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Frank Petronio
9-Dec-2011, 00:02
It that the same beach where that guy destroyed his Canon 5D mk2 and posted the video on YouTube and it got so many hits that B&H replaced it as a promo?

Gotta do a shot of Boring, Oregon next please.


Frank Petronio
9-Dec-2011, 00:09
Went for an aeroplane ride once....





Frank Petronio
9-Dec-2011, 00:13
But we crashed into the lake and only this roll of film was recovered.


Tom J McDonald
9-Dec-2011, 00:38
Hey, I have that print.

Frank Petronio
9-Dec-2011, 00:43
I fished it out of the lake!

austin granger
9-Dec-2011, 08:58
Those are great Frank. I especially like the first one, of the boy looking out the window.

austin granger
9-Dec-2011, 09:22
Gotta do a shot of Boring, Oregon next please.

There's nothing of interest in Boring. It's a photographic black hole.

9-Dec-2011, 10:24
It that the same beach where that guy destroyed his Canon 5D mk2 and posted the video on YouTube and it got so many hits that B&H replaced it as a promo?

I saw that video and I immediately thought it was south end of Cannon Beach looking north. But with that peekaboo view all I could figure is was highly probable.

9-Dec-2011, 10:32
Those are great Frank. I especially like the first one, of the boy looking out the window.

+1 on that. That's a great shot.

9-Dec-2011, 17:41
The living and the dead, Dunes City, Oregon, on a foggy day.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7028/6470314883_cf918d0334_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/6470314883/)


9-Dec-2011, 19:30
Nice flying pix Frank!

9-Dec-2011, 19:39

Samsung acclaim phone cam. overcast day at the range. Small format rifle is a Savage mark-II target 22 btvs (in special colors as a limited edition fundraiser for the US biathlon team at the Vancouver Olympics) Five rounds of wolf match target at 50 yards while sitting.

9-Dec-2011, 20:06
The living and the dead, Dunes City, Oregon, on a foggy day.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7028/6470314883_cf918d0334_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/6470314883/)



9-Dec-2011, 23:35
The living and the dead, Dunes City, Oregon, on a foggy day.


That one I had not seen before and it is very nice.



10-Dec-2011, 09:38


That one I had not seen before and it is very nice.



Thanks. It was just developed last week.

10-Dec-2011, 12:31
The living and the dead, Dunes City, Oregon, on a foggy day.

Very nicely seen!


Joseph O'Neil
10-Dec-2011, 12:38
Nikon D7000, Zeiss 85mm F1.4 lens, wide open. Took it a couple months ago. It won a photo contest held by CTV London, and I won athousand dollar gift certificate at the local photo store shain (Henrys) this past Monday. You can see for yourself at:


My daughter was excited until my wife told her that Henrys was a photo store, and only sold cameras, etc. :) So I had to spend the whole thing on photography. :D

If you are wonderig what I bought, I went for a second D7000 body. I was going to wait untilthe Boxing day sales and see what deals were to be had, but because of the floods in Thailand, the number of Nikon DSLR boides are veyr low here in Canada. I think at the time - this was last Tuesday - Henry's had something like four or five D7000s in their enitre chain across Canada 9about 30 + stores I think). I stand to be corrected, but the D7000 body I grabbed was the last one not only in London, but all of SW Ontario that Henry's had in stock. maybe other chains had some D7000s, but the gift card was for Henrys.

Anyhow, been putting both my D7000 bodies to good use.

10-Dec-2011, 13:38
Congrats, Joe! An interesting "Photograph the videophotographer" theme.

austin granger
10-Dec-2011, 14:28
The Inside of my Eyeball!

Image by Jeffrey Harris O.D.
Subsequent fiddling by Austin Granger
For the curious, this is a view of my retina. The bright, circular area is the optic disc, where the optic nerves head out to the brain.


10-Dec-2011, 15:53
Nikon D7000, Zeiss 85mm F1.4 lens, wide open. Took it a couple months ago. It won a photo contest held by CTV London, and I won athousand dollar gift certificate at the local photo store shain (Henrys) this past Monday. You can see for yourself at:

Congrats! That's awesome. Though I personally would have cashed in on something that I didn't already have.

Roger Cole
11-Dec-2011, 16:18
Frank's flying photos spurred me to post some of mine. Since my other expensive hobby is flying I've shot a few while piloting and a few others from the right seat flying with friends, but so far all digital.

Nikon Coolpix 995 digisnapper: Sunset on the marina at Lake Lanier, GA taken on my first flight with passengers after getting my private pilot's certificate, when I took up a friend and her then five year old son who loved airplanes:


11-Dec-2011, 20:44
I just got back last night from our yearly family visit to France.
We did a couple of side trips which are often a perfect occasion for shooting.
I chicken out and did not take the 4x5. Instead I took a MF light travel set-up. Pentax 67 with two lenses 75mm SHIFT and 200/4 for tripod work and Autocord for handheld.
I actually did a fair bit of handheld with the 67 and really liked it.

Starting to develop the many rolls.

P67 200/4 Across 100 Divided Pyrocat HD Pano two shots


This roll was almost a write-off as the plastic had broken which created a light leak on the exposed roll :eek:



Gary Tarbert
12-Dec-2011, 04:08
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7013/6498129141_57c7538a93_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/71920785@N02/6498129141/)
dune abstract1 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/71920785@N02/6498129141/) by gary1746 (http://www.flickr.com/people/71920785@N02/), on Flickrhi , Just playing around with angles with a digicam on a LF shoot , Cheers Gary

12-Dec-2011, 07:24
It looks like there is a problem with storing the image at Zenfolio.
Let's try again




12-Dec-2011, 09:56
It looks like there is a problem with storing the image at Zenfolio.
Let's try again



Doesn't look like it. I see the post twice.

12-Dec-2011, 10:35
Frank's flying photos spurred me to post some of mine. Since my other expensive hobby is flying I've shot a few while piloting and a few others from the right seat flying with friends, but so far all digital.

Nikon Coolpix 995 digisnapper: Sunset on the marina at Lake Lanier, GA taken on my first flight with passengers after getting my private pilot's certificate, when I took up a friend and her then five year old son who loved airplanes:

If you panned to the right a bit I might could point out my parent's house!! (They aren't on the lake though, just a mile outside the park limits or so.)

Tony Evans
12-Dec-2011, 14:13
Mail Box, Tauberbischofshein, Germany, Sept. '11.


Contax RTS II, CZ (Japan) Distagon 35/2.8, Ektar 100.

Frank Petronio
13-Dec-2011, 17:56
Toni and some baby



Frank Petronio
13-Dec-2011, 17:57


14-Dec-2011, 21:02
The nice thing in France is to go to small towns and enjoy the quality of life.
We had lunch in this superb restaurant with excellent cooking set in an ancient cloister. There were also two walls with a collection of vintage Armagnac...the dog of the house got interested in photography :)

P67 75/4.5 Shift Across100 Pyrocat HD




14-Dec-2011, 21:14
Beautiful Luc! Do you have more of these on the web somewhere? I'd love to see more of them.


15-Dec-2011, 07:03
Beautiful Luc! Do you have more of these on the web somewhere? I'd love to see more of them.


Hello Jim,

Thank you very much. I store my photos on Zenfolio at http://www.LucBenacPhoto.com



austin granger
16-Dec-2011, 09:53
Tree with Graves, Portland


Tarp and Tree, Portland



16-Dec-2011, 17:35

Tarp and Tree, Portland

Ha, for some odd reason, it reminds me of dogs who like to stick their heads out car windows.

Tom J McDonald
17-Dec-2011, 05:46
I found 2 100 sheet packets of 6.5x9cm 'Mimosa Kiel' brand printing paper at the rubbish dump.
They were buried under literally hundreds of other loose sheets of paper that someone had opened and dumped into a big box with an old enlarger and some other crap.

Anyway, I got the paper home and did some printing on it straight away.
One is blue-black, the other a warm tone. I'm impressed with the lack of fog as this paper is definitely pre 1990, maybe even as far back as the 1960s.

Sanjay Sen
17-Dec-2011, 09:40

I would say that's a great find. And I love both the images. Well done!

Tom J McDonald
17-Dec-2011, 14:39
Thanks Sanjay, I've managed to get another 5 100 sheet pakets on ebay for 8 dollars :)

19-Dec-2011, 12:15
http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5063/5651272463_6398a59182_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/5651272463/)

New Portra 400, Jobo C-41 Press Kit

austin granger
20-Dec-2011, 10:13
Jesus, Portland


20-Dec-2011, 12:30
Another day at the 9-5

Nikon D3100
18-55mm Kit lens

20-Dec-2011, 18:36
Here's a couple of very different images. First is a camera-clubish digi-snapshot done with a Nikon L100 of my two housemates; should have skewed it a little more in PS. The cat is a sweet Persian mix, and the rabbit is a gentle non-hand-biting Rhinelander-dwarf mix. They get along quite well and often schmooze side-by-side for long periods. (The cat's eyes are actually clear--rabbit's odd-looking nose is because it is actually partly DETACHED, evidently from a bite by another critter.)
http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/8034/shadowbunny.jpg (http://www.freecodesource.com/image-hosting/view/img338/8034/shadowbunny.jpg/)

The second is a scan of a small crookedly-masked 3.25x4.25" vintage photo found in an antique store. On the back is the name "Floyd Hearst". Appears to be of a young railroad telegrapher--with a strong loupe I can barely make out on the chart behind him: BUFFALO, ROCHESTER & PITTSBURGH RAILWAY TIME TABLE. On his table is a "sounder"--basically a normally-open relay mounted on a hollow base; its clicking-and-clucking sounds were used to copy Morse code. Barely visible with a loupe are two "straight keys" on the right side of the sounder. I believe the odd device immediately beneath the chart is a magnetic strip with three pens or pencils held in metal cases--having sent and copied ham radio Morse code, pencils always seem to break at the wrong times, so evidently this telegrapher has extras.

The telgraph office looks somewhat rustic: the left side of his table appears to be supported by a wooden crate. The vertical wooden beam to the left of the chart appears under magnification to be unpainted and quite rough-looking, with hammer-head "owls eyes" visible.

Curiously, in the far left of the photo is the edge of a well-made desk--quite the opposite of the young telegrapher's improvised desk. Also on the far left is what appears to be a wall-mount bracket for a missing kerosene lamp; I've seen simalar ones in antique stores. I suspect the low-left light source was flash powder, but don't know for sure. There's only one catch-light visible in his eyes, and I don't think powerful incandesent light bulbs were in wide use when this circa 1900 photo was taken, so I assume flash powder was used.

Lastly, either there is a negative emulsion defect over the young man's earlobe, or he has a large cyst/wart on his ear--can't tell for sure.

http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/4885/rrtelegraph1.jpg (http://www.freecodesource.com/image-hosting/view/img534/4885/rrtelegraph1.jpg/)

austin granger
20-Dec-2011, 20:33
Truck, Sauvie Island


20-Dec-2011, 20:53
Some more from the same outing in the land of Armagnac

P67 75/4.5 Shift Across100 Pyrocat HD


P67 200/4 Shift Across100 Pyrocat HD


P67 75/4.5 Shift Across100 Pyrocat HD




20-Dec-2011, 20:55
Truck, Sauvie Island


This truck has a lot of potential, I trust that you will go back for a full session.

Talking of cars returned to Mother Nature, here is one of mine :)

Minolta Autocord TMY2@1600 Tmax Developer




21-Dec-2011, 02:11
Great composition Luc!

I suppose I cannot post these in the alt process thread. I read through the debate at the beginning of the thread and they decided no smaller formats even given the scarcity of good places to talk about alt processes.

Kallitype print - Great Sand Dunes NP
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7012/6547160655_2d5b44a1ce_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6547160655/in/photostream)

D300s original
Pictorico OHP digital negative
4x6 print on Arches Platine

Switching from a glass rod to brush has helped immensely in the coating. Also using 6 uv bulbs is much better than the sun and still cheap. Much heavier piece of glass compared to my first attempts so the prints are sharper. All is starting to come together! Now I just need to perfect some negatives for the gold/palladium toner that comes tomorrow :D.

Thank you Austin for the comment on flickr.

21-Dec-2011, 11:24
Wondeful image, Zaitz,

I use a combination of rod and brush. I start with four or so passes with the rod just to establish the coating area, and then I finish it off with a brush. Seems to take advantage of the best of both tools.


21-Dec-2011, 15:18
Wondeful image, Zaitz,

I use a combination of rod and brush. I start with four or so passes with the rod just to establish the coating area, and then I finish it off with a brush. Seems to take advantage of the best of both tools.


Thanks and that may be a good idea! I had problems with the edge of my rod causing minor scratches across the paper though. If I pressed any lighter the rod didn't want to pick up all the sensitizer and left gaps. So far I am only doing max 8x10 prints. But soon I'll try venturing to ~16x20. I just bought more than enough chemicals so I gotta use it up! :D

21-Dec-2011, 15:48
http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6053/6294945352_399a512090.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/stanislavkolarik/6294945352/)
Evy nohy (Eva's legs) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/stanislavkolarik/6294945352/) by ypres.bass (http://www.flickr.com/people/stanislavkolarik/), on Flickr

Bronica SQ+80/2.8
Fuji Neopan 400 in R09 1+50

21-Dec-2011, 18:34
While we're on the subject...
"Amandas Legs"

21-Dec-2011, 21:24
What do you do when you are bored waiting for your next plane at the airport.
You get strip searched by airport security :eek: no just joking :)

Minolta Autocord TMY2@1600 Tmax Developer


On the other hand it is a lot nicer to stroll in the street of Provence

Minolta Autocord TMY2@1600 Tmax Developer




22-Dec-2011, 02:51
A photo from my trip to the Redwoods in July. The original is on Neopan 100 I believe. This was on the Damnation Creek Trail in Del Norte State Park.

Kallitype - Redwoods
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7024/6553280377_78508cc937_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6553280377/in/photostream)

Printed as a negative on Pictorico OHP
Kallitype print on Arches Platine
Developed in Ammonium Citrate

22-Dec-2011, 08:07
Great image!

Peter Gomena
23-Dec-2011, 00:03
Gorgeous! Good job. You nailed it.

Peter Gomena

23-Dec-2011, 10:09
Tiny Dallmeyer 25mm F1.9 on G-1.


23-Dec-2011, 19:11
Great image!

Gorgeous! Good job. You nailed it.

Peter Gomena
:D Thank you both.

Here is one of my first gold toned Kallitypes:
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7024/6561924265_1401c51b03_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6561924265/in/photostream)

austin granger
23-Dec-2011, 20:29
Santa Clone Army, Portland

Happy Holidays everyone!

Sanjay Sen
24-Dec-2011, 08:34
A photo from my trip to the Redwoods in July. The original is on Neopan 100 I believe. This was on the Damnation Creek Trail in Del Norte State Park.

This is just beautiful! Well done, and please keep 'em coming!

24-Dec-2011, 09:32
Santa Clone Army, Portland

Happy Holidays everyone!

LOL! That rocks. Merry Christmas. :D

24-Dec-2011, 19:17
Woods backlit by the ocean and dusk sky. Nikon d300, helios-44-m39 58mm/f2 lens.


24-Dec-2011, 19:37
Kallitype print - Great Sand Dunes NP
Switching from a glass rod to brush has helped immensely in the coating. Also using 6 uv bulbs is much better than the sun and still cheap. Much heavier piece of glass compared to my first attempts so the prints are sharper. All is starting to come together! Now I just need to perfect some negatives for the gold/palladium toner that comes tomorrow :D.

Cannot say that I understand the process :o but I certainly like the results and I am sure that the print is probably miles better than it sho9ws on screen.



24-Dec-2011, 19:39
Santa Clone Army, Portland
Happy Holidays everyone!

I am on the edge between very weird or very cool - one thing is for sure is that your technique and vision is impeccable. Now whoever set-up this thing is another story.



25-Dec-2011, 00:06
Fujica GW690 and Ektar. A long way to go scanning and editing colour.

25-Dec-2011, 00:14
Same again.

25-Dec-2011, 00:43
Portra 160

25-Dec-2011, 01:14
Excellent, David.

It is wonderful when one hits the color balance just right and the print just snaps...at least judging from the RA prints I have made. I use to burn a lot of paper getting an image "right" -- it just seemed to me a couple units of M or Y made a big difference.

The image of the batch or cabin does look like the color is not quite balanced right yet, but that could just be my screen. The bottom image sure shows a situation we don't have to face with in B&W -- you have two different coloured light sources to deal with. The warm light of the direct sun light, and the sky casting a cold blue light on the surfaces in the open shade...especially reflecting off some of the tire surfaces towards the camera.

In the bottom image (tires), the use of a polarizing filter on the lens might save some work in the Photoshop stage. It might filter out some of the blue light reflecting off the tires. Assuming that is the way one wants to image to look like, of course. The coldness of the tires does help to create a even greater contrast to the warmer-lit vegetation. But the filter might do some of this by darkening the tires relative to the grass.


PS Just for fun, I dropped your image into Photoshop and hit "Auto Color" (nothing else). Still a touch off, but the difference was interesting. I am not competent enough to do much else with color in Photoshop right now. Just enough to get me in trouble!

25-Dec-2011, 02:27
This is just beautiful! Well done, and please keep 'em coming!
Thanks and hopefully I will! I wish I had more images to print. I need to go on another road trip.....:D

Cannot say that I understand the process but I certainly like the results and I am sure that the print is probably miles better than it sho9ws on screen.


Thanks! And I could not understand anything about the process a few months ago when I first saw some scanned Platinotypes. Took a lot of reading but I finally understand 5% of it :D! You are right, the print is just way better. It is discouraging looking at these scanned in. I am happy with a few of the prints but none of the scans.

Palladium toned Kallitype - Great Sand Dunes NP:
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7155/6568086363_346b3e7836_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6568086363/in/photostream)

With my remaining Platinotype chemicals I did my last 100% 'true' palladium print of the same image as above. It is identical in tonality to this palladium toned kallitype. So I am glad I switched to toned kallitypes to save some money and get the same results.

The gold toned version I like more as a print but can't get to look right scanned:

25-Dec-2011, 12:04
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7030/6546862029_6aef27f30c_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/6546862029/)

100ACR, NDX8 + O2 Orange Filters, PMK

25-Dec-2011, 12:39
It will come right soon enough.

Excellent, David.

It is wonderful when one hits the color balance just right and the print just snaps...at least judging from the RA prints I have made. I use to burn a lot of paper getting an image "right" -- it just seemed to me a couple units of M or Y made a big difference.

The image of the batch or cabin does look like the color is not quite balanced right yet, but that could just be my screen. The bottom image sure shows a situation we don't have to face with in B&W -- you have two different coloured light sources to deal with. The warm light of the direct sun light, and the sky casting a cold blue light on the surfaces in the open shade...especially reflecting off some of the tire surfaces towards the camera.

In the bottom image (tires), the use of a polarizing filter on the lens might save some work in the Photoshop stage. It might filter out some of the blue light reflecting off the tires. Assuming that is the way one wants to image to look like, of course. The coldness of the tires does help to create a even greater contrast to the warmer-lit vegetation. But the filter might do some of this by darkening the tires relative to the grass.


PS Just for fun, I dropped your image into Photoshop and hit "Auto Color" (nothing else). Still a touch off, but the difference was interesting. I am not competent enough to do much else with color in Photoshop right now. Just enough to get me in trouble!

26-Dec-2011, 13:51
Very different to the b&w version. Fujica GW690 and portra 160

26-Dec-2011, 14:14
That one again.

26-Dec-2011, 14:55
We had a few days for an outing in Provence.
One of the place I really enjoyed is the garden of the psychiatric yard where Vincent Van Gogh was a resident/victim(?)

Pentax 67 TMY-2 Tmax Developer

75/4.5 Shift

75/4.5 Shift




26-Dec-2011, 15:01
Of course there is no way that you would go to Provence without passing by the Camargue region

Pentax 67 200/4 Acros 100 510-Pyro 1:200







Frank Petronio
26-Dec-2011, 18:20

Lake weeds....

26-Dec-2011, 18:51
Low tide on Ossabaw Island.

12X17" carbon transfer print from a digital negative. Original capture was digital IR.


26-Dec-2011, 21:14
Since Sandy has just posted in this thread, I feel compelled to put a couple of images developed in Pyrocat HD :D

Pentax 67 200/4 Acros 100 Pyrocat HD 1:1:100

It is all about the pigeons...





austin granger
27-Dec-2011, 11:02
Inverness Ridge, Point Reyes, 2001


28-Dec-2011, 00:00
Cows placenta
Fujica GW690, Acros in standing Pyrocat M

28-Dec-2011, 02:26
6x9 carbon transfer from a 35mm negative.

austin granger
28-Dec-2011, 10:24
So many great pictures above me there! I almost hate to bring it down to this level, but ah... here's a porta potty:

Portable Toilet, Sauvie Island


Michael Graves
28-Dec-2011, 11:53

Lake weeds....

So Frank...she's not gonna see this,right???

28-Dec-2011, 12:30
For Allen in Montreal.....

Brian C. Miller
28-Dec-2011, 17:00
So many great pictures above me there! I almost hate to bring it down to this level, but ah... here's a porta potty:

Portable Toilet, Sauvie Island

Eh, ah, scratching the, er, bottom? of the barrel? :eek:
Now, why aren't you a founding member of Film Wasters (http://www.filmwasters.com)? Or at least you should have a guest gallery there! ;)

28-Dec-2011, 17:21
No toilet paper. Forgot which hand now, its not the one you eat with.

28-Dec-2011, 18:02
No toilet paper. Forgot which hand now, its not the one you eat with.

:D That one is going to be hard outdoor toilet picture to top. Maybe a good title would be, Be A Man And Use Your Hand. :cool:

Allen in Montreal
28-Dec-2011, 18:41
For Allen in Montreal.....

Thanks Tim,
I meant I hope Clive will post some images he takes with the 40mm.
Yrs ago I had an SWC with the 38 Biogon. Great camera, I sold so much stuff that I regret having let go as Digi came on the scene.

28-Dec-2011, 21:43
This is probably the extent of the garbage I would post :(




28-Dec-2011, 21:45
I guess that one would not be as much of a contrast between artsy graffiti and old brick town



28-Dec-2011, 21:47
So I will stuck with the more classic...




Brian Legge
28-Dec-2011, 22:33
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7035/6586918557_5aa4f4419b_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cannelbrae/6586918557)

Silly little memory, but one of my most recent trips to the UK was to visit my wifes family over Christmas. I think it was two or three years ago now. One of the most dividing positions was that over smoked salmon. I think it was her grandma who passed away a few years ago.

This image, taken while wandering around Pike Place a few days ago, reminded me of that visit for some reason. I think we'll probably be heading back again next year for the holidays.

29-Dec-2011, 09:14
No toilet paper. Forgot which hand now, its not the one you eat with.

LMAO. That brings a whole new meaning to "public toilet." :D

30-Dec-2011, 11:24
Palladium toned kallitype:
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7025/6601357183_a08b4a01f0_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6601357183/in/photostream)

A photo of Stella from early June when she was about 8-10 weeks old I think.

Found a good way to match the color of the Palladium print by using a warm gray duotone in CS5. The color here is pretty close. It was a small test print so you can see the paper texture a lot more. I ran out of transparencies for negatives! 60 went quick. Taught me to do small test prints.... 17"x66' roll on the way :D.

Nikon D300s + 300mm f2.8 af-i
Edited in CS5
Negative printed on Pictorico OHP
Kallitype on Arches Platine
Developed in Ammonium Citrate
Toned in Palladium

Sanjay Sen
30-Dec-2011, 12:45
Beautiful photograph of a beautiful puppy!

30-Dec-2011, 14:56
Beautiful photograph of a beautiful puppy!

:D Thank you.

30-Dec-2011, 15:39
Thanks Tim,
I meant I hope Clive will post some images he takes with the 40mm.
Yrs ago I had an SWC with the 38 Biogon. Great camera, I sold so much stuff that I regret having let go as Digi came on the scene.
Why not indeed?
Plan on using the kit mostly for environmental portraiture.

Peter De Smidt
30-Dec-2011, 17:09
Beautiful photograph of a beautiful puppy!


31-Dec-2011, 19:49
Happy nood year everyone! :D One more of Miss Wolfpup from 2011.

Canon Elan 7, Canon EF 70-200mm ƒ4L lens, Fuji Neopan 400.


31-Dec-2011, 20:13
Happy nood year everyone! :D One more of Miss Wolfpup from 2011.

Canon Elan 7, Canon EF 70-200mm ƒ4L lens, Fuji Neopan 400.

Miss Wolfpup looking good in 2011, what is in store for 2012 :)

Happy New Year to all.


31-Dec-2011, 22:53


Excellent tonality Sam.

1-Jan-2012, 09:30

Excellent tonality Sam.

Thanks. :D

Steve M Hostetter
2-Jan-2012, 08:08
Mark with his bike in Brown county IN

2-Jan-2012, 11:54
Miriam on New Year's Day.


Mamiya 645 AF, 80mm, Acros pushed 2 stops, saved somewhat by PS History brush :)

2-Jan-2012, 13:33
Sam, your post of Miss Wolfpup along with the post right before it has made my day.

3-Jan-2012, 01:11
Great emotive portrait Ari!

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7160/6626556417_b58e01da53_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6626556417/in/photostream)

D300s 135mm f/2 DC

3-Jan-2012, 09:35
Thanks, Zach.
I love the dog portraits, as always; great stuff!

3-Jan-2012, 21:22
A few shots from a revival on New Year's. My former roommate is part of a big gospel group that I am fortunate enough to work with many times throughout the year.

These are a little more processed than I usually do. I'm trying to make them a little more intense / stylistic. Shot with a Nikon D700 + 70-200mm f/2.8 or 135mm f/2 DC.


http://www.oceanstarproductions.com/photosharing/edit-2691.jpg http://www.oceanstarproductions.com/photosharing/edit-2865.jpg

3-Jan-2012, 21:34
Miriam on New Year's Day.

Mamiya 645 AF, 80mm, Acros pushed 2 stops, saved somewhat by PS History brush :)

ça a bien de l' allure ça mon gars;)

3-Jan-2012, 23:37
Corran I think those are great edits. But then again I process my files pretty heavily.

Thanks, Zach.
I love the dog portraits, as always; great stuff!

One more from the other day at the dog park. Steel trying to let everyone know he doesn't want to play. I think there is too much going on. The 135 kept more of the grass/branches. By that I mean the 300mm usually obliterates everything, and that seems to work well for what I want to get out of the image. Thinking about selling the 135mm. I don't think it's worth it for landscape use. And the AF is terrible for fast subjects like the dogs. I have no interest in standard portraits either, and if I did the 85mm Rokinon would work.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7019/6633152061_58bdd5e338_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6633152061/in/photostream)

On another note, do any of you have experience with AF lens problems? My 300mm f2.8 will sometimes lock up while attempting focus. It will make two distinct whirring noises and then won't focus. The really odd thing is if I point the lens/camera straight up at the sky the lens will be able to focus again. The focus ring is really loose I think. Very easy to turn.

4-Jan-2012, 09:45
Went to San Diego over the holidays. You can't get a shot like this with LF, at least I can't! 1963 Jupiter 3 Sonnar lens on G-1.


4-Jan-2012, 11:42
Thanks Zaitz. Don't get rid of the 135mm!! It's a very special lens...I think you'd miss it. I am finding more uses for it every day, when I need something with a little bit of "magic." I think that shot shows the character of the lens well. Yeah the AF isn't up to modern AF-S standards but...AF isn't everything!

4-Jan-2012, 18:45
ça a bien de l' allure ça mon gars;)

Merci, mon ami! Bonne année!

Rain Dance
4-Jan-2012, 19:47
Cant seem to paste photo URLs or something. Anyways here are some that I have in m HD now. At imperial Beach San Diego.

Rain Dance
4-Jan-2012, 19:49
While walking at the beach. Yashica D

austin granger
4-Jan-2012, 20:29
Lounge, New Year's Morning, Portland


austin granger
4-Jan-2012, 22:16
Along a Dirt Road, Sauvie Island, New Year's Day


John NYC
4-Jan-2012, 22:20
Along a Dirt Road, Sauvie Island, New Year's Day


Very nice!

Brian Legge
4-Jan-2012, 22:24
One of my favorite photos in a while. Not the best technical image - the focus was off due to a miscalibrated rangefinder, etc - but still a favorite.


4-Jan-2012, 22:58
Along a Dirt Road, Sauvie Island, New Year's Day

Has a nice subtle feel of tranquility for me.

4-Jan-2012, 23:00
Sand Dunes, Dunes City, Oregon, December Trip

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7147/6626293775_f0d4dedf7d_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/6626293775/)

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7026/6633553957_f1015715ac_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/6633553957/)

M7II, 65mm, 100TMX, Y2 Yellow, PMK Pyro

John NYC
4-Jan-2012, 23:02
Rolleiflex 2.8F, Portra 400
Williamsburg, NYC


5-Jan-2012, 08:29
A Fuji-X100-roid. On the way towards 8X10.
This camera has a couple of nice features - apart from being easily manual:-
a short, close-focusable pancake lens and a horizon leveling gizmo in the screen. Despite an enhanced latitude setting, it can't quite handle this sort of high-light, so here's is is a tone-map from 3 jpegs.

John NYC
5-Jan-2012, 09:14
A Fuji-X100-roid. On the way towards 8X10.
This camera has a couple of nice features - apart from being easily manual:-
a short, close-focusable pancake lens and a horizon leveling gizmo in the screen. Despite an enhanced latitude setting, it can't quite handle this sort of high-light, so here's is is a tone-map from 3 jpegs.

Wow! Please post the 8x10 eventually.

5-Jan-2012, 12:06
I must admit that that LeicaM9 is fresh air after the X100. Few features, nothing hangs out. Here's a Leicaroid on the same setup. (35mm Summilux) Lens length = film width so camera distance = set width.

5-Jan-2012, 15:41
An experiment - shot with a Nikon SP and the 50mm at f/2 with the front group unscrewed half way. Fujicolor100 film.


5-Jan-2012, 16:52

Every year I go up to a little spring fed stream near Mt. Rainier to check on a small run of Coho Salmon. The water bubbles out of the ground and only travels about a quarter mile before flowing into a glacial silt river that usually looks the color of chocolate milk. There were more spawned-out fish this year than I have seen in quite a few years.

YachicaMat 124
Ektar 100
Epson V750

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7014/6644020421_2800a5fb42_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jefferydavidross/6644020421/)

austin granger
5-Jan-2012, 17:25
Vanek's Shoe Repair, Beaverton


Peter Gomena
5-Jan-2012, 22:22
This image is quaint now, with echoes of main street USA from decades past. Just think what it will look like 100 years from now. Great shot.

Peter Gomena

austin granger
5-Jan-2012, 23:28
This image is quaint now, with echoes of main street USA from decades past. Just think what it will look like 100 years from now. Great shot.

Peter Gomena

Thanks Peter. Yes, the realization that this shop is doomed is what made me want to make the picture. I think I'll go back with the big camera, and soon; Beaverton is mostly strip malls and chain stores now.

Frank Petronio
6-Jan-2012, 10:30
Bummed about Kodak (she's a photographer too).


6-Jan-2012, 10:41

Every year I go up to a little spring fed stream near Mt. Rainier to check on a small run of Coho Salmon. The water bubbles out of the ground and only travels about a quarter mile before flowing into a glacial silt river that usually looks the color of chocolate milk. There were more spawned-out fish this year than I have seen in quite a few years.

YachicaMat 124
Ektar 100
Epson V750

I love the colors and reflective nature of this one!

6-Jan-2012, 10:43
But it's a dry (and brown) heat....Jupiter 3:


Frank Petronio
6-Jan-2012, 11:02
Also brown:



Gary Tarbert
6-Jan-2012, 16:00
Bummed about Kodak (she's a photographer too).

http://www.rangefinderforum.com/photopost/data/8647/d60_010412_maze_0145.jpgI like this ,I know how she feels ,Although i shoot Fujifilm(besides Tmax 100) it is a sad day for photography in general . Regards Gary

6-Jan-2012, 22:53
I love the colors and reflective nature of this one!

Thanks Garrett!

7-Jan-2012, 02:53
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7141/6646151109_327b49745b_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yo_tuco/6646151109/)

M7II, 65mm, Delta 3200, EI1600, PMK Pyro, Pentax Digital Spotmeter

Gary Tarbert
7-Jan-2012, 07:30
Hi i have never shot a nude on LF , Only ever done 2 shoots that are not partners .I want my next nude shoot to be LF , Now i have had a practice on small formats .Cheers Garyhttp://farm8.staticflickr.com/7159/6498830375_c64898f724_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/71920785@N02/6498830375/)
jd4 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/71920785@N02/6498830375/) by gary1746 (http://www.flickr.com/people/71920785@N02/), on FlickrNikon D3 85mm f1.8 lens

Gary Tarbert
7-Jan-2012, 07:40
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7033/6652922801_40ebde8ef8_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/71920785@N02/6652922801/)
10.01GT01Blue (http://www.flickr.com/photos/71920785@N02/6652922801/) by gary1746 (http://www.flickr.com/people/71920785@N02/), on FlickrHi , Another one same model same camera photoshoped a bit more Cheers Gary

7-Jan-2012, 12:13
They both look excellent!

Gary Tarbert
8-Jan-2012, 07:09
They both look excellent!Thanks:) Cheers gary

8-Jan-2012, 08:49
Sunrise through the Fog
Nikon 55mm Micro, D700:


Sanjay Sen
8-Jan-2012, 09:36
Beautiful, Bryan! I love early morning photos, but can never get up to shoot them.

8-Jan-2012, 10:03
Thank you! Oh yes, it's hard to get up sometimes...

austin granger
8-Jan-2012, 10:11
Bent Tree, Sauvie Island

Feathers, Sauvie Island


8-Jan-2012, 20:35
Merced River, long exposure...

Fotoman 6x17
Rodenstock 180mm

9-Jan-2012, 12:31
Sunrise through the Fog
Nikon 55mm Micro, D700:

I really like the mood.

9-Jan-2012, 12:48
Thanks tuco. Just sent that one out to be printed 10x14, so I'll post a follow-up of it matted/framed...

Peter De Smidt
10-Jan-2012, 17:21

10-Jan-2012, 17:59
Very nice work. What did you use?



Peter De Smidt
10-Jan-2012, 18:15
Hi Luc,

Thanks. I used a Nikon D200, 28mm Nikkor lens, Manfrotto 410 head, and a Gitzo tele-Studex tripod. I used two exposures, one for the windows and one for the rest of the scene. They were combined using masking.


10-Jan-2012, 18:30
I assume that it would have to be a multi-exposure but you did a good job blending.



Steve M Hostetter
10-Jan-2012, 19:10
Corran I think those are great edits. But then again I process my files pretty heavily.


One more from the other day at the dog park. Steel trying to let everyone know he doesn't want to play. I think there is too much going on. The 135 kept more of the grass/branches. By that I mean the 300mm usually obliterates everything, and that seems to work well for what I want to get out of the image. Thinking about selling the 135mm. I don't think it's worth it for landscape use. And the AF is terrible for fast subjects like the dogs. I have no interest in standard portraits either, and if I did the 85mm Rokinon would work.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7019/6633152061_58bdd5e338_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zboumeester/6633152061/in/photostream)

On another note, do any of you have experience with AF lens problems? My 300mm f2.8 will sometimes lock up while attempting focus. It will make two distinct whirring noises and then won't focus. The really odd thing is if I point the lens/camera straight up at the sky the lens will be able to focus again. The focus ring is really loose I think. Very easy to turn.

I have a 300mm 4.0 af-s that I let slip off my truck seat and it hit the floorboard but it was in it's case.. It started making squeeking noises when it focused so I sent it to Nikon and they didn't fix it. It still squeeks at the end on each focus but I just deal with it now

Gary Tarbert
11-Jan-2012, 06:30
Sunrise through the Fog
Nikon 55mm Micro, D700:

http://www.oceanstarproductions.com/photosharing/edits-3126s.jpgNice Work well balanced and very dreamy Cheers Gary

13-Jan-2012, 06:58
Here's the leicaroid from the 4x5 shot I just posted in the Still-Life thread. As usual, the digiroid has more balls right out of the camera.

13-Jan-2012, 07:39
Seems like it has been ages since I posted anything on the forum. Lets see if I can remember how...

#3 son and his dog Otis - Nikon F2, 85mm

Civil War reenactment - Rolleiflex 3.5 Planar

Civil War reenactment - Rolleiflex 3.5 Planar

13-Jan-2012, 09:05
Lexi Raven stopped in yesterday to listen to the Walkman! :)

Canon EOS D60, Canon EF 17-40mm ƒ4L lens, ASA 400.


13-Jan-2012, 10:04
...testing my new Fuji GW690III:

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7023/6689983025_9be4eb46c4_o.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/thicktheo/6689983025/)

15-Jan-2012, 10:39
Ancient Puebloan (Anasazi) Ruins. Hovenweep National Monument.


Pentax 67II, Fuji RVP 100F, Epson 3200/2200.


Mike Anderson
15-Jan-2012, 11:05
Lexi Raven stopped in yesterday to listen to the Walkman! :)

I think you should get her an iPod Nano.

Tom J McDonald
15-Jan-2012, 15:09
Mike: :)

15-Jan-2012, 16:25
Ancient Puebloan (Anasazi) Ruins. Hovenweep National Monument.

Pentax 67II, 55mm lens, Fuji RVP 100F, Epson 3200/2200.


Here is a much better (and larger!) scan of the print than the one posted earlier but the original print is still better.



15-Jan-2012, 22:23
I think you should get her an iPod Nano.

He he he. But her bush needs a Walkman.

Here is a much better (and larger!) scan of the print than the one posted earlier but the original print is still better.



That's freaky looking. Almost kinda like EIR, but watered down in intensity. Cool.

16-Jan-2012, 00:59
Low level flying at sunset:

Two CH-46's take off from Lake Assal in Djibouti, Africa. We are a little less then 500 feet below sea level here:

Some of the terain here is um... Colorful:
I'm hoping my 90mm for the Speed Graphic comes in and I get a chance to get back out there for a LF shot.

I'm planning on developing the film I took from this flight with the Hassy in the next day or so. I took the Seed Graphic with me the day before, I found out the hard way my 1L developing tank is 1.5L so not all of the film was developed. Oh well, now I know.

16-Jan-2012, 09:22
Kav, that second photo is excellent!

The terrain in the third photo looks like it could have some nice colorful abstract aerial possibilities if you were shooting with a 70-300 or something long on your DSLR. Would make some nice tones in B&W too if you weren't shooting too wide a view.

16-Jan-2012, 09:32
Just for my own imagination exercising, I converted to b&w and drew shapes on some of what compositions I think would look like on a B&W print hanging on a wall. Plenty of color possibilities too. If you get this view different times of the day, it's worth reshooting at different light angles for different shadows.

16-Jan-2012, 10:07
Low level flying at sunset:

Two CH-46's take off from Lake Assal in Djibouti, Africa. We are a little less then 500 feet below sea level here:

Some of the terain here is um... Colorful:
I'm hoping my 90mm for the Speed Graphic comes in and I get a chance to get back out there for a LF shot.

I'm planning on developing the film I took from this flight with the Hassy in the next day or so. I took the Seed Graphic with me the day before, I found out the hard way my 1L developing tank is 1.5L so not all of the film was developed. Oh well, now I know.

That's pretty cool! Semper fi!

16-Jan-2012, 10:28
Just for my own imagination exercising, I converted to b&w and drew shapes on some of what compositions I think would look like on a B&W print hanging on a wall. Plenty of color possibilities too. If you get this view different times of the day, it's worth reshooting at different light angles for different shadows.

To me a colorful terrain like that demands to be photographed in color and not B&W.


16-Jan-2012, 11:14
To me a colorful terrain like that demands to be photographed in color and not B&W.


I have to agree with this for those mountains. The coloring is just out of this world. If I would have known that I was going there I would have taken my Speed Graphic along with the digi and the Hassy. I think I got this in color with the Hassy too, but I could have gotten it in B&W. I just grabbed the Hassy when I saw it and fired off a photo. I took some with the digi just because no one would believe that it is that colorful. It's very striking to see in person.

I did have a 70-300mm, but once I saw where we were going I grabbed for the 14-24mm I was borrowing. It's just an amazing place to shoot and almost no one gets there with a camera due to it's extreme inaccessibility. Like I said above, if I get my 90mm Grandagon in time I'm going to see about going back out there with the Speed Graphic.

17-Jan-2012, 06:12
Fuji X100-roid. Thats a 120mm lens on 4x5 equivalent.

austin granger
17-Jan-2012, 22:21
Christmas Tree, Portland


austin granger
18-Jan-2012, 17:22
Florence, Oregon


18-Jan-2012, 18:35
Austin...perhaps I have just not done enough night photography in the past few years.
Details please - camera, lens, film, exposure, processing?
You managed to get great exposure on the building and the stars (Orion's Belt).

austin granger
18-Jan-2012, 20:05
Orion's belt! It's funny, when I was posting this, I was thinking; "I wish I knew what constellation that was..." So thank you for that. I really should know the stars better than I do.
As far as the picture goes, nothing special here. It was made with my Yashica Mat on Tri-X. To be honest, I guessed on the exposure, which was around 30 seconds at f11. The negative is a bit underexposed, but I didn't what the light in the 'tower' to totally blow out. I realize I could control this stuff better in the film development stage, but this roll was all over the place as far as light and subject matter went, so I just had it developed normally at my local lab.
Thanks for the interest,

18-Jan-2012, 23:03
Kodak Medalist is back
Last Sunday was the first time I put a full roll through my Kodak Medalist after it has been converted to 120. I love that camera

TMY-2 @ 800 in Tmax Dev 1+9



19-Jan-2012, 11:34
As far as the picture goes, nothing special here. It was made with my Yashica Mat on Tri-X. To be honest, I guessed on the exposure, which was around 30 seconds at f11. The negative is a bit underexposed,

Good enough guess. That would be around a metered 7 sec exposure for 400TX after accounting for reciprocity.

20-Jan-2012, 09:33
Young Becky Carlyle and I were doing some "tracking" this past week in the mountains. Yup, she hiked all the way down to the truss bridge with those heels on! :D

Canon EOS D60, Canon EF 50mm ƒ1.8 lens, ASA 100.


20-Jan-2012, 12:48
I compared the 1950s Canon 50/1.2, 50/1.5, and 50/1.8 here (http://www.flickr.com/photos/garrettsphotos/sets/72157628955481717/detail/). The 50/1.5 (Sonnar) at 2.8 is my favorite lens/setting from the multiple shots:


20-Jan-2012, 14:20
This was a digital test for a shoot I did a few days ago, with the final ones being shot with a different, more relevant outfit on the Hasselblad.


This has been adding to my ever-growing yet still unnamed irony series.

D200/85 1.8/2x SB-800s/1x SB-26

austin granger
20-Jan-2012, 15:48
Motel Room Geometry, Florence, Oregon



austin granger
20-Jan-2012, 15:51
Good enough guess. That would be around a metered 7 sec exposure for 400TX after accounting for reciprocity.

Hey Tuco! I had an incredible time at the dunes. I actually saw some of 'your' trees. :) Pictures coming soon. Thanks again for the tips.

20-Jan-2012, 16:06
Motel Room Geometry, Florence, Oregon


I like it! Very mid century modern.

Frank Petronio
20-Jan-2012, 20:25
Some female breasts for the dirty old codgers....


Peter De Smidt
20-Jan-2012, 21:10
Nice picture, Frank.

Frank Petronio
20-Jan-2012, 21:57
The funny thing is that I actually try to avoid those kinds of shots nowadays but I'm there and they want to do them, not me. And eh, it's not that it isn't interesting so I do them.

Alan Gales
20-Jan-2012, 23:41
Oh wow, to have your problems! :D

Nice shot, Frank.

21-Jan-2012, 09:43
Mine are bigger than yours Frank! LOL.

More Lexi Raven.

Canon Elan 7, Canon EF 17-40mm ƒ4L lens, Fuji Neopan 400.


Brian Legge
21-Jan-2012, 10:50

21-Jan-2012, 11:24
Mine are bigger than yours Frank! LOL.
More Lexi Raven.
Canon Elan 7, Canon EF 17-40mm ƒ4L lens, Fuji Neopan 400.


This composition is a great improvement over your previous offering. :p

- Leigh

21-Jan-2012, 13:09

This composition is a great improvement over your previous offering. :p

- Leigh

LOL! I like her bits too, but thought it was fun to take a shot at Marissa Miller on the other one. :D

Peter De Smidt
21-Jan-2012, 21:38

Tom J McDonald
21-Jan-2012, 23:20
Very good shot there Peter.

21-Jan-2012, 23:54


Frank Petronio
22-Jan-2012, 00:25
That's... cool Peter! How'd she end up?

22-Jan-2012, 00:31
A few from a drive through the backroads. Mamiya 645 + 80mm f/1.9, Tri-X @200, Xtol 1:1, N-1, Toned in PS, kinda a chocolaty black duotone I made:




John NYC
22-Jan-2012, 00:42
A few from a drive through the backroads. Mamiya 645 + 80mm f/1.9, Tri-X @200, Xtol 1:1, N-1, Toned in PS, kinda a chocolaty black duotone I made:




Nice! Love the first one especially, even if it does make me feel old and broken down!

22-Jan-2012, 00:52
Thanks! I'm going to print that one for my girlfriend, she loves it. But that's for another night since it's 3am...:)

22-Jan-2012, 01:30
Idaho City Idaho - Rolleiflex 3.5E - Kodak Pro 100

Brian Legge
22-Jan-2012, 03:20

Peter De Smidt
22-Jan-2012, 07:27
That's... cool Peter! How'd she end up?

Thanks Frank, and also "thank you" to the other kind commentators. She landed safely and made it down the hill without wiping out.

austin granger
22-Jan-2012, 10:06
The High Life™


Sanjay Sen
22-Jan-2012, 10:13
Peter, that is an excellent image!

22-Jan-2012, 12:35
Eureka UT - Rolleiflex 3.5E - HP5+

Ramiro Elena
22-Jan-2012, 13:12

This is awesome. Makes me laugh/smile.

Mike Anderson
22-Jan-2012, 13:38
{image of airborne sledding girl}

Wow. She's going to have a nice show and tell picture to take to school. (They still do that don't they, show and tell?)

Peter De Smidt
22-Jan-2012, 16:27
Thanks, Guys. There's more pictures of our sledding outing at: http://peterdesmidt.com/blog/?p=669

Frank Petronio
23-Jan-2012, 07:34
Meanwhile, the football game was engrossing and she got bloated from the pistachios....


23-Jan-2012, 07:43
Oh yeah, lotsa bloat going on there -- and the score was ...

Peter De Smidt
23-Jan-2012, 07:50
Darned pistachios!

23-Jan-2012, 09:46
The High Life™


That's a cheap haircut!

23-Jan-2012, 11:50
Did some nighttime work with my D7000.

Aircrew getting ready...
Shot with a 50mm 1.4D wide open

For some inflight refueling under the stars.
Shot with a 35mm 1.8G wide open and a night vision device between the lens and the camera. Illuminated by only by starlight.

Daytime photo of the same Helicopter:
http://kavanaughmp.smugmug.com/Deployment/Djibouti-2011/Jib-Vol-III/i-hQB5Gpq/0/XL/MPK5267-XL.jpg I have this same shot taken with my old Speed Graphic.

Frank Petronio
23-Jan-2012, 11:56
Those night shots are very cool.

Frank Petronio
23-Jan-2012, 12:00
We got some snow, killed some furry animals, and bought some pantyhose.


Peter De Smidt
23-Jan-2012, 17:22

Nikon Fm2n, 20mm Nikkor, HIE, #25 Red Filter, PMK Pyro.

23-Jan-2012, 22:51
Did some nighttime work with my D7000.

Aircrew getting ready...
Shot with a 50mm 1.4D wide open

For some inflight refueling under the stars.
Shot with a 35mm 1.8G wide open and a night vision device between the lens and the camera. Illuminated by only by starlight.

Daytime photo of the same Helicopter:
http://kavanaughmp.smugmug.com/Deployment/Djibouti-2011/Jib-Vol-III/i-hQB5Gpq/0/XL/MPK5267-XL.jpg I have this same shot taken with my old Speed Graphic.

Nice! The choppers look awesome.

We got some snow, killed some furry animals, and bought some pantyhose.


Nice one Frank.

Michael Cienfuegos
23-Jan-2012, 23:01
The High Life™


Maybe it's just my perverted mind, but what is a pink and white? For 45 bucks it better be good! :rolleyes:

Peter De Smidt
24-Jan-2012, 09:20

austin granger
24-Jan-2012, 10:08
Dead Trees, Oregon Coast



24-Jan-2012, 10:22
Maybe it's just my perverted mind, but what is a pink and white? For 45 bucks it better be good! :rolleyes:

That's getting your nails done. Put yer dirty mind to rest Michael! :D

Kirk Gittings
24-Jan-2012, 10:53
Dead Trees, Oregon Coast



Nice Austin.

Frank Petronio
24-Jan-2012, 11:06
Not dustbusting this one!


24-Jan-2012, 12:32
A few more:

I have to laugh some times while I'm flying around here. Sometimes it's mile after mile of brown, and then BAM! A few specks of green:

Random portrait of a random person:

The shore of Lake Assal, the lowest place in Africa. 509 feet below sea level, and just a few miles from the sea.

austin granger
24-Jan-2012, 13:21
Nice Austin.

Thank you Kirk.

24-Jan-2012, 14:13
The shore of Lake Assal, the lowest place in Africa. 509 feet below sea level, and just a few miles from the sea.

I really like this one!

Peter De Smidt
24-Jan-2012, 21:16

Michael Cienfuegos
24-Jan-2012, 22:26
That's getting your nails done. Put yer dirty mind to rest Michael! :D

Problems with being single for the last nine years :( . My mind is usually flowing in the gutter.

austin granger
24-Jan-2012, 22:34
The Pacific from Chimney Rock, Point Reyes



austin granger
24-Jan-2012, 22:35
Nice one Peter-great in black and white!

25-Jan-2012, 07:53
Nice! Love the first one especially, even if it does make me feel old and broken down!

Yes, it's a bit disconcerting to see the cars of my youth presented as rusted-out derelicts. And this one isn't even all that vintage, being one of those new-fangled Super Beetle contraptions.

Rick "Harumph!" Denney

25-Jan-2012, 08:06
The Pacific from Chimney Rock, Point Reyes



Austin, displays a great mood to me. It reminds me of the opening footage of an old series on TV called "Victory at Sea." Boy, I'm getting old. ;)

25-Jan-2012, 08:35
Austin, displays a great mood to me. It reminds me of the opening footage of an old series on TV called "Victory at Sea." Boy, I'm getting old. ;)

I've performed that great Robert Russell Bennett score (based on themes sketched by Richard Rodgers) many times, and the music attracts imagery at least as well as the reverse. All "sea music" since then has borrowed from it, and because of that even those who have never heard of "Victory at Sea" think if the ocean when it plays. It's one of those works that makes me glad I play tuba.

Rick "who'll be replaying that music in his head for the rest of the day" Denney

Peter De Smidt
25-Jan-2012, 16:39

John NYC
25-Jan-2012, 20:51
Austin, displays a great mood to me. It reminds me of the opening footage of an old series on TV called "Victory at Sea." Boy, I'm getting old. ;)

Reminds me of some of Robert Adams work from Oregon. Definitely holds its own against it! Congrats, Austin!


26-Jan-2012, 12:49
Sitting in the car on a conference call using the hands-free. Saw a pattern I liked through the windshield. The iPhone was at hand. I used Camera+ with 6x zoom. Optimal print size is perhaps half an inch tall, heh.

The trees are at Arlington National Cemetery.

Rick "3.8mm focal length, f/2.8, 1/50, ISO 80" Denney

Peter De Smidt
26-Jan-2012, 21:22

26-Jan-2012, 22:00
Roadside View, Nevada


P67II, 75mm lens, Epson Premium Glossy.


austin granger
26-Jan-2012, 22:11
Great picture Peter! Is that the Badlands? I've always wanted to go there. Anyway, great looking crew you have there-I'm not sure my wife and kids would be patient enough to sit around while I photographed.

Nice one Thomas! Makes me pine for a road trip to Nevada. Some friends and I get together in the Black Rock Desert every July but that's a long way away.

26-Jan-2012, 22:21
Thanks Austin. Winter in the best time to go!


26-Jan-2012, 22:23
Roadside View, Nevada
P67II, 75mm lens, Epson Premium Glossy.


The P67 is one of my favorite MF camera. Nice shot.

More from is older brother P67 with 75mm Shift





26-Jan-2012, 22:34
The P67 is one of my favorite MF camera. Nice shot.

More from is older brother P67 with 75mm Shift

Thanks lbenac. Your top shot is great. The white leaves made me think that it was IR but I'll bet that is the real color of the leaves on the tree. Great shot.


Peter De Smidt
26-Jan-2012, 22:38
Great picture Peter! Is that the Badlands? I've always wanted to go there. Anyway, great looking crew you have there-I'm not sure my wife and kids would be patient enough to sit around while I photographed.

Thanks Austin. Yep, the lf camera is aimed at the Stronghold table in the SD badlands. We had to get up at 3am to get there a little before sunrise, but the girls insisted on coming along. They're troupers. Unfortunately, the LF photography wasn't very fruitful.

Luc, those are both very nice.

26-Jan-2012, 23:00
Thanks lbenac. Your top shot is great. The white leaves made me think that it was IR but I'll bet that is the real color of the leaves on the tree. Great shot.


Yellow filter on yellow leaves :-)



26-Jan-2012, 23:01
Thanks Austin. Yep, the lf camera is aimed at the Stronghold table in the SD badlands. We had to get up at 3am to get there a little before sunrise, but the girls insisted on coming along. They're troupers. Unfortunately, the LF photography wasn't very fruitful.

Luc, those are both very nice.

OK now my wife is very patient - but yours is an angel ;)

austin granger
27-Jan-2012, 09:29
Some more dead trees:



Peter De Smidt
27-Jan-2012, 10:45
That's really nice, Austin.

sanchi heuser
27-Jan-2012, 10:57
Some 35mm snapshots from our Dublin trip last year.

I planned to go with 4x5 camera but it turned out that my girlfriend
had a little bit too much stress in the office the days before our holidays and she didn't
want "all the trouble and endless waiting", but just relax.
So we had some relaxing days strolling around Dublin and the beach and cliffs around

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7144/6759215139_7c192b0389_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/58013730@N08/6759215139/)
Dublin 2011 No.17

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7153/6761304865_8a90f5bdc9_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/58013730@N08/6761304865/)
Dublin 2011 No.22 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/58013730@N08/6761304865/)

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7146/6765858511_0e652cbdbd_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/58013730@N08/6765858511/)
Dublin 2011 No.31 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/58013730@N08/6765858511/)

sanchi heuser
27-Jan-2012, 11:06
Some more:

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7008/6757073435_0b831e5e1b_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/58013730@N08/6757073435/)
Dublin 2011 No.13 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/58013730@N08/6757073435/)

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7157/6770600433_b558313874_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/58013730@N08/6770600433/)
Dublin 2011 No.34 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/58013730@N08/6770600433/)

Ramiro Elena
27-Jan-2012, 11:48
I planned to go with 4x5 camera but it turned out that my girlfriend had a little bit too much stress in the office the days before our holidays and she didn't want "all the trouble and endless waiting", but just relax.

There should be an International Large Format Camera Lending Club so you could go anywhere and not have to carry any weight nor go through airport scanners with film.

sanchi heuser
27-Jan-2012, 12:23
Or a Mamiya 7II.

The transport was not really the problem, my girlfriend really needed a calm relaxing holiday.
I don't regret, she's more important than some boring photos:D .

But I like the snapshots that I got. They are not perfect, and editing them I found a lot what I could have made better, but some are really nice I think.

Peter De Smidt
27-Jan-2012, 14:31
They're interesting, Sanchi.

Sanjay Sen
28-Jan-2012, 07:55
Roadside View, Nevada

P67II, 75mm lens, Epson Premium Glossy.


Thomas, that is an excellent image! Love the composition, the colors, the light - everything.

28-Jan-2012, 11:01
There should be an International Large Format Camera Lending Club so you could go anywhere and not have to carry any weight nor go through airport scanners with film.

The LF camera thing may be a dream, but I do recall seeing a list of names and contact info for people that would accept film drops. You could ship your film ahead to these people and meet up once you arrive. This would avoid the hassle of film handling through the airports.

28-Jan-2012, 11:23
Thomas, that is an excellent image! Love the composition, the colors, the light - everything.

Thanks Sanjay. I like it also and plan to print a 11x14 for a print rotation in the Kitchen. This was my first print after profiling the scanner, monitor and printer. BTW, the white speck on the right was a large piece of something on the scanner bed.
