View Full Version : On Photography

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  1. Kodak reacting to growth in film
  2. 1950s Photo Studio is a Perfectly Preserved Time Capsule
  3. Efke IR 8x10 Shoot
  4. LA times photographer Robert Gauthier capture images with 8x10 camera
  5. The Holy Grail of LF Aerial Cameras Unearthed----literally
  6. 8x10 HP5 and J&C Classic
  7. History of Armenian photographers in the Middle East
  8. Neil Montana’s and Kodak Coloramas
  9. Film Noir Portraits
  10. Ilford Master Printer NEW
  11. Andy Grundberg, former NYT's art critic and whereabouts
  12. Jeff Wall
  13. World Premiere Virtual Screening of Beyond the Bolex
  14. Rare Collection of Early-Color Photos That Can Never See the Light of Day
  15. Ben Horne 2022 Folio
  16. QT Luong Our Benefactor #3 Book USA National Monuments
  17. A rare photographer you may wish to know
  18. Lunchtime July, 1942
  19. Alys Tomlinson—Large Format Photographer
  20. 10 greatest living photographers
  21. 8x10 In The Snow & The C-C-Cold!
  22. Edward Curtis
  23. More Fun In The Snow!
  24. Best Carbon Print Video
  25. Never again
  26. Steve Fitch's 1970s Drive-in Movie Theaters
  27. Walker Evans on Shorpy
  28. Art Sinsabaugh
  29. Gestalt Photography
  30. Balloon Photography
  31. Susan Sontag..
  32. Name/Guess the Artist...
  33. Happy Birthday Ansel 121 years since Birth
  34. the question of the last 110 years
  35. Exposing Muybridge
  36. Name/Guess the artist/photographer# 2
  37. Name/Guess the artist/photographer# 3
  38. Name/Guess the artist/photographer# 4
  39. Name/Guess the artist/photographer# 5
  40. Name/Guess the artist/photographer# 6
  41. Name/Guess the artist/photographer# 7
  42. Photographer Evelyn Hofer’s Timeless Portraits Get a Second Look
  43. AGAIN! Richard Avedon’s Overwhelming Murals
  44. Photo Booth Prints Very Old
  45. Did Eugene Atget Pay Me A Visit?
  46. Mike Rowe: Bringing Da Vinci's Last Supper To Life
  47. What's The Worst That Could Happen?
  48. What Ordinary Family Photos Teach Us About Ourselves
  49. Our Shared Images
  50. Big Year Birding Hobby to Biz
  51. Photos in American History 1890-1950
  52. Book or documentary recommendations for 4x5 Slide Portraiture?
  53. Hoya Starscape Light-Pollution Camera Filter
  54. Ansel Adams show in SF
  55. 'Celestial lottery:' We are one year away from another solar eclipse in Southern Illi
  56. The Turin Horse
  57. The AI thread
  58. W Eugene Smith Biography - which one?
  59. Why do so many emulate ART by others?
  60. Artist Refuses Prize After His AI Image Wins at Top Photo Contest
  61. Watch "Artificial Intelligence Learned to Read Your Mind"
  62. Pee or Not
  63. Chimp Empire
  64. Big Dick, or Small Dick?
  65. Have you ever purchased a silver gelatin print from a living photographer?
  66. John Wimberley - film ?
  67. James Nachtwey - Memoria
  68. The Unknown Photographer Homage
  69. Photo Buttons Politics Not
  70. Weegee and Gilden with a splash of Arbus but with the dance moves of Alec Soth
  71. Emulsion Photograghy is now RETRO or not?
  72. Jim Becia Featured
  73. Sebatsião Salgado exhibit in Toronto
  74. Autistic Photographers NOT Images of
  75. Big print 62 x 62 inches
  76. HABS Purpose
  77. Goals
  78. My New "Guy Bourdin" Book
  79. Wind movement in scenes especially with large format photography
  80. Outing With Rare Efke IR 8x10
  81. History Question
  82. First Color Photograph
  83. Thought Experiment
  84. Deardorff History Wilkipedia
  85. The petworth penthouse
  86. Question for any who have read Way Beyond Monochrome
  87. The First Photographs Ever Taken of Iran
  88. Early Access: Spring 2023 Video Series (Episode 1)
  89. Handicaps and YOUR Accommodation
  90. Peter Gowland Expert Study 330 Poses
  91. Film production and Darkroom equipment
  92. The First Photographs Ever Taken in Rome, Italy (1841-1871) Gioacchino Altobelli & Th
  93. Watch "The City of Mounds: St Louis. Old World Images (1848-1899)
  94. Documentation Art to Art
  95. Cropping Negatives
  96. https://www.benhorne.com/
  97. "BBC History Of Photography Complete ( Episode 1,2, and 3) | For Photography Student'
  98. Bonding With a Camera
  99. Manda Coal Mine Revisited
  100. "1930s How Photographs Were Transmitted by Wire: Spot News (1937)"
  101. The Wreck of the Schooner "WYOMING", the Largest Wooden Ship in History
  102. Clyde Butcher's Visions of Dali's Spain: Full Documentary
  103. Simple Carbon Prints Book
  104. “Ziegfeld Girl”
  105. Real Blind Photogs?
  106. Wheelchair LF Photography
  107. "Great Female Photographers of the 19th and 20th Centuries" with Michael Hoppen
  108. "THE NEXT STEP" by Al Weber
  109. Edward Burtynsky exhibition in Montreal
  110. Ansel and….
  111. Ring of fire
  112. Pre WW II Happiness
  113. Copied @ ARTIC
  114. Anyone know Will Wilson (Tintypes, not me)
  115. Restoration 120 Years Old
  116. I fell off the horse...
  117. Flndlng Vivian Maier
  118. Watch "The Crit House - Masters - Vivian Maier" on YouTube
  119. Biggest Lie
  120. interesting videos
  121. Bevan Davies
  122. What's your favorite internet falsehood on photography?
  123. Saul Leiter aka Real Art
  124. Vivian Maier in France
  125. Propaganda as art WWW II
  126. Is This the World’s Highest-Grossing Photograph?
  127. "Man with a Camera" Starring Charles Bronson and (1960) on FreeVee is a hoot!
  128. landscape and nature photographer
  129. Elliot Erwitt 1928 - 2023
  130. The Story of Film
  131. Sometimes I can't see it until post
  132. Instax Win!
  133. HABS/HAER/HALS (new) 2023 website and donation information
  134. The "Great Ivy League Nude Posture Photos Scandal."
  135. ART in the 21 Century
  136. 1871 Baseball Card Full Set
  137. Mike Kelly
  138. Aero Chrome Book
  139. Art or Not
  140. Robert Adams and Gerhard Steidl Video
  141. Big Shots Andy Warhol
  142. ALT Print Adventure
  143. ?Mentor Patron Bookmaker
  144. Grain check
  145. good video
  146. Interesting article in the local news today.
  147. C Print Chicago
  148. What is a Photograph?
  149. Ansel Adams Interview/ 1983
  150. Hard Time Photographing During A Snow
  151. Photographing In Fog & Snow
  152. Has Digital Changed Darkroom Printing?
  153. Video about building f0.3 Large Format Video system
  154. Fakes? AI? PRINCESS
  155. Alys Tomlinson Video 0f New Project/Naples Italy
  156. Lukas Hoffmann
  157. Elitist Artist Only? LFPF...
  158. Just some thoughts, and a thank you.
  159. Earliest Eclipse Photo
  160. Karsh & His White C1
  161. Vittorio Sella
  162. Unknown signature - long shot, but any ideas?
  163. Tortured Bodies
  164. Riots
  165. More Civil War Photo
  166. Sandia Tonopah Flash Bulbs
  167. Nice interview with Alan Ross
  168. Echoes of the Civil War: Capturing Battlefields Through a Pinhole Camera Falco, Micha
  169. Nyt homage to the negative
  170. Film versus digital
  171. Original dry plate speed
  172. 1950’s Cars KODACHROME
  173. PBS Blind Photographer