View Full Version : 5x7 Shen Hao TFC-57-B

Chester McCheeserton
6-Dec-2020, 16:24
This is the non-folding, Ebony copy model, I'm wondering if anyone has any experience and could speak to the rigidity of the front and rear standards when locked down? Or just the smoothness and ease of use of this camera in general? esp the lockdown knobs...

additionally were different models made? like one that was horizontal only and one that allowed the back to be rotated for vertical....

Or if this has been discussed on here before, please post a link... I searched but could not seem to find anything concrete

Chester McCheeserton
8-Dec-2020, 18:45
Dang – crickets.

Where my Shen Hao non-folder crew at?

Oren Grad
8-Dec-2020, 19:06
I *think* that the TFC57-A is horizontal-only and the -B has a reversing back, but I'm not sure of that. The pictures of the TFC57-A on the Shen-Hao website sure look horizontal-only:


But there's no picture there of the -B model. The picture shown with the TFC57-B listing on the Badger Graphic website looks like just like the 57-A, but perhaps that's an oversight. Maybe Jeff Taugner at Badger can tell you.

Chester McCheeserton
8-Dec-2020, 19:30
Thanks Oren.

There's one listed on ebay ATM misspelled Shan Hao, (overpriced but piqued my interest) and based on those pictures I think you are likely correct.

I dug up some old threads on photorio, and didn't realize they were such a polarizing brand of camera. People either seemed to be extolling their virtues or slamming them using tired cold war and occasionally racist Merica first reasoning.

I'm just wondering if they lock down tight enough for my three minute exposures!

Keith Pitman
8-Dec-2020, 19:55
A couple of comments: I owned a Shen-Hao for a brief period—not this model. It was a very well-made camera. The negative on that Shen-Hao was that it was heavy compared to comparable cameras.

I’d suggest that you take a look at the Chamonix H-1. That is a 4x5 camera, but there is a 5x7 back available. I have one of these and it is well made with all the movements you need.

Good luck on your evaluation.

Oren Grad
8-Dec-2020, 20:57
I think the 5x7 back for the Chamonix H cameras is horizontal-only.

Larry H-L
9-Dec-2020, 09:45
Hmm, this looks somewhat similar in design to my Shen 4x5 XPO, non-folding camera. Mine does both vertical and horizontal, and it has been a good solid camera, smooth to operate. My only complaint is that silver rod-like knob under the front standard that can be difficult to grab and adjust with a gloved hand. A bit heavy, but nothing else to complain about.

Chester McCheeserton
9-Dec-2020, 13:28
Thanks Keith and Larry, appreciate the comments. The Chamonix H-1 with the 5x7 back sounds good, altho too bad about horz only. I wish they had a picture of it on their website.