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  1. Acid or Caustic to Clean Plastic JOBO Equipment?
  2. Super-XX processing
  3. Fomapan 200
  4. BTZS software?
  5. Negative stains
  6. Help me understand
  7. Radiation effect on exposed film
  8. Simple(?) Carbon & Bromoil Question
  9. Cheap darkroom
  10. Adox CHS versus Efke
  11. Unknown Agfa film
  12. Fuji Instant film
  13. Drying your 4x5"??
  14. Fuji discontinuing emulsions
  15. 5x7 Color Film
  16. E6 Help
  17. Alt print wanted
  18. Help me identify this notch code - please
  19. TF-4 Fixer Longevity?
  20. Wallner color analyzer - manual?
  21. Blue marks on Tmy-2
  22. Lith Developer Exhaustion
  23. Lith Developer Exhaustion
  24. polyethylene vs polyester for film sleeves?
  25. Please help me choose my color negative paper
  26. Tmy-2
  27. Marks on my negatives
  28. Light source power and distance ...
  29. Digital control of agitation in BTZS tubes and drums.
  30. Best Color Paper and Negative Film for Landscape
  31. Paper Negs...a beginner asks
  32. Want to Learn Platinum Printing
  33. Ilfochrome Chemistry Replenishers
  34. Pls Help Diagnosing Problem
  35. HK MR 2000 enlarger?
  36. Help on Polaroid 8x10 (81-05 holder)
  37. Suggestions for 4x5 Development in an Apartment
  38. Dissolving Sodium Ascorbate in O-solvent
  39. Help! On removing dust from negs before enlarging
  40. Delivery of Lodima Paper
  41. Help on C41 processing please..!
  42. Super-XX in PMK suggestions
  43. Are the instant films sharp enough?
  44. Cutting down 8x10 film
  45. Cold light and Pyro
  46. Impossible films 'save' Polaroid photography from extinction
  47. Fix hardeners - what are they?
  48. Visible image stain, low general stain film/pyro combo
  49. Developer times for Arista Ultra 200
  50. Adorama paper
  51. The new Lodima paper
  52. Drymounting 20x24 Prints on 16x20 Seal Press?
  53. Where for E-6 Processing in the SF Bay Area?
  54. Washing 8x10 negs
  55. 4x5 b&w foggy problem
  56. 20x24 Polaroid - Status?
  57. Tmax 400 soft emulsion question
  58. magenta cast with E6
  59. RA4 developer exhausted quickly
  60. 100 ASA Film
  61. C-41 jobo processing
  62. New Jobo, C-41 ?'s
  63. WD2D+ developer
  64. New web site for Pyrocat developers
  65. B&W bigger than 20X24 Silver Geletan?
  66. RA4 tutorials?
  67. Moersch Finol (and Tanol) questions
  68. ID11 Recipe
  69. Metol, Sodium Sulfite, Hydroquinone, Borax
  70. Development time for ADOX 25
  71. TMX-100 developer??
  72. Fuji Film... a thing of the past.
  73. What to do (creatively) with fogged film?
  74. Fuji 4x5 Instant B&W Film
  75. Need advise on home processing
  76. Fuji having QL Change of Heart?
  77. Polaroid 8x10 revival?
  78. Ideal Developer for Film to be Scanned
  79. Reusing chemistry from a Jobo ATL
  80. 11x14 E6 processing
  81. Local Density Reduction for Color Print Spotting
  82. Motor Base for Jobo 3010? (EU)
  83. Is Kentmere disappearing?
  84. u.v lighting
  85. Emulsion lift with Fuji FP100 4x5
  86. Problem with Bienfang Release Paper
  87. Arista C-41 chemicals anyone?
  88. Does Amidol keep in water?
  89. Developing tank for taco method
  90. Temp Control
  91. Is it dry plate?
  92. ADOX CHS 100 ART and strange markings
  93. Lodima contact printing
  94. Grrr, cats!
  95. Any Wet Platers in PHX want to share KCN
  96. Better result with tray or tank developing?
  97. Black and White neg processing--update?
  98. Low contrast RA4 paper?
  99. Developer Exhaustion Confusion
  100. Cheapest way to shoot 4x5? Film/developing
  101. Re: When to use 8 ply mat board
  102. Develop E6 8x10 using ATL 1500 and how to avoid slide sticking to the wall?
  103. halo around edges of 11x14 print?
  104. Tetenal E-6 Date Codes
  105. Mixing Collodion
  106. Hmm quite a strange request but I can not resist anymore...
  107. Processing E-6 films into black-and-white negatives
  108. Proper Disposal
  109. Impossible Project
  110. Xtol failure revisited
  111. Fuji Velvia 50 Quickload
  112. Adjusting to a World Without Quickloads
  113. Zone VI Pure Hypo gets the axe from Calumet
  114. Scratch on negatives - what went wrong?
  115. kodak developer rs and replenisher
  116. Zone VI chemicals are gone - Calumet confirms
  117. All color reversal processes?
  118. Wet Plate ... silver bath ph ??
  119. Drying 4x5 sheets w/o scratches
  120. Color negative sheet film availablity 2010
  121. Determining test prints
  122. New Ilford Positive Papers.
  123. Semi-stand and Portraiture
  124. Color of unclear anti-halation dye on TMY-2
  125. Darkroom ventilation problem?
  126. Where did 4x5 Velvia Sheet Film go ?
  127. 4x5 edges less development with Jobo CPA2 and 3010 drum
  128. Shooting/processing challenge.
  129. Jobo CPE 2-Plus + 2551 = Chemicals?
  130. JOBO 2551 magnet
  131. Seagull FB-VC Formula Change?
  132. Selenium toning dumb question of the day
  133. Dip and Dunk vs Inversion
  134. Unicolor tank and 8x10 film developing
  135. Densitometer question
  136. shipping film
  137. Bostick & Sullivan Pyro PMK developer - HELP
  138. Kodak E-6 and C-41 Stablizer: Compatable?
  139. AARGHH!! what IDIOTS! AMATEURS and so on...
  140. pyro developer, but which?
  141. Why can't I...
  142. Hp5 + Perceptol + Jobo 2553
  143. 11x14 Kodak B&W 50 ASA film
  144. Fiberglas Darkroom Sink Question
  145. Huge grain????????
  146. print flattener
  147. Glass beads and my developer...
  148. Pulling HP5+ (4 Stops!)
  149. Rodinal with Metol?
  150. Jobo Lift and Big Tanks: "Jaw Thrust" technique...
  151. Failure First Attempt
  152. Lodima Paper Times
  153. 5x7 color film available
  154. B&W sheet film imperfection or processing problems?
  155. My first E-6
  156. Kodak: how many sheets per emulsion?
  157. Polarid 57
  158. Efke 100 & Rodinal...Problems
  159. Kodak's C41 monopoly
  160. Calumet 8x10 Polaroid Processor
  161. Buying 4x5 in Istanbul
  162. Best Way To Process 2x3 Sheet Film
  163. Mottle-free development of LF C-41 films
  164. Frozen Film
  165. Vericolor II Type L, exp 1991
  166. Non hardening Fixers ?
  167. Efke IR 820 recommended chemistry?
  168. Developing FP4+ and Pyrocat HD; hold hilites but gain more shadow detail
  169. FP-100BW 45 - what the hey?
  170. Printing issue, light spots in one corner
  171. Negatives with purple cast and yellow spots
  172. JOBO Lift Roller Extensions Roller Block
  173. 6.5x9cm B&W Film Availability
  174. Hypo Check
  175. Using a step tablet. Please clarify
  176. edge name on film
  177. Color vs Print Film
  178. X ray film europe
  179. Slow film with bad reciprocity failure
  180. Ortho films, what for ?
  181. What times for developing Acros 100 and my other films in 4 x 5
  182. Fuji Instant--toning? Archival characteristics?
  183. Foma 100 in HC 110
  184. out of date large size fiber paper
  185. Rejuvenating old enlarger - Durst 138s Laborator
  186. Badger Graphic out of Fuji - where to buy?
  187. new to 8x10 B&W processing-Help
  188. Staining developers and scanning?
  189. What's another word for "fluid" ounces?
  190. How to process100 ISO rated at 50 ISO in stand development ?
  191. JOBO USA anyone home?
  192. Metrolux II Instruction Manual
  193. thermometer for those of us starting to play the trombone...
  194. Divided Procat HD
  195. 400 exposed as 100
  196. Rollei film
  197. E100G discontinued
  198. Jobo processing of Ektar sheet film
  199. Questions on Transporting Film
  200. Solution for removing Jobo Expert lid
  201. Jobo 3010 errors
  202. Extremely diluted developer top bring up a long pinhole exposure
  203. I'm looking for a book A professional approach to Cibachrome
  204. Turning FP-100C45 into sheet film?
  205. Spotting pinholes out of 4x5 negatives
  206. Oops! Efke 100 shot at iso 320
  207. Fixer "heavier than water"
  208. Foma Fomalux papers on baryta layer - specimens - free for testing
  209. sticky negatives
  210. Diagnose the problem: light spot using Fuji100c4x5
  211. pictorico film
  212. 8x10 contact printing in Fomatone Classic?
  213. Delta 3200 in 8x10?
  214. How to deliver for processing?
  215. Fuji Acros Boxes
  216. Pyrocat M
  217. Jobo 2509-N: 6 sheets or only 4?
  218. Spotting Pt/Pd prints
  219. Perfect drying clips or clamps
  220. Wet Plate Collodion Blank!
  221. developing infared
  222. Dust Marks
  223. Tetanol E-6 in Canada?
  224. 1950's dev info wanted
  225. Contact Printing — Silver Gelatin Application & Set-up
  226. Special order 5x7 film from Kodak
  227. darkrooms in residential areas
  228. Is expired film stored in freezer still good?
  229. Improving B&W resolution
  230. Fuji Acros - is the emulsion softer than in other films?
  231. Big boxes of sheet film
  232. Alt process light source
  233. Developing C-41 in Jobo CPE/CPA/CPP... Questions
  234. 7x17 Color
  235. Slave to the brand or cheapest price?
  236. Developing twelve sheets in a Combi-plan... without f*ckups?
  237. Plus X, 4x5
  238. Lodima users
  239. Fuji 4x5 Instant B/W - Available?
  240. how much water for soak washing fb prints?
  241. Sharp pyro developer that gives full film speed
  242. HP5 PMK push question
  243. Cleaning up Xtol
  244. Ortho Film & Platinum Printing
  245. Problem with Caffenol-C and RC paper...
  246. Selecting a Paper for Zone Calibrations?
  247. velvia
  248. Graded Paper Reccomendations
  249. BW reversal process
  250. In need of manual for a print washer