View Full Version : Fresnel lens for a Toyo 45G

14-Jan-2023, 13:02
Hi all,
I want to add a fresnel lens to my Toyo 45G. There are plenty on ebay atm, how straightforward is the fitting going to be? Am I going to need anything other that just the lens and a screwdriver to add it to my camera?

Neal Chaves
14-Jan-2023, 20:08
Put the plain ground glass in first, or if it is already there, leave it in place. Then install the Fresnel behind it with the with the lens surface down against the ground glass. It's easy, not at all like a Graphic.

15-Jan-2023, 03:48
Thanks for the comment, Neal. I was a bit worried that installing the fresnel in the Toyo might not be straightforward - the camera manual hints that it might be. I have installed a fresnel in an intrepid doing exactly the same as you advised above, and will follow your advice.

16-Jan-2023, 19:23
I have two Toyo 45 backs with factory fitted fresnel, one from a View 45G the other a Field 45A. Both are identical with the fresnel on the lens side of the ground glass. The fresnel clips onto the long sides of the ground glass and is sized to fit between the spring back's machined rails so it does not change the position of the ground glass. A non-factory fresnel screen may need to be fitted differently.

I've always believed that the fresnel should be on the viewing side of the ground glass, but the Toyo engineers seem to have made their system work.

Paul Ron
18-Jan-2023, 07:05


18-Jan-2023, 10:25
Yep, except that mine has a grid engraved on the matt surface. Installation took 10 mins, as per instructions from the seller (fresnel facing the back).

Neal Chaves
29-Mar-2024, 05:33
The factory Toyo Ground glass with Fresnel is quite different that that used by other makers. True, the Fresnel is on the lens side of the ground glass, but the unique construction does not add extension as in a Graphic. Plain ground glass does not require shimming, just install as a replacement. All G Toyo backs are the same.

A Fresnel can be installed on top of the ground glass, as is done by Sinar, Linhof and others, if you cannot obtain or don't want the expense of a new Toyo part. Personally, I don't like Fresnel lenses in a view camera, especially with the wide angle lenses I frequently use.