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Thread: LF lenses are expensive.

  1. #21

    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Sacramento, CA

    Re: LF lenses are expensive.

    What led you to that conclusion? 35mm Digital lenses are far away much more expensive..have a look at Canon's current Tilt-Shifting offerings 17mm and 24mm, both over 2k each! Big price to pay for having tilts and shifts and it's still missing back movements. As most have suggested...90mm f8 Angulons are cheap and produce excellent images.

    Quote Originally Posted by BetterSense View Post
    Any hints for finding cheap LF lenses?

    When I got into LF I somehow I figured they would be cheap, but they aren't. I'm used to getting really nice Japanese 35mm lenses for like $50. I suppose it's because LF was never as popular as 35mm was in past decades and it hasn't been replaced by digital at all really.

    Luckily I have a 135mm enlarger lens that I really really like and I got a free Tominon 127 off a process camera, but I've been looking for a wide-angle and they all seem to be several hundred dollars. I have a speed graphic so I can use barrel lenses but I haven't even seen any of them.

    I have very low standards and don't care about mold, scratches, uncoated lenses, or whatever. The way I see it, I read in my Ansel adams book that he used a 3-element convertible lens, and that's probably not a lens that would be highly regarded, and if it was good enough for him, it's good enough for me. So I figured I could find some cheap lenses but the thing is there doesn't seem to be a bargain-bin market for LF at all. I can use barrel lenses too because I have a working speed graphic, but I can't even find any barrel lenses on eBay.

    What's a good wide-angle for 4x5? 90mm?

  2. #22

    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Re: LF lenses are expensive.

    Lenses that don't appeal to the current manias are cheaper and can be cheap.

    So big heavy lenses are cheaper then small light weight lenses.
    Longer tend to be cheaper then wide angle.
    Unpopular names are cheaper then the in demand names.

    Barrels can be cheap if you're sure you never want a shutter.

  3. #23

    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: LF lenses are expensive.

    I'm seeing some good advice here. I'm no expert on the lesser known optics but it's a very good idea to learn about them so you can buy wisely. That said, I really have to disagree that the average LF lenses are too pricey at this time. In fact, they're often being dumped on the market for about half of what they were worth even fairly recently. People just aren't buying "stuff" right now. They're either saving or investing or paying off debts or they simply don't have the money. Of course, there are exceptions... new items and those in high demand but low supply.

    As others have said... learn/seek/find. It's very much a buyers' market at the moment for average LF lenses. By "average" I mean easy to find slightly older models. I'm not referring to lenses of questionable quality.

  4. #24

    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Rondo, Missouri

    Re: LF lenses are expensive.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike1234 View Post
    I'm seeing some good advice here. I'm no expert on the lesser known optics but it's a very good idea to learn about them so you can buy wisely. That said, I really have to disagree that the average LF lenses are too pricey at this time. In fact, they're often being dumped on the market for about half of what they were worth even fairly recently. People just aren't buying "stuff" right now. They're either saving or investing or paying off debts or they simply don't have the money. Of course, there are exceptions... new items and those in high demand but low supply.

    As others have said... learn/seek/find. It's very much a buyers' market at the moment for average LF lenses. By "average" I mean easy to find slightly older models. I'm not referring to lenses of questionable quality.
    I agree with you, Mike. If I wasn't up to my arse in college tuition bills right now, there are three or four things, I would jump on that are currently listed. My problem is that I'm a hobbiest and not a real photographer. I play with something for a while, get bored and sell it. Buy something new, play with, IT... a while and then sell it. I have made a resolution that this winter, I am going to SHOOT. I started a project a couple of years ago trying to find order in the chaos of ice formations along side of the road. I will return to that.

    Of course, to do it, I'm going to need a.....
    Michael W. Graves
    Michael's Pub

    If it ain't broke....don't fix it!

  5. #25

    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Re: LF lenses are expensive.

    Don't know, brand new fansy multi-shmulty apo-shmapo are expensive for sure, but there a whole world of cheap used / old classics.. I can't sell my Carl Zeiss 9/450 apo Tessar for 90 Euro... Maybe it is TOO expensive?

  6. #26

    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Zayante, CA

    Re: LF lenses are expensive.

    Better Sense,
    I don't know if it OK to post this here, but I hesitate to post it in the for sale section. I have a 180mm/5.6 Symmar S that I can let go of for $100.00. It has a mangled front filter ring/threads from being dropped, and semi straightened by a local Camera Repair guy. It still works fine, I've used it about 4 years since it was dropped and I have a Skylight filter jammed onto the front, to use other filters. I've bought another 180/5.6, so I don't need ths one anymore. $100.00 including shipping within the Continental US.

  7. #27

    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: LF lenses are expensive.

    ^^^ I don't use filters so I would jump on that if I needed a 180mm. Heck, the shutter alone is probably worth more than $100.

  8. #28

    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    S.W. Wyoming

    Re: LF lenses are expensive.

    A point to consider - price is relevant to the ability or desire to pay it. I'm a professional bottom feeder. I buy obscure and "low class" stuff. I will have to agree, though, that used high quality optics are selling for far less these days, I can't afford it. Nor do I particularly need it. That, in my case, makes it too expensive. I think that's a valid point that a lot of folks overlook. I won't buy what I can't hand over the cash for. Cash!

  9. #29

    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    San Joaquin Valley, California

    Re: LF lenses are expensive.

    You can always find "experienced" (leaky bellows) folders on ebay for a couple of bucks and pop the lens & shutter off 'em.
    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

  10. #30

    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    San Marcos, CA

    Re: LF lenses are expensive.

    If you think LF lenses are expensive now, just wait and see where prices go when the economy picks up.

    I'd love to in a position to buy now, and get the several lenses that are on my wish list. I'm guessing they will be selling for a lot more in the next year or so.

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