View Full Version : fERROUS SULFATE

18-Dec-2022, 21:51
Hellos -

I was going to experiment with wet plate in the coming months.
In my stock shelf I have an old bottle of ferrous sulfate.. cant remember when I bought it.

As I remember, is it not supposed to be green crystal?

The bottle I have is not. It is a sandy light brown, obviously oxidized.

Is this agent usable in this state? [dont have much experience with this agent]

thanks a bunch!


19-Dec-2022, 17:53
The stuff I have is also kinda old/low quality. I find the main issue is it produces a lot of sediment; you can get around this by mixing it as normal, then putting the bottle in the fridge for a few days, then filtering. After doing this (sometimes a couple times), the resulting developer will be clear and works fine.

A stir plate also helps get everything mixed thoroughly, I was having a really hard time getting potassium nitrate to dissolve until I got one.