he came over the night before so that we could get an early start. Well, numbnuts didn't get up until 3:30pm! At that time of year, light was fading fast, and so I used TMZ, which is the only time I've used that film. He's a big fan of Monty Pyton, and so we did some Silly Walks. I used a 20mm on my Fm2n.

I hope this doesn't sound too far off the mark, but Peter, my first impression was to think of Henri Cartier-Bresson. I think it's the starkness and spontaneous nature of the images.

Peter De Smidt
3-Mar-2012, 12:56
Leland, you're too kind. I really wish that I could've taken these with Tri-x.

The middle photo in your most recent post is very intriguing. It has a nice sense of mystery.

3-Mar-2012, 17:33
http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2590/4056953250_626e84443d_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nguss/4056953250/)

An old one with the sigma 10 -20. If only I had a large format camera at the time, I could have mounted the 10-20 on it (just a flippant reference to another interesting thread on the board).

3-Mar-2012, 19:40
An old one with the sigma 10 -20. If only I had a large format camera at the time, I could have mounted the 10-20 on it (just a flippant reference to another interesting thread on the board).

That is one AMAZING photo, no matter how you produced it. I love the perspective, and the tonality of the dark rocks is wonderful.

3-Mar-2012, 19:44
Desaturated Fujicolor print film, 35mm, shot with Nikon F3HP and 85mm lens.


Roger Cole
3-Mar-2012, 21:39
Leland, you're too kind. I really wish that I could've taken these with Tri-x.

The middle photo in your most recent post is very intriguing. It has a nice sense of mystery.

Nothing wrong with TMZ. I like it a lot. Exposed at 800-1000 it actually looks more like old school Tri-X than modern Tri-X does. For low light I expose it at 3200 and develop in T-Max developer for the time recommended for 6400. It prints beautifully. A bit grainy to be sure, but the grain is sharp and I really like the prints.

I like the photos too. Not sure they'd have been different enough to make a difference on Tri-X, unless you print them large. At 8x10 they'll certainly be grainier than Tri-X but probably perfectly acceptable. Larger than that then, yeah, Tri-X might have been better.

3-Mar-2012, 22:11
I used to shoot a lot of TMZ, and there's a brick of it in the freezer now. Maybe I'll have to resurrect some 35mm equipment and find a use for it. A friend told me to rate at 1600, then process in TMAX developer but using the times for 3200. That's how I did this shot from about 2003. Nikon F3HP, 19mm lens, exposure unrecorded.


Peter De Smidt
3-Mar-2012, 22:18
That's a very nice shot, Leland. You guys get much better results from TMZ than I did.

3-Mar-2012, 23:12
That's a very nice shot, Leland. You guys get much better results from TMZ than I did.

Interesting to note that Roger and I are both over developing, at least as far as the recommended times. I've only shot TMZ at 1600 because I never had a need to go farther. And while it's been a long time since I used any, the one or two times I processed per Kodak's data gave me less than stellar results.

3-Mar-2012, 23:30
I love TMZ. Only wish I had more reason to use it. Also wish it wasn't so expensive (for 35mm). Speaking of, if you want to sell any of that brick...I'd be very interested!

4-Mar-2012, 09:59
Thank you for the comment Leyland, your desaturated Fujicolour 35mm is especially nice.

4-Mar-2012, 11:15
I love TMZ. Only wish I had more reason to use it. Also wish it wasn't so expensive (for 35mm). Speaking of, if you want to sell any of that brick...I'd be very interested!

Sent you a PM.

Roger Cole
4-Mar-2012, 12:01
Interesting to note that Roger and I are both over developing, at least as far as the recommended times. I've only shot TMZ at 1600 because I never had a need to go farther. And while it's been a long time since I used any, the one or two times I processed per Kodak's data gave me less than stellar results.

I love TMZ. Only wish I had more reason to use it. Also wish it wasn't so expensive (for 35mm). Speaking of, if you want to sell any of that brick...I'd be very interested!

I don't have any photos to share here because I've mostly used it, lately anyway, for family stuff indoors. I have some that might be suitable that I haven't printed yet.

I do have some from years back that I've posted here before, where I shot some night scenes ourdoors by torchlight and indoors by candlelight, then printed on RA4 paper filtered for a yellowish look, to good (to me) effect. It looks almost like it was shot on color film under the same very warm light, dim enough to desaturate any other color perception. Those were shot at 6400. I think I may have developed them per instructions for 6400 back then, don't recall now, as they're a bit thin but usable. 6400 is really [pardon the pun] pushing it, but you can get decent results as long as you don't expect too much in the way of shadow detail.

I shoot Delta 3200 the same way, expose for 3200 and develop for 6400, again with good results. I think the manufacturers are trying to minimize grain but I expect grain from TMZ in 35mm and, though less, noticeable grain from Delta 3200 in 120. I don't mind as long as it doesn't get ridiculous, which it doesn't even in my 6400 prints. Pretty nice if gritty 8x10s from 35mm. I'll take a bit more grain in return for more normal looking tonality.

4-Mar-2012, 15:53


4-Mar-2012, 16:09
A few of my new toys.

Modified Ibanez ARZ307
Nikon D3, Nikon 20mm f/2.8

Warmoth Strat w/Padouk Neck and Ebony Board
Nikon D3, Nikon 28-70mm f/2.8

Cort Curbow 5 String Bass
Nikon D3, Nikon 28-70mm f/2.8

Tom J McDonald
4-Mar-2012, 18:57


Is this film?

Frank Petronio
4-Mar-2012, 20:33
For tomorrow's shoot.... 1933 Leica II with Nickel trim and Elmar lens. Shoots great. 69557

4-Mar-2012, 21:10
http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4131/4846665084_d4f6e44d3a_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/paulmcevoy/4846665084/)
Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/paulmcevoy/4846665084/) by Paul McEvoy (http://www.flickr.com/people/paulmcevoy/), on Flickr

From a while ago...Mamiya C330.

4-Mar-2012, 21:57
Going back a few years (July 1984). Piazza San Marco, Venice. Does Kodachrome rule or what? Very few color adjustments were required to bring this one up to snuff. Taken with a Canon A-1 and (I think) a Vivitar 70-210 zoom on Kodachrome 64.



5-Mar-2012, 01:36
Is this film?

No, Nikon D700

Peter De Smidt
5-Mar-2012, 03:59
That's a good one, Jonathan. A few years ago, I scanned a bunch of my father's slides from the 1950s. The only ones in good shape were Kodachrome.

5-Mar-2012, 04:10

I have a stash of Kodachrome slides that my grandfather took in 1939 in Steubenville, Ohio. They were individually sandwiched and taped between glass at the time of processing and are beautifully preserved, barely faded at all. It is amazing to see pictures of my grandparents around age 25 in vivid color. Wow.

I should dig around and see if there is a "post your vintage Kodachrome" thread. That would be fun.


Edward (Halifax,NS)
5-Mar-2012, 06:43
I haven't been able to scan since I upgraded to Windows 7. I finally broke down and bought Vuescan 9 and here is my first effort.

Kodak T-Max
Epson 2450

5-Mar-2012, 08:52
Ahhhh, Kodachrome. We loved you so long.


From 1985 in Raleigh, NC.

austin granger
5-Mar-2012, 10:23
Tree, Portland


5-Mar-2012, 11:08
Back Yard View



5-Mar-2012, 15:55

Back yard view? Show-off!!!

Wait, let me rephrase: back yard view? Jealous!!!!


5-Mar-2012, 16:30
Guessed at the exposure; guessed at the framing (from my lap).

Zeiss Super Ikonta 531
Ilford Delta 3200 @ 1600



5-Mar-2012, 21:53

Back yard view? Show-off!!!

Wait, let me rephrase: back yard view? Jealous!!!!


HaHaHa...Fanny and Freddie. Those were the days when one could buy places like this with BS and nothing but a signature down on paper.

You see what looks like a boulder or large tree on the top of that pyramid shaped rock that drops down to the sea? That's actually a house and someone was living there when I first arrived in the bay area. Nowadays access is cordoned off and half of the structure has fallen into the sea. Coastal erosion.

Seriously though it was taken from the “back yard” of a structure on the grounds of Montara Lighthouse Station.


7-Mar-2012, 03:22
Downtown Portland
Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar
Ilford FP4+



7-Mar-2012, 03:49
Downtown Portland
Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar
Ilford FP4+



Nice image, Jonathan. I think you could lower the exposure a bit, in order to "black out" the shadows and give more texture in the highlight areas.

7-Mar-2012, 03:59
...night roaming with the Fuji GW690III - handheld 1/4-1/8 with this camera is easier/better than with my sensor-stabilised dSLR...

http://thodorismarkou.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/12_014-02x_750_thmarkou.jpg (http://thodorismarkou.com/blog/2012/03/night-roaming/)

http://thodorismarkou.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/12_014-04_750_thmarkou.jpg (http://thodorismarkou.com/blog/2012/03/night-roaming/)

http://thodorismarkou.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/12_014-06x_750_thmarkou.jpg (http://thodorismarkou.com/blog/2012/03/night-roaming/)

7-Mar-2012, 04:06
Nice night shots. I love my big Fuji, too. (GSW690II)

As far as the exposure, you may be right. I struggled with this one a bit in order to keep a balance between the not-quite-blownout highlights and the shadow detail. Every time I think I am finished I realize I'm not. The darkroom was better for this. It was easier to finish because the changes you could make reached a limit after a while. With scans you can keep tweaking, and tweaking, and tweaking....


7-Mar-2012, 04:22
Nice night shots. I love my big Fuji, too. (GSW690II)

...I was put off by the f5.6 on the GSW690 when I was looking at the two "twin" cameras but now I think I could do with the wider lens, especially after witnessing how easy it is to hand-hold slow shutter speeds on these monsters.

As far as the exposure, you may be right. I struggled with this one a bit in order to keep a balance between the not-quite-blownout highlights and the shadow detail. Every time I think I am finished I realize I'm not. The darkroom was better for this. It was easier to finish because the changes you could make reached a limit after a while. With scans you can keep tweaking, and tweaking, and tweaking....

Tweaking the scans can be frustrating, what with all the available options, but it becomes "second nature" after a while - it's like any new toy (analog or digital), when you first get it, you start exploring its possibilities, playing around with everything, "hey look, it can also do this", and then the shine wears off and you come back to the basics: "it takes pictures, and I want my pictures to be like this, so I'll only use it like this".

In any case, it all comes down to personal style, and my personal style cries out "when you have an area of light surrounded by unimportant shadows, kill the shadows". :cool:

7-Mar-2012, 10:27
Our whippet. 1951 Canon 85mm/2.0 RF lens on G1:


7-Mar-2012, 10:31
http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5290/5250300481_a9b16768f3_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/5250300481/)

320TXP, PMK Pyro, Yellow Filter

7-Mar-2012, 10:44
Admiralty Head Lighthouse, Whidbey Is, WA

http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4083/5193742835_3c2577acc5_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/5193742835/)

100TMX, PMK, Green Filter

http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4145/5195535039_0c27268175_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/5195535039/)


Peter Gomena
7-Mar-2012, 11:05
Wow, Tuco, those just glow! Perfect, soft, directional lighting and a fresh paint job, perfectly handled film capture. Awesome!

Peter Gomena

Peter De Smidt
7-Mar-2012, 11:55
Here's one from a few days ago of Sophia enjoying her morning oatmeal in her snow fort.


Scott Walker
7-Mar-2012, 12:28
Here's one from a few days ago of Sophia enjoying her morning oatmeal in her snow fort.

Fueling up for the coming snowball fight no doubt :) Nice image

7-Mar-2012, 12:46
Wow, Tuco, those just glow! Perfect, soft, directional lighting and a fresh paint job, perfectly handled film capture. Awesome!

Peter Gomena

Why thanks. I had to use a tripod on the last shot to get DOF.

Here's one from a few days ago of Sophia enjoying her morning oatmeal in her snow fort.

Definitely a fortified breakfast!

7-Mar-2012, 13:08
BC Parliament Room, Victoria, Canada

http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4117/4745087080_2dfa555294_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/4745087080/)

320TXP, PMK Pyro

Parliament Building.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3486/3873189438_96830dddcd_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/3873189438/)

100ACR, PMK Pyro

Peter De Smidt
7-Mar-2012, 15:10
Tuco, those are terrific!

7-Mar-2012, 17:55
Tuco, those are terrific!


Penny For Your Thoughts

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3458/3347674115_fc89faca29_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/3347674115/)

320TXP, PMK, Yellow Filter

7-Mar-2012, 18:14
Very nice shots. Good to see you visit us in canada, hey.


7-Mar-2012, 19:56
Very nice shots. Good to see you visit us in canada, hey.


Thanks, Luc. Yes, aye, I've been to Victoria a couple of times.

austin granger
7-Mar-2012, 21:32
Great work everybody!

Car in a Ditch, Highway 26, Oregon

Magnum Safari, Portland


8-Mar-2012, 14:32
All your 150 years of black and white now belong a $5 app.

8-Mar-2012, 14:46
All your 150 years of black and white now belong a $5 app.

Even in the heyday of film, hardly anyone did sepia tone ( at least in my neck of the woods). And today that's about all you get with imitation BW software.

Alberto Bregani
8-Mar-2012, 14:53
| On a cold, white morning |
Dolomiti di Brenta | -10 degrees | Hasselblad 501c | CF planar 80/2.8 T* | ilford fp4+ |
Scan from film epson v750pro


Peter De Smidt
8-Mar-2012, 14:55
That's gorgeous, Alberto!

Alberto Bregani
8-Mar-2012, 14:56
That's gorgeous, Alberto!
Oh thank you Peter
very kind of you...

brrrr it was cold that day..

Peter De Smidt
8-Mar-2012, 14:57
Here's one from a few nights ago:

These snow covered branches were only illuminated by a sodium vapor street light above them.

Alberto Bregani
8-Mar-2012, 15:06
Here's one from a few nights ago:

Huh! Nice One Peter
great tones!
Just blacks and whites.

8-Mar-2012, 15:13
| On a cold, white morning |
Dolomiti di Brenta | -10 degrees | Hasselblad 501c | CF planar 80/2.8 T* | ilford fp4+ |
Scan from film epson v750pro

Sweet. Just shows beauty can be found in all kinds of conditions. Once I was hiking in the mountains. It was all socked in with fog. I was setting up my 4x5 and some people walked by. A guy made a snide remark about there's nothing to take a picture of. It's too foggy.

Here's one from a few nights ago:


Alberto Bregani
8-Mar-2012, 15:24
...A guy made a snide remark about there's nothing to take a picture of. It's too foggy.

hahah great Tuco
same funny experience :

"Hey! what are you gonna photograph with "that old camera"? .. it's raining and it is too cloudy? aaah.. do as you like.." ..they said to me

Here's the "raining and foggy" photo :-)
(hasselblad 501c and Sonnar 150/4 C T*


lee nadel
8-Mar-2012, 15:33
the 5$ app just broke my heart

8-Mar-2012, 21:12
| On a cold, white morning |
Dolomiti di Brenta | -10 degrees | Hasselblad 501c | CF planar 80/2.8 T* | ilford fp4+ |
Scan from film epson v750pro

Quella simplicita veramente bellissima.



8-Mar-2012, 21:13
Here's one from a few nights ago:
These snow covered branches were only illuminated by a sodium vapor street light above them.

Great shot - nothing like pulling a great shot out of nowhere.



Peter De Smidt
8-Mar-2012, 22:03
Thanks, Luc.

Alberto, I love the atmosphere of your photo!

Alberto Bregani
9-Mar-2012, 05:43
Thanks, Luc.

Alberto, I love the atmosphere of your photo!

Thank you Peter, very kind of you
It's not so unusual to find those kind of situations when you're a mountain photographer
More important is to be able to get them with a shot :-))

Tks again
ciao! :-)

Alberto Bregani
9-Mar-2012, 07:07
| Jumping Self-Portrait |
Yuhuuu!! ( jump) ..can you see meee?! ( jump jump) Hulloooo!! ( hop) ...It's me in the mirror... Yuhuuu! (jump) :D
(Holga N - Kodak 32oTXP)


9-Mar-2012, 07:16
Digging out some HB stuff. Engstrom. Studio portrait like natural, with a hard umbrella and a mini flash on camera. Scala B&W invertible - a great film for portraits.

9-Mar-2012, 09:35
Digging out some HB stuff. Engstrom. Studio portrait like natural, with a hard umbrella and a mini flash on camera. Scala B&W invertible - a great film for portraits.

Really nice. It reminds me of those early Hollywood star shots by Clarence Bull. I really like doing portraits but can never get willing subjects. So I get to shoot one once in a Blue Moon and meanwhile all my nice strobe gear sits around unused.

9-Mar-2012, 09:42
Thanks Tuco, The sitter is Coulson-Smith, a very easy model. I said "something's bothering you".

9-Mar-2012, 12:23
I was visting an old friend and took this with a couple of flashes I had in the car but no diffusion. It's hard light and bit too hot one side but, hey, it was make due. I locked up the mirror and the sound caused the dog to turn and look.

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2265/2888844125_836e51107e_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/2888844125/)


Peter De Smidt
9-Mar-2012, 12:53
The matching looks are priceless!

9-Mar-2012, 14:14
Yeah, pretty intense looks. Here is one from way back when I first tried doing some portraits.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3270/2864923588_c2eefb3693_z.jpg?zz=1 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/2864923588/)

TXT 4164

9-Mar-2012, 19:16
When I went out with the Pentax a couple of weeks back, I shot some Provia 100, mainly because it's been a coon's age since I shot slide film in the medium format. Focus is better on this than on the B&W, mainly because by the time I loaded the transparency film I was getting back into the groove of focusing the Pentax.


9-Mar-2012, 19:55
Mamiya 7
80mm f/4 lens
Delta 100 (slight crop)



austin granger
9-Mar-2012, 21:28
Just in case you missed in the first time around...
BOOKS FOR SALE! Hey everybody. I've gone it alone on my Point Reyes project and published it myself. Actually, the work has been split into two books; one with the photographs (83 photographs!) and the other with the text (260 pages of text!). Obviously, this is bad news for those who want both, but good news for those who like my pictures but despise my writing, or vice versa. Anyway, both books can be fully previewed on blurb. Thank you my friends. And please, pass it on!

Peter De Smidt
9-Mar-2012, 22:06
The book of photographs is terrific! I'm too tired to check the other one out tonight.

9-Mar-2012, 23:03
Congrats. Hope the sales are good. I thumbed through the previews. I think every shot I've seen of yours posted is always a warm tone. Do you ever do any cold tone shots? I think I saw some on the previews.

austin granger
9-Mar-2012, 23:35
Peter, Thanks!
Tuco, I do generally prefer a warm tone, something that ironically, I was unable to achieve using blurb. Believe me, I tried-four times (!) actually. In the end, I gave up and removed the tone almost entirely. Better that than ending up with green pictures, or even worse, split-toned pictures (and not split-toned in a good way). Just the nature of the beast I think. I imagine that color photographers would have an easier time getting predictable results with these print-on-demand outfits.

I may have posted these before, but since you asked, here are a couple of cold ones for you:


austin granger
9-Mar-2012, 23:44
Tuco, And thanks for wishing me well on the sales. I don't think it will come as a surprise to anyone here that I'm not going to make any money on this thing, but it does feel good to be able to share the project with other people this way. I have to admit too, I'm hoping that maybe I'll be able to use any good publicity generated as leverage to try and get the next book published using the more 'traditional' path.

10-Mar-2012, 00:02
I may have posted these before, but since you asked, here are a couple of cold ones for you:

Awh, I remember those now. I stand corrected. They say your memory is the second thing to go when you get older. And I can't remember what's the first.

Scott Walker
10-Mar-2012, 09:35
Just in case you missed in the first time around...
BOOKS FOR SALE! Hey everybody. I've gone it alone on my Point Reyes project and published it myself. Actually, the work has been split into two books; one with the photographs (83 photographs!) and the other with the text (260 pages of text!). Obviously, this is bad news for those who want both, but good news for those who like my pictures but despise my writing, or vice versa. Anyway, both books can be fully previewed on blurb. Thank you my friends. And please, pass it on!

Ha! That would make an awesome image at a book signing

According to Blurb, my copy is on it's way :D

austin granger
10-Mar-2012, 10:01
Ha! That would make an awesome image at a book signing

According to Blurb, my copy is on it's way :D

Thank you Scott. I hope you like it.

10-Mar-2012, 12:40
Yet another harebrain idea. A wireless remote and wireless IR beam switch for mechanical film cameras.

The circuit board is a re-triggering, monostable delay off circuit (yawn) to control the duration of the camera fire and duration between being ready for the next shot when using the IR beam switch. It may be an over-kill but I decided to make it since the IR beam switch's input can be really random anywhere from rapid fire off/on to staying on while the beam remains blocked. The keyring button switch is when I just want to manually fire it remotely. I really struggle to get through the electronics part of these projects so I guess I'm a little proud when I'm able to make these homemade single layer circuit boards.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7187/6948301459_8729753e02_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/6948301459/)

Here are the parts of the system so far. I still need to build the boxes and sew up some stowage bags for hanging on the tripod. The system is battery powered. The black thing with the pressure gauge has a CO2 cartridge to dispense a shot of air to trigger the camera made from a hand air cable release. I'm also making a version using an linear solenoid to push a mechanical cable release. We'll see which one I like better.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7067/6948301427_3be521fa9b_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/6948301427/)

Peter De Smidt
10-Mar-2012, 12:49
That's a neat project, Tuco. Maybe you could give me some pointers on making an x-y stage using lead screws, stepper motors, and an arduino for our dslr project.


Alberto Bregani
10-Mar-2012, 13:02
I'm just a mountain photographer. I photograph Mountains
I walk amidst and around them, breathing their very essence
I have no destination or pathway. I follow the light and the clouds; the wind is my companion
Let the mountains speak to me.
So that I may store their every word on every picture I take
And tell others of their beauty" - (A.B.)

Rolleiflex 3.5T, TX 400 kodak - @07.30 a.m Brenta Dolomites |
Scan from film w/Epson 750pro


Peter De Smidt
10-Mar-2012, 13:07
That's a terrific image, Alberto.

10-Mar-2012, 13:13
That's a neat project, Tuco. Maybe you could give me some pointers on making an x-y stage using lead screws, stepper motors, and an arduino for our dslr project.

I could try. I used a stepper motor on my last project with a serial stepper motor controller. Have you looked at homemade CNC wood router projects?

10-Mar-2012, 13:20
I'm just a mountain photographer. I photograph Mountains
I walk amidst and around them, breathing their very essence
I have no destination or pathway. I follow the light and the clouds; the wind is my companion
Let the mountains speak to me.
So that I may store their every word on every picture I take
And tell others of their beauty" - (A.B.)

Rolleiflex 3.5T, TX 400 kodak - @07.30 a.m Brenta Dolomites |
Scan from film w/Epson 750pro

Another sweet shot. Great use of a silhouette. I've hauled my MF film into the mountains too. This shot I was so tired I didn't even notice how crooked the horizon was when I took it. I had to crop it so much to straight it out that I nullified the MF film size and might as well just used a 135 camera correctly.

View From Camp Muir, Mt Rainier

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3421/3351811577_02827b17a1_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/3351811577/)

Kodak VHC

10-Mar-2012, 22:04
Went to a local fair today. They had a dog show catching frisbees and doing tricks (apparently some of the top dogs in the world in fact). Here was a quick grab. Nikon D700, 85mm f/1.8 @ f/2 and 1/4000:


Peter De Smidt
10-Mar-2012, 23:06
Neat! (And that applies to both Tuco's and Bryan's photos.)

austin granger
10-Mar-2012, 23:38
Yet another harebrain idea. A wireless remote and wireless IR beam switch for mechanical film cameras.

The circuit board is a re-triggering, monostable delay off circuit (yawn) to control the duration of the camera fire and duration between being ready for the next shot when using the IR beam switch. It may be an over-kill but I decided to make it since the IR beam switch's input can be really random anywhere from rapid fire off/on to staying on while the beam remains blocked. The keyring button switch is when I just want to manually fire it remotely. I really struggle to get through the electronics part of these projects so I guess I'm a little proud when I'm able to make these homemade single layer circuit boards.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7187/6948301459_8729753e02_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/6948301459/)

Here are the parts of the system so far. I still need to build the boxes and sew up some stowage bags for hanging on the tripod. The system is battery powered. The black thing with the pressure gauge has a CO2 cartridge to dispense a shot of air to trigger the camera made from a hand air cable release. I'm also making a version using an linear solenoid to push a mechanical cable release. We'll see which one I like better.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7067/6948301427_3be521fa9b_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/6948301427/)

You're mad Tuco, and I mean that in a good way. Great stuff! I could have really used that the other day for my "Books for Sale" picture. The self-timer on my Yashica Mat doesn't work (Do they ever work on Yashica Mats?) so I used one of those little mechanical screw-in devises. Unfortunately, it functions properly only about once out of every five attempts, so there was an incredible amount of running back and forth. Your system might be a tad more complicated, but I bet it would have worked perfectly.

11-Mar-2012, 00:02
... Your system might be a tad more complicated, but I bet it would have worked perfectly.

Ha, thanks. So far it works fine. It has really long range too.

11-Mar-2012, 00:05
Taken from a sailboat heading out to the San Juan islands in Washington one morning

http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4038/4415393430_ffc842c328_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/4415393430/)


11-Mar-2012, 09:54
My favorite picks - HTC Inspire:

Peter De Smidt
11-Mar-2012, 15:00
Tuco, that's a terrific photo!

Alberto Bregani
11-Mar-2012, 15:15
Wow, Tuco! :-o

11-Mar-2012, 17:53
I've about got the VHR dialed in, and I wanted to shoot some slide film through it. I also wanted to find a good lab, and I ended up sending the first rolls to Edgar Praus, whose information I found in a post on one of these forums. No reason to look for another lab, as the work Mr. Praus did was exceptional, better in fact than anything I've had done in years.

Horseman VHR, 6x9
Fuji Provia, ASA 100

Subject is the renovated Hattiesburg, MS depot, circa 1910.


11-Mar-2012, 18:54
Tuco, that's a terrific photo!

Wow, Tuco! :-o

Thanks, you guys

Alberto Bregani
12-Mar-2012, 13:45
| Hasselblad 501c | CF Planar 80/2.8 T* | Ilford fp4+ - Scan from negative w/epson v750pro


12-Mar-2012, 14:13
I like that Alberto.

Roger Cole
12-Mar-2012, 17:34
I like that Alberto.

Me too. Very nice full range of tones from the dark of the bark to the snow. You can almost feel the sharp air and hear the snow crackle under foot.

Tuco, that's an awesome shot from the sailboat!

12-Mar-2012, 18:20
| Hasselblad 501c | CF Planar 80/2.8 T* | Ilford fp4+ - Scan from negative w/epson v750pro

I really like the low POV--gives a real sense of scale and presence. It's almost Jackson Pollock-esque in its haphazard geometry, too. Good work.


13-Mar-2012, 10:12
Aha. I've got plenty to show here (and unfortunately still very little LF stuff). Will be posting in the near future for sure.

Some nice photos here btw

13-Mar-2012, 10:43
Tuco, that's an awesome shot from the sailboat!


http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3348/3627300869_2f0536b8b8_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/3627300869/)

320TXP, 50 sec exposure

13-Mar-2012, 17:46
Taken in Santa Barbara a number of years ago. The scan pretty much matches the original transparency's color palette, but I feel like it should have been color corrected a bit. If I knew how to do that I might have tried. But who wants to suck all the "Velvia-ness" out of it?

Fuji GSW690II
Velvia 50



Alberto Bregani
14-Mar-2012, 02:54
You can almost feel the sharp air and hear the snow crackle under foot.

Thank you ross! :)
Roger, yes Exactly. That was the feeling during those frosty, cold, snowing days ;)

Thay call it "Wintertime"
And here's a backstage video of mine.
Hope you like it ;) Enjoy

*All the white i love*


More videos on
Alberto Bregani Video Channel (http://www.albertobregani.tv)

Scott Walker
14-Mar-2012, 07:30
Thay call it "Wintertime"
And here's a backstage video of mine.
Hope you like it ;) Enjoy

*All the white i love*


More videos on
Alberto Bregani Video Channel (http://www.albertobregani.tv)

Excellent video Alberto, I especially enjoyed one on your site "Looking back 2009-2011"

Alberto Bregani
14-Mar-2012, 07:50
Excellent video Alberto, I especially enjoyed one on your site "Looking back 2009-2011"

:) very kind of you Scott...sincerely
You've just seen my places, my life ..my way to be and to act as bw mountain photographer;
thank also for viewing my other videos on the videochannel
"Looking back 2009/2011" it is just a kind of resume of emotions, sensations, feelings.. I've lived during these last three years inside and out of the ridges of Brenta dolomites for my 4 years project that will end this year into a large format bw book... The other person you see in many videos is my dear friend, LF photographer and Alpine Guide Sandro Vidi from Madonna di Campiglio who is always with me when i climb to take photos,m careing for my safety; very important ;)

thanks again

austin granger
14-Mar-2012, 10:39
Just in case anyone missed it the first time around. This will be the last bit of shameless self-promotion, I promise.


Books: http://www.blurb.com/user/store/angranger
flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/austingranger/
Website: http://www.austingranger.com/

14-Mar-2012, 10:46
And here's a backstage video of mine.
Hope you like it ;) Enjoy

Nice video. I enjoyed it. A BW video too!

austin granger
14-Mar-2012, 12:54
I think it might be time to buy the cat a new bed.70199

14-Mar-2012, 14:59
River and bridge, Niagara Falls. I think this was taken from the Canadian side. HP5+ with a Mamiya 7 and 35mm panoramic attachment.



Edward (Halifax,NS)
15-Mar-2012, 06:54
I don't know if I posted this one before. it was taken with my Yashicamat and Kodak Tri-X


Alberto Bregani
15-Mar-2012, 07:00
I don't know if I posted this one before. it was taken with my Yashicamat and Kodak Tri-X

my very first "twin lens" school :-)
well done Edward, great places in your country

Wish i were there..
Maybe one day..

Alberto Bregani
15-Mar-2012, 07:28
| Last lights of the day|
This was my very first shot with my brand new folding IKONTA-M 524/2 6x9 (1952) with a superb TESSAR f3.5/105mm T*
Tough conditions, almost backlights... but the camera was ok;
(scan from negative w/epson v750pro )


Rain Dance
15-Mar-2012, 19:19
Agfa Optima, yashica D


Rain Dance
15-Mar-2012, 19:20
Berger 200 Yashica D


Edward (Halifax,NS)
15-Mar-2012, 19:30
| Last lights of the day|
This was my very first shot with my brand new folding IKONTA-M 524/2 6x9 (1952) with a superb TESSAR f3.5/105mm T*
Tough conditions, almost backlights... but the camera was ok;
(scan from negative w/epson v750pro )

Alberto, I find the top of the sky less exciting. Cropped to 6X7 proportions it makes a very strong image. I might even consider the 6X6 square.


Peter De Smidt
15-Mar-2012, 20:22
It's funny, I played around a little bit with Alberto's very nice image, and I ended up with a very similar crop to Edward's version.

15-Mar-2012, 23:07
I just respect the photographer's interpretation of the scene and just enjoy what he decides to post. ;)

15-Mar-2012, 23:33

In general I agree, but I had a forum member send me a PM with his version of my own posted image and I was pleasantly surprised. Not how I would have done it, but very instructive in someone else's methods.


16-Mar-2012, 00:25
IMHO It dies without the sky.

Alberto Bregani
16-Mar-2012, 01:45
IMHO It dies without the sky.

Thank you all very much for your interpretations: I agree, very instructive
It's interesting to see how others see your photos

Anyway, as you can imagine, I did that way because
1) i had a 6x9 so it's quite impossible to tell her to be a 6x6 ... hahah :)
2) i don't like to crop photographs: i always try to compose the final photopgraph before i shoot
3) i choosed a 6x9 (not the hasselblad i had in my bag) just because i liked that kind of composition

For me this kind of image needs to breath ( i hope it is the right word...i beg your pardon for my english). To give prominence to the valley and that haze I think it the composition needs , has to have all that sky upon her; all the composition (road, trees, valley) has to be under the middle line of the image and upon this line you have to have only sky with that little cirrus right in the middle that gives the image the right balancing

In the square format it seems to me the image suffers a lot; it seems to me like it has a big weight on it shoulders ... I don't feel "confortable" looking at it, it's not relaxing me... Hope you understand what i want to say
That's why I quoted Mdm: "it dies without the sky" ;-)

Honestly i have to say that I'm influenced by the original one... If i had posted a squared one from the beginning maybe i would have thought difference

Anyway i can say that if I had done a squared one i surely would have composed the way you all suggested me :-)
Thanks again ;-)

Edward (Halifax,NS)
16-Mar-2012, 03:22
I just respect the photographer's interpretation of the scene and just enjoy what he decides to post. ;)

I meant no disrespect to Alberto. If anyone thinks that one of my images can be improved or reinterpreted with cropping they are welcome to do so and post the results.

Jim Jones
16-Mar-2012, 07:13
In a side-by-side comparison I much prefer Alberto's original cropping. The sky gives it depth and a goal for the aerial perspective to lead towards.

Alberto Bregani
16-Mar-2012, 07:41
In a side-by-side comparison I much prefer Alberto's original cropping. The sky gives it depth and a goal for the aerial perspective to lead towards.

Thanks Jim
you've got the right mood of this shot

anyway i didn't crop anything
it's the original 6x9 frame ;-)

Alberto Bregani
16-Mar-2012, 08:15
Just to add content to our nice discussion "squared/not squared"...

As you can see.. this is the same subject of the 6x9 photograph, ( not same day obviously) from another perspective..i mean another point of view..300 mt higher than the first one

The valley is the same and i went for the same composition just because of this beautiful sky
Sky for me is very very important; so i wanted to have the valley under the lower half of the photo and the sky on the upper part
and this only because I had a nice sky, beautiful clouds
You can feel clouds moving over the valley.. so the sky is an active part of the composition

If I hadn't had a sky like this i think i wouldn't have shot at all
too poor and empty subject

| Late in the afternoon |
Hasselblad 501c - C Sonnar 150/4 T*


Michael Graves
16-Mar-2012, 08:42
Alberto, I find the top of the sky less exciting. Cropped to 6X7 proportions it makes a very strong image. I might even consider the 6X6 square.


I don't agree. I like the detail of the wispy cloud structures that crown the image. That makes the scene the focus of the image. Cropped this way, the road become the dominate element.

Michael Graves
16-Mar-2012, 08:43
The only time I ever see skies like this are when the camera is locked up in the equipment cabinet at home.

16-Mar-2012, 10:43
Just to add content to our nice discussion "squared/not squared"...

As you can see.. this is the same subject of the 6x9 photograph, ( not same day obviously) from another perspective..i mean another point of view..300 mt higher than the first one

The valley is the same and i went for the same composition just because of this beautiful sky
Sky for me is very very important; so i wanted to have the valley under the lower half of the photo and the sky on the upper part
and this only because I had a nice sky, beautiful clouds
You can feel clouds moving over the valley.. so the sky is an active part of the composition

If I hadn't had a sky like this i think i wouldn't have shot at all
too poor and empty subject

| Late in the afternoon |
Hasselblad 501c - C Sonnar 150/4 T*

Ha, I have a very similar one from my Hasselblad. I used a graduated ND filter + Yellow filter on mine during the middle of the day.

http://farm2.staticflickr.com/1314/4591941289_014349f811_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/4591941289/)


Alberto Bregani
16-Mar-2012, 11:27
great Tuco :-)))!

16-Mar-2012, 16:22
great Tuco :-)))!

Thanks. Your shot is awesome too. This was taken the same day. I wanted a long exposure but even stopped down to f19 with a NDX400 + Orange filter all I could get was 45 seconds with no reciprocity to capitalize on with Acros. I waited until there was cloud cover over me before taking the shot. I was traveling "light" for that climb in the prior shot and didn't carry an extra back for the Hasselblad. That will teach me. Doing long exposures when there is sun and shadows from the clouds over you during the exposure can sometimes make for interesting shots.

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5044/5358921824_1d0f4d6ff2_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/5358921824/)

Peter De Smidt
16-Mar-2012, 16:33
That's terrific, Tuco. The movement in the sky adds quite a bit to the picture.

16-Mar-2012, 17:14
To move from the mountains to something much smaller for a moment. We had to put one of our Cairn terriers to sleep last year. This is my favorite picture of her. Taken with a Canon FTb and a DIY tilt/shift rig using an old Bronica 75mm lens on Kodak Gold 200 35mm film.



Peter De Smidt
16-Mar-2012, 18:11
Hi Jonathan, I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. I'm glad that you have this great picture.

We lost Murphy, a Leonberger, about a year ago.

16-Mar-2012, 18:18

Great shot. Majestic! Thanks for your condolences and I offer them in return. Anyone who's lost a pet knows how hard it is.


16-Mar-2012, 19:04
That's terrific, Tuco. The movement in the sky adds quite a bit to the picture.


We lost Murphy, a Leonberger, about a year ago.

Majestic shot. Nice. A good one to remember by.

To move from the mountains to something much smaller for a moment. We had to put one of our Cairn terriers to sleep last year. This is my favorite picture of her. Taken with a Canon FTb and a DIY tilt/shift rig using an old Bronica 75mm lens on Kodak Gold 200 35mm film.


It must be the season for deceased pets. My cat recently disappeared. I don't know what happen to it. I have to admit though, I don't miss being bossed around anymore.

16-Mar-2012, 20:13
One of the players in tomorrow's air show in Yuma, AZ.


Nikon D7000
1/60 sec

Brian C. Miller
16-Mar-2012, 23:29
Ilford Delta 3200 @ 3200, Pentax 645 75mm f/2.8 wide open, D-76 1:1 12 min in Jobo.

Occupy Everett in November. (Could have been December, I've misplaced the wrapper with the info.)

17-Mar-2012, 01:33
Rarely seen mirrors on WW2 era fighters -- always thought the vibration from the powerplant made them useless...

17-Mar-2012, 02:16
A couple of stiched shots for you:
First through my microscope (91 shots at 40x mag)
Fly Wing

This one is shot in infra red, handheld with an older unmodified DSLR (Pentax K100d, 50mm f1.7, 760nm filter).

Thames IR panorama

Both were stitched using Microsoft ICE.

17-Mar-2012, 02:40
Alberto, I find the top of the sky less exciting. Cropped to 6X7 proportions it makes a very strong image. I might even consider the 6X6 square.

As with all great shots, it's possible to find multiple cropped versions that work well. If I had a shot like the 6x6 you're suggesting I'd want to crop some of the foregrounds out the bottom 1/4 or so. :)

With Alberto's original the clouds are a very important element, if I had to crop it, to make it fit a 6x7 format I'd take of a lot less at the top (no more than 1/3 of the sky leaving the clouds), and loose some of the foreground. The diagonal track leads the eye into the composition so care must be taken not to trim too much.

Alberto Bregani
17-Mar-2012, 15:00
yes petrochemist, 6x7 could be a good crop and you're right: "so care must be taken not to trim too much." :-)

Alberto Bregani
17-Mar-2012, 15:10
from mountains to... Tuscany :)

| Modesta |
Harvest at Marchesi Antinori Estate (tuscany) - 2011
hasselblad 501c - CF planar 80/2.8 T*


Jay DeFehr
18-Mar-2012, 09:32

I love this last one! Photos that don't include a person rarely hold my attention, however excellent they might be.

This is another image made while on our way to the grocery store, testing something or other. In this case, we were testing a 45mm f/2 Minolta Rokkor X Pancake lens we found in a thrift store bargain bin.

It's Ilford Pan F+, EI 50, developed in Obsidian Aqua, 1:500, 12:00, 70F, with ten seconds agitation every three minutes.


Brian C. Miller
18-Mar-2012, 15:31
Ilford Delta 3200 @ 3200, Pentax 645 75mm f/2.8 wide open, D-76 1:1 12 min in Jobo.

Occupy Everett in November. Definitely November, because it was before Thanksgiving.
The color picture is from Thanksgiving, done with Fuji GA645zi.

18-Mar-2012, 16:09
Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar, Delta 100



18-Mar-2012, 20:06
Mamiya 7II, 50mm + gradient ND filter, Rollei ATP (?):

18-Mar-2012, 21:41
An over-cooked roll in Rodinal that was hard to scan and didn't bother with any on the roll at the time. But I thought I'd try out Lightroom 4 on it with its new curve control. It seemed to salvage the shot. The wind was blowing enough to move branches on the trees so I had to shoot faster film.

Dune City, Oregon

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7113/6848841574_705e5a092a_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/6848841574/)

M7II, 43mm, Orange Filter, 400TMY, Rodinal 1+100 Pentax Spot Meter

18-Mar-2012, 22:11
I headed off to the cliffs to see what I could find. On the way there I found a area of burnt out trees, with a single burnt palm tree. I saw it an just hit the breaks. It was so stark. The utter blackness of the palm, vs the white ash covering the ground. I grabbed the big camera, light meter, filters, film, and the DSLR. I got everything set up and took a light reading, transfered everything over to the DSLR to proof the shot and saw that I didn't have any memory cards in it. Bummer. But I liked what I saw, so I fired off some black and white shots with the LF camera, and took this one with my cell phone and a 80A blue filter for some instant gratification.

Burnt out palm tree in Southern California:

That place was just eery. With the absolute silence, and the ever present burnt smell it was rather creepy. With all of the ash on the ground you did not make any sound as you walked around.

I'm hoping the film version turns out well. After that shot I milled around with the Hasselblad and ran a roll through it. Just too much there not to photograph it.

18-Mar-2012, 22:54
Looks great tuco! Great balance through the three trees.

19-Mar-2012, 05:53
ericp, great shot of El Cap. I don't recall ever having seen that perspective.

19-Mar-2012, 06:07
Looks great tuco! Great balance through the three trees.


19-Mar-2012, 18:32
ericp, great shot of El Cap. I don't recall ever having seen that perspective.

Thanks. I think I was kind of lost. I don't recommend finding that perspective unless you have a better sense of direction than I. ;)

Anyway, this is the photo that convinced me to start looking at LF. As nice as the Mamiya 7 is, I imagine that scene on a 4x5, at least the way the people on this forum do it, and it makes me want to get lost there at least once more.

Roger Cole
19-Mar-2012, 23:58
Agfa Optima, yashica D


I like this a lot. The fact that I have a Yashicamat 124 and a bunch of Optima in the freezer (came with a box of other outdated 120 film I bought, all the rest has been fine, apparently really frozen since new as advertised) means this also tells me to shoot the darned stuff!

20-Mar-2012, 10:46
Messing around with multi strobes while hanging out at a cabin where vices are consumed in mass quantity.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3448/3262907214_024109d01f_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/3262907214/)


20-Mar-2012, 12:41
Do You Feel Lucky, Punk!?

I know what you're thinking, "Did he meter six zones or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a Pentax Spotmeter V, one of the largest hand meters in the world, and would blow your highlights clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk!?

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3466/3405681587_2d2f481d89_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/3405681587/)


Alberto Bregani
20-Mar-2012, 13:30
Do You Feel Lucky, Punk!?

I know what you're thinking, "Did he meter six zones or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a Pentax Spotmeter V, one of the largest hand meters in the world, and would blow your highlights clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk!?


HoHoo What a shot!!
you're a real storyteller ;-)

austin granger
20-Mar-2012, 16:55
Home Plate, Raleigh Park Elementary, Portland

Jay DeFehr
20-Mar-2012, 18:10
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7099/6855038990_d8a80edc60_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jay_defehr/6855038990/) Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jay_defehr/6855038990/) by Jay DeFehr (http://www.flickr.com/people/jay_defehr/), on Flickr

First session with this lens and this film. Love the lens, hate the film (Adox CHS 50 ART). I think the "art" is in persuading people it's worth the asking price.

20-Mar-2012, 18:19
Very nice, Jay. What was the lighting: strobes, hot lights, umbrellas? I ask because I have no gift for artificial lighting.

I have been shooting Efke PL100 lately in 9x12cm. At first I hated the stuff, but after extensive testing I was able to find a development scheme that produces results I like. Despite all of the warnings NOT to over expose and/or pull process that film I find rating it at EI 32 and using a semi-stand development is the key for me. And I use plain old rapid fixer w/o hardener. I'm not sure all of these cautions about these films are warranted. Sorry to hear about your troubles with Adox. Can't say I've ever used it.


20-Mar-2012, 18:59
Home Plate, Raleigh Park Elementary, Portland

I hope she didn't have to get her nice white socks muddy just for your shot. ;) But, yeah, that about sums up the rain lately. Nice shot. The white really stands out.

Jay DeFehr
20-Mar-2012, 19:38
Hi Jonathan,

I jokingly refer to this as "Studio Lighting", but it is in fact a couple of fluorescent lamps, one in a 12" reflector, and another clamped to my desk on one of those swiveling/articulating arms. To get shutter speeds reasonably short, the lights were just out of frame. The background is a bed sheet hung from a curtain rod.

I'm pretty sure Efke and Adox are one and the same. Incidentally, I had no trouble with exposure or processing, but handling the super-thin, curly film that happens to also be very delicate, resulted in scratches, despite my being extra careful. I don't need that kind of aggravation.

Thank you for your kind comments.

austin granger
20-Mar-2012, 20:07
I hope she didn't have to get her nice white socks muddy just for your shot. ;) But, yeah, that about sums up the rain lately. Nice shot. The white really stands out. She was already standing there before I made the picture. Actually, the picture was her idea-she's got good instincts that way!

I dig your cabin shots. A friend of mine's wife's family has a cabin the men go to occasionally and it all seems very familiar. :)

20-Mar-2012, 20:18
I jokingly refer to this as "Studio Lighting", but it is in fact a couple of fluorescent lamps, one in a 12" reflector, and another clamped to my desk on one of those swiveling/articulating arms. To get shutter speeds reasonably short, the lights were just out of frame. The background is a bed sheet hung from a curtain rod.

I'm pretty sure Efke and Adox are one and the same. Incidentally, I had no trouble with exposure or processing, but handling the super-thin, curly film that happens to also be very delicate, resulted in scratches, despite my being extra careful. I don't need that kind of aggravation.


Thanks for sharing your lighting methods. That makes me feel better and helps inspire me to try something similar. I am gearing up, rather slowly I should say, to try wet plate at some point, and to that end I put together a DIY array of 16 CFL bulbs as a light source. I plan to test it out on some old aerial duplicating film I have that is EI 1.5. That should give me an idea of how well the lighting works at very slow speeds.

As for the Adox film curling, that would be a major pain. With the Efke sheets in my JOBO tank there is little chance of the wet negatives getting scratched. I was unhappy with the tonality of the Efke film when I followed all the guidelines. Now that I have gone my own way things are much better.



Fun shot. I agree with Tuco: the rain is finally here. We got off easy this winter. Maybe spring will kick our collective Pacific northwest a**es.


20-Mar-2012, 20:56
So a few pages ago there was some images made with TMZ. Leland mentioned he had an extra brick in the fridge and was kind enough to sell it to me. I am anxiously awaiting using it for some low-light band / event photography but I did shoot a roll for fun last Friday night. Here are three shots. I used a Nikon F4 and set the ISO to 1600, and then developed the roll in XTOL 1:1 for the recommended 3200 ISO time. Worked very well but I might cut down development a minute next time (just a tad dense). Anyway, here they are, just some fun snapshots:




20-Mar-2012, 21:36
HoHoo What a shot!!
you're a real storyteller ;-)

I dig your cabin shots. A friend of mine's wife's family has a cabin the men go to occasionally and it all seems very familiar. :)

Thanks. Rustic cabins really do seem to be a guy thing. The adaptation is from Clint Eastwood's movie Dirty Harry and I take it I don't need to mention that. But just in case...

Chris Strobel
20-Mar-2012, 21:40

Messing around with the little camera in the front yard.

20-Mar-2012, 21:50
Beautiful, Chris. Pretty elegant for just "messing around".


Chris Strobel
20-Mar-2012, 22:15
Beautiful, Chris. Pretty elegant for just "messing around".


Thanks! Well compared to schleping the 8x10 around, it feels like messing around :D

austin granger
20-Mar-2012, 23:00
Change, Beaverton
Van, Columbia River Gorge


Chris Strobel
21-Mar-2012, 00:28
Always enjoy your work Austin

21-Mar-2012, 03:02
Tree farm near Portland, November 2011. Fuji GSW690II, Ilford HP5+ in HC-110 dil. B.



Jay DeFehr
21-Mar-2012, 08:13
Tree farm near Portland, November 2011. Fuji GSW690II, Ilford HP5+ in HC-110 dil. B.

A very interesting image, Jonathan. The skewed scale is emphasized by your camera angle, the low sun, and the dramatic sky. I love the 6x9 format, and very nearly bought a Fuji like yours. One day, I will.

In the meantime here's another from my RB67 -

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7061/7002930233_2fb8a441bb_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jay_defehr/7002930233/) Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jay_defehr/7002930233/) by Jay DeFehr (http://www.flickr.com/people/jay_defehr/), on Flickr

21-Mar-2012, 08:44
Another shot at the cabin playing around with flashes and sparklers.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3068/2906705386_48337b53a1_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/2906705386/)


21-Mar-2012, 14:26

Nicely balanced lighting. Looks great.



Another fine portrait. My wife said she would sit for me, but now I have to sort out some lighting and a backdrop. Oh, and some poses!


Jay DeFehr
21-Mar-2012, 14:48

Very cool!


I'm just learning, too. It's much easier to light a close up than a 1/2 length or full length shot, because the lights can be closer to the subject, and so don't need to be as bright, but on the other hand, the closer the light, the higher the contrast. I don't pose, I wait. Julia is very comfortable and has ideas of her own. I push the shutter button when I think she's ready. It might take some time, but repeated shooting with a willing collaborator will eventually yield good results, so stay at it. Good luck!

Another from the same roll:

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7224/7004084363_85e14562f9_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jay_defehr/7004084363/) Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jay_defehr/7004084363/) by Jay DeFehr (http://www.flickr.com/people/jay_defehr/), on Flickr

21-Mar-2012, 15:21

Very cool!


I'm just learning, too. It's much easier to light a close up than a 1/2 length or full length shot, because the lights can be closer to the subject, and so don't need to be as bright, but on the other hand, the closer the light, the higher the contrast. I don't pose, I wait. Julia is very comfortable and has ideas of her own. I push the shutter button when I think she's ready. It might take some time, but repeated shooting with a willing collaborator will eventually yield good results, so stay at it. Good luck!

Another from the same roll:

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7224/7004084363_85e14562f9_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jay_defehr/7004084363/) Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jay_defehr/7004084363/) by Jay DeFehr (http://www.flickr.com/people/jay_defehr/), on Flickr

What lens on the RB? What film did you use? Are these scans of negatives or prints?

21-Mar-2012, 15:23

Messing around with the little camera in the front yard.

How little?

Jay DeFehr
21-Mar-2012, 15:41
What lens on the RB? What film did you use? Are these scans of negatives or prints?

150mm SF-C, Adox CHS 50 ART, neg scan, Epson 4490.

21-Mar-2012, 16:20

Nicely balanced lighting. Looks great.


Thanks, Jonathan. These shots are fun to do. I like doing portraits too but never get willing subjects. They are all too worried about what they look like. One of the most economical portrait lighting is simply hanging diffusion on a window and using a bounce reflector for fill. No need for a fancy flash meter or using a digital camera for one with that setup.


Very cool!

Thanks, Jay. Are these portraits developed in your new developer?

Jay DeFehr
21-Mar-2012, 17:41
Thanks, Jonathan. These shots are fun to do. I like doing portraits too but never get willing subjects. They are all too worried about what they look like. One of the most economical portrait lighting is simply hanging diffusion on a window and using a bounce reflector for fill. No need for a fancy flash meter or using a digital camera for one with that setup.

Thanks, Jay. Are these portraits developed in your new developer?

Hi Tuco,

Yes, these are developed in Obsidian Aqua, 1:500, 12:00, 70F, agitated 10 seconds/ 3 minutes.