View Full Version : Sidekick processing, trying to work out the bugs

5-Apr-2020, 09:38
I have been trying to get a Sidekick SSK-8R processor working. After correcting heating and hose routing issues I’m still getting check solution errors and streaks. The first check solution is when the process starts and it says check pre wet. Well I have the pre wet set to off so I have no idea why I’m getting the error. Once I clear the error it will develop and fix fine. However as soon as the rinsing starts I get the check solution error again before each wash. I have the rotation speed set to 40. I wonder if that is too slow. Here is. Look at a neg I developed last night showing the streaks. Also take a look and let me know what you think about my development time.


5-Apr-2020, 09:54
Are the 3 level sensors set ok?

5-Apr-2020, 10:45
Not 100% sure. I did see corrosion on #4 connection which I cleaned and re soldered last night. I’m checking all the sensors for correct levels now. I’m not sure if it’s possible to check the circuit. I dint have a schematic. Any idea about streaking too? I’m working on it now and am going to try a different 4x5 holder, but I had streaking on the beginning of a 35mm roll too.

I just recalibrated all the level sensors. Then ran the dump tube testing. Water is pumped into the heat tank but does not stop after hitting the last sensor. Just keeps pumping and going into overflow drain of heat tank. Eventually it will ask me to check preset. If I say to start it will start to pump water in the already too full heat tank.

5-Apr-2020, 14:03
I think the reason it won’t quit pumping during the dump test is that I’m using RO water. I’m going to try tap water now. I have also discoverd the selector valve doesn’t line up.

5-Apr-2020, 15:03
I just ordered two new optical sensors and capacitors for the selector valve circuit board. I ill rebuild this, start using tap water, and cut back on the photo flo concentration. I'll report back next week on the outcome. Wish me luck!

6-Apr-2020, 08:24
Just talked with Jerry. He said my issue is with using Reverse Osmosis water. Here is his quote.

Hi Steve
The water your using is the problem.
There's no ions in the water which makes the water pass the ground signal from the sensor to the circuit board. Using tap water will fix the problem.
The selector valve when you first turn the unit on will always go slightly off port 5 , that's normal.

I already ordered the parts so I’ll just inventory them. I’m going to try it later today. I’ll let you all know how it goes.

7-Apr-2020, 07:14
Thanks for the update. Jerry is the man on these, no doubt!